Seddique Mateen attends Clinton rally- front and center


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
Yes, the Pulse terrorists' father. In St Pete, 80 miles from Orlando.

First, it's good to see that Mateen isn't letting the fact that his son-turned-terrorist massacred 50 people just 2 months ago stand in the way of doing his DNC duty to pay homage to the Anointed One in person.

Second, it's great seeing the left wing defense of the guy being there. It makes sense. He must be thrilled that they've managed to remove the entire spotlight from his son and instead direct the blame at the NRA and people like Marco Rubio. He probably increased his I'm With Her donations in gratitude.

BIg question: how long until Trump makes this into an ad?
Yes, the Pulse terrorists' father. In St Pete, 80 miles from Orlando.

First, it's good to see that Mateen isn't letting the fact that his son-turned-terrorist massacred 50 people just 2 months ago stand in the way of doing his DNC duty to pay homage to the Anointed One in person.

Second, it's great seeing the left wing defense of the guy being there. It makes sense. He must be thrilled that they've managed to remove the entire spotlight from his son and instead direct the blame at the NRA and people like Marco Rubio. He probably increased his I'm With Her donations in gratitude.

BIg question: how long until Trump makes this into an ad?

Ain't much money for him to do that. And it would only run in three states as it were.

The Dems are explaining it as, "he's a member of the democratic party and all members got invites."
When you hear the "He's just a good American attending a rally" nonsense from the D's, just remember that this asshole spent 4 years on his stupid YouTube channel denouncing the US and extending his support and praise for the Afghan Taliban. The people who were and are actively involved in killing US soldiers.
He also publicly stated that God will punish gays. He apparently told his son this after he knew that the FBI found cause to interview him 3 separate times. He also lied about his son's motives, claiming they were due to "men kissing" rather than an ISIS affiliation and an Islamic fundamentalist hate of gays.

If Republicans have to denounce every idiotic thing Trump says, why isn't Hillary required to denounce this shithead who sat 20 feet from her in the cheering peanut gallery?
Reason number a million why it should have been easy as hell to destroy Hillary in an election. But no, geniuses like boob, sir gal, boston, and cuck had to go vote for dump.

And they say we are wasting our vote. LMAO. Those four are basically voting for Clinton.
Ok genius please tell me how any of the other candidate would have won Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and or North Carolina. A few would have won one or two but it will take winning three or four of the five to win in November.
Ok genius please tell me how any of the other candidate would have won Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and or North Carolina. A few would have won one or two but it will take winning three or four of the five to win in November.

There were numerous amounts of data out there, Hillary voter, that several different candidates beat her head-to-head. THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDN'T, Hillary voter, was the effing orange raccoon. So you and the rest of the idiot Hillary voters out there conspired to pick the only person in the field who couldn't beat her.

Congrats, you just made abortion legal forever.
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There were numerous amounts of data out there, Hillary voter, that several different candidates beat her head-to-head. THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDN'T, Hillary voter, was the effing orange raccoon. So you and the rest of the idiot Hillary voters out there conspired to pick the only person in the field who couldn't beat her.

Congrats, you just made abortion legal forever.
oh if only popular vote elected the president, have you heard of something called the electoral college? Good thing I'm pro choice.
Ok genius please tell me how any of the other candidate would have won Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and or North Carolina. A few would have won one or two but it will take winning three or four of the five to win in November.

Says the person supporting the bafoon on the verge of allowing Georgia and AZ to turn blue.
Ok genius please tell me how any of the other candidate would have won Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and or North Carolina. A few would have won one or two but it will take winning three or four of the five to win in November.
please dont tell me you think Trump has a shot to even win one of those at this point.

To answer your question, boring ass Jeb Bush would have bored his way into a good fight for all of them given the controversy surrounding Hillary. Christie would have lost them all too though
Most every poll showed (or still shows) that Kasich and Rubio would have easily beaten Hillary and Jeb likely would have to.

But nope, we got the insane orange fellow who has pushed 1/4 of the party into not supporting their own nominee.
Most every poll showed (or still shows) that Kasich and Rubio would have easily beaten Hillary and Jeb likely would have to.

But nope, we got the insane orange fellow who has pushed 1/4 of the party into not supporting their own nominee.

Donald Trump is no different from Ronald Reagan. The two are basically the same.
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Most every poll showed (or still shows) that Kasich and Rubio would have easily beaten Hillary and Jeb likely would have to.

But nope, we got the insane orange fellow who has pushed 1/4 of the party into not supporting their own nominee.
considering how rattled and suckered in Rubio got so easily...he would have gotten less popular over time too in a general once people listened to him long enough.

Kasich I believe would fare far better.
considering how rattled and suckered in Rubio got so easily...he would have gotten less popular over time too in a general once people listened to him long enough.

Kasich I believe would fare far better.

He had one bad debate in which Chris Fatass F*cking Christie went mobster on Trump's behalf and targeted Rubio. It was horrid but it was one debate. I listen to the guy speak in interviews and he's extremely intelligent and well spoken.

Meanwhile Trump lied every 3rd word and people patted his ass.
If only the AR15 were illegal, that mans son wouldnt have killed all those people.*

That's total BS and you know it! The liberal media has brainwashed you. Ban AR15s! Ban Assault Rifles!! We all know the gun didn't kill those people. It was the bullets. Black gunpowder wearing gold hoodies.
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There were numerous amounts of data out there, Hillary voter, that several different candidates beat her head-to-head. THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDN'T, Hillary voter, was the effing orange raccoon. So you and the rest of the idiot Hillary voters out there conspired to pick the only person in the field who couldn't beat her.

Congrats, you just made abortion legal forever.
Hell, polls showed last spring that even Bernie could have beaten trump. Why? Because people would have voted for Bernie because he's not trump.

considering how rattled and suckered in Rubio got so easily...he would have gotten less popular over time too in a general once people listened to him long enough.

Kasich I believe would fare far better.
Kasich would have been destroyed in the south, some of you need to look at his record. Rubio wouldn't have a chance in the rust belt against Hillary. It's so easy to say others would do better due to national polls which mean nothing than or now. Only four or five states matter in presidential elections today.
He had one bad debate in which Chris Fatass F*cking Christie went mobster on Trump's behalf and targeted Rubio. It was horrid but it was one debate. I listen to the guy speak in interviews and he's extremely intelligent and well spoken.

Meanwhile Trump lied every 3rd word and people patted his ass.
He is nothing more than the establishment republican, at this point if you have not figured out that this is an anti-establishment year you have not been paying attention. Hillary was always going to win, Trump has always been right about that. The only shit for anyone else was for a revolt type election, non of the other republicans could do that.
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He is nothing more than the establishment republican, at this point if you have not figured out that this is an anti-establishment year you have not been paying attention. Hillary was always going to win, Trump has always been right about that. The only shit for anyone else was for a revolt type election, non of the other republicans could do that.

You're only saying this to make yourself feel better about helping to nominate the biggest idiot/embarrassment in the modern era. Actually, f*ck that. The entire history of the US.

First, I know you'll never admit it but just understand that saying "ESTABLISHMENT!" is simply a way of deflecting away from the fact that every other candidate was NOT a racist imbecile, and labeling them as ESTABLISHMENT! is simply cover for racists who think Trump is great.

Second, Hillary was always going to win?? LOL. The running RCP averages before and during the Primaries showed Kasich and Rubio EASILY beating Clinton. At no point, ever, did they project Trump beating her, and now he's going to lose by even bigger margins than anticipated.

I'm not going to let you do what you're trying to do. You're trying to insist that Hillary was always a foregone conclusion to get yourself off the hook for voting for Donald Shithead Trump, who will lose in historic fashion and end up losing deep red states. Nope. I'm going to remind you, and remind you, and remind you that this is entirely on you, and the other morons who voted for Trump.
You're only saying this to make yourself feel better about helping to nominate the biggest idiot/embarrassment in the modern era. Actually, f*ck that. The entire history of the US.

First, I know you'll never admit it but just understand that saying "ESTABLISHMENT!" is simply a way of deflecting away from the fact that every other candidate was NOT a racist imbecile, and labeling them as ESTABLISHMENT! is simply cover for racists who think Trump is great.

Second, Hillary was always going to win?? LOL. The running RCP averages before and during the Primaries showed Kasich and Rubio EASILY beating Clinton. At no point, ever, did they project Trump beating her, and now he's going to lose by even bigger margins than anticipated.

I'm not going to let you do what you're trying to do. You're trying to insist that Hillary was always a foregone conclusion to get yourself off the hook for voting for Donald Shithead Trump, who will lose in historic fashion and end up losing deep red states. Nope. I'm going to remind you, and remind you, and remind you that this is entirely on you, and the other morons who voted for Trump.

Let's also not forget that the orange raccoon's first choice for VP was Kasich. Donald dipshit said to him, "You'll be the VP and handle the foreign and domestic stuff. You know, basically you'll do 100% OF THE JOB THAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO. I will just be there to do PR things and be an image and troll Mexicans and run my business and stuff." Kasich did what lots of republicans are doing right now and told him to eff off.

It still stuns me how stupid trump's followers are. They are voting for someone who has been adamantly for and against literally everything that is an issue in this election.
You're only saying this to make yourself feel better about helping to nominate the biggest idiot/embarrassment in the modern era. Actually, f*ck that. The entire history of the US.

First, I know you'll never admit it but just understand that saying "ESTABLISHMENT!" is simply a way of deflecting away from the fact that every other candidate was NOT a racist imbecile, and labeling them as ESTABLISHMENT! is simply cover for racists who think Trump is great.

Second, Hillary was always going to win?? LOL. The running RCP averages before and during the Primaries showed Kasich and Rubio EASILY beating Clinton. At no point, ever, did they project Trump beating her, and now he's going to lose by even bigger margins than anticipated.

I'm not going to let you do what you're trying to do. You're trying to insist that Hillary was always a foregone conclusion to get yourself off the hook for voting for Donald Shithead Trump, who will lose in historic fashion and end up losing deep red states. Nope. I'm going to remind you, and remind you, and remind you that this is entirely on you, and the other morons who voted for Trump.
I'm not sure how slow I have to type for you to understand but you're wrong on all accounts. National polls mean nothing, polls before September mean nothing. As for the establishment, wrong once again. I've saw Rubio team up with Shumer on granting illegals amnasty. Kaisch was one of the first governors to implement Medicaid expansion and supports sanctuary cities. Bush is bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce and so on and so on. That is the establishment, where you can't tell the republican from the democrat.
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I'm not sure how slow I have to type for you to understand but you're wrong on all accounts. National polls mean nothing, polls before September mean nothing. As for the establishment, wrong once again. I've saw Rubio team up with Shumer on granting illegals amnasty. Kaisch was one of the first governors to implement Medicaid expansion and supports sanctuary cities. Bush is bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce and so on and so on. That is the establishment, where you can't tell the republican from the democrat.

I see- you can only tell if you're an "awesome outsider Republican" if you:

Advocate banning an entire religion, falsify claims about Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey, mock handicapped people at campaign rallies, tell supporters to beat up protestors, call Mexicans rapists and murderers, claim an American born judge can't be impartial because his name is HIspanic, want a border wall that only braindead people think is feasible, think NATO is a pay for play scheme, think nuclear proliferation is a great idea, can't answer basic foreign policy questions, is unaware that Putin has already invaded Ukraine, claims China is part of TPP when they're not, thinks that Judges "write laws", jokes about assassinating the other nominee, trashes the family of a slain soldier, calls POWs losers for being captured despite avoiding military service 4 different times, and pushes disgusting absolute lies such as "My opponent's father was involved in killing JFK"

Yep- anyone who does NOT do any of those things is just ESTABLISHMENT!
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