Seddique Mateen attends Clinton rally- front and center

Speaking of Bernie, he just bought his 3rd home, this one a Summer vacation residence, for a cool $600,000. Combined with his Burlington home and his DC home, both of which he owns, that brings his real estate holdings to a combined $1.6M+.

It's great knowing that a socialist can avoid real work his entire life, take only a government salary, and still manage to amass a millionaire portfolio of real estate holdings as a reward for a career in which he incites hatred against wealthy people.
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Speaking of Bernie, he just bought his 3rd home, this one a Summer vacation residence, for a cool $600,000. Combined with his Burlington home and his DC home, both of which he owns, that brings his real estate holdings to a combined $1.6M+.

It's great knowing that a socialist can avoid real work his entire life, take only a government salary, and still manage to amass a millionaire portfolio of real estate holdings as a reward for a career in which he incites hatred against wealthy people.
Watching his supporters over the past few months has made me happy.
So did the dude shoot somebody at the rally or is it just his son that was a racista and shit?

If this guy is a Clinton supporter, he should have instead shown up to Trump rallies and gone nuts with applause when he talks about protecting the 2nd amendment.
Yes, the Pulse terrorists' father. In St Pete, 80 miles from Orlando.

First, it's good to see that Mateen isn't letting the fact that his son-turned-terrorist massacred 50 people just 2 months ago stand in the way of doing his DNC duty to pay homage to the Anointed One in person.

Second, it's great seeing the left wing defense of the guy being there. It makes sense. He must be thrilled that they've managed to remove the entire spotlight from his son and instead direct the blame at the NRA and people like Marco Rubio. He probably increased his I'm With Her donations in gratitude.

BIg question: how long until Trump makes this into an ad?

The rally event was the one in Kissimmee not the one in St. Petersburg.

The Kissimmee/ Poinciana area has a very large Latin/Puerto Rican population. Many of these families were touched directly by the Pulse club shooting.

To have Mateen there and sitting in an area of "prominence" was a big screw up by "her" foward team.

Local news linky: