Serious Questions for you SJW pu$$ies ....


Golden Knight
Jan 24, 2007
1) which do you prefer: socialism or capitalism?

2) how come your womenz are generally fugly?

3) how deranged has Trump's winning made you?

4) how many times per week does your BF peg you in the a$$?

5) would you promise to leave the Country if Trump wins in 2020?
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1) which do you prefer: socialism or capitalism?

2) how come your womenz are generally fugly?

3) how deranged has Trump's winning made you?

4) how many times per week does your BF peg you in the a$$?

5) would you promise to leave the Country if Trump wins in 2020?
1 Capitalism with social safety nets like we have now but better

2. You're girlfriend is liberal ask her why she's an ugly bitch.

3. Pretty deranged.

4. Calling people gay as an insult from the front row of a Justin Beiber concert.

5. I'm sure I could go to Canada since I'm a well documented successful person and they'd love to have my family, however I wouldn't because Trump doesn't hurt me. My anger is from him hurting others and being a literal controlled asset of Russia. None of that changes if I leave.
1 Capitalism with social safety nets like we have now but better

2. You're girlfriend is liberal ask her why she's an ugly bitch.

3. Pretty deranged.

4. Calling people gay as an insult from the front row of a Justin Beiber concert.

5. I'm sure I could go to Canada since I'm a well documented successful person and they'd love to have my family, however I wouldn't because Trump doesn't hurt me. My anger is from him hurting others and being a literal controlled asset of Russia. None of that changes if I leave.

#3 explains #5 pretty damn well
1 Capitalism with social safety nets like we have now but better

2. You're girlfriend is liberal ask her why she's an ugly bitch.

3. Pretty deranged.

4. Calling people gay as an insult from the front row of a Justin Beiber concert.

5. I'm sure I could go to Canada since I'm a well documented successful person and they'd love to have my family, however I wouldn't because Trump doesn't hurt me. My anger is from him hurting others and being a literal controlled asset of Russia. None of that changes if I leave.

Why would you want to go to canadia? Their market is more free than ours.
Isn't it interesting that the liberal idea of a socialist wonderland is always a country with a near homogenous white population?
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Isn't it interesting that the liberal idea of a socialist wonderland is always a country with a near homogenous white population?

Because those are the only countries that it has ever had a semblance of success. Look the same, talk the same, have the same lineage, etc. Makes it easier to overcome human nature.
I also live in the Midwest so I could visit family in a 4 hour drive.
We need to start a GoFundMe for Fried Cuckin to move his whinny a$$ to Mexico. He wants open borders with Mexico ... Why don't we help him just move there? Shorter distance from Mexico to Midwest than from Canada to Midwest. If he refuses to move to Mexico then he is without a doubt a racist bigot.
Because those are the only countries that it has ever had a semblance of success. Look the same, talk the same, have the same lineage, etc. Makes it easier to overcome human nature.
Because it's not an economic system problem (nor a race/ethnicity), it's a values problem. Successful countries have a common set of values that makes them prosperous, whether they then share into a common pool of services or not. Also, as a result of those values, I'd venture a guess that those countries use less of the common services than Americans (legal and not) would. Healthcare is a big one; in many of those nations everyone picks as an example of countries doing it "right" there are a great deal of cultural values that push everyone towards healthy lifestyles. Thus, they have less of the lifestyle-driven maladies than we do here. Of course, they have less of the genetic-driven maladies with their lack of significant ethnic diversity as well.
We need to start a GoFundMe for Fried Cuckin to move his whinny a$$ to Mexico. He wants open borders with Mexico ... Why don't we help him just move there? Shorter distance from Mexico to Midwest than from Canada to Midwest. If he refuses to move to Mexico then he is without a doubt a racist bigot.

Plus when he’s in Mexico he’ll have Democrats here urgently working to assure his eventual illegal entry return
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Plus when he’s in Mexico he’ll have Democrats here urgently working to assure his eventual illegal entry return
Canada actually has immigration rules that it enforces. So the very country Fried Cuckin wants to immigrate to has tougher immigration policies than the mean ole USA ... and Canada enforces them. How racist of Canada!!!! How hypocritical of Fried Cuckin. Another reason he needs to move to Mexico to prove he is not a racist bigot.
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I'd love to move to Mexico but my Spanish isn't good enough for me to be able to work in my profession.

In Canada I could continue being successful.
He’s my husband but it depends on the week. Sometimes he’s the one getting pegged in the a$$ though.

Most honest post on this board in months!!!

I regret I only have one LIKE to give.
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Started, where else, but the infected city of moral degeneracy, Oakland, California. A college Professor collaborated with a colleague in her grad Ethnic Studies class to create a Girls Scouts type group that focuses on social justice issues and empowerment for brown and black girls.

Watch as much of this short documentary as you can stomach. Girls get a patch for meeting with The Black Panthers, have a unit on Black Lives Matter and have a transgender as a guest speaker.
They call themselves "Radical Monarchs" and they want to come to a town near you.
Radical Brownies: berets, badges and social justice – video | World news | The Guardian

perfect for cuck ficken and sjw ninja
The dumbest part is that he said he could drive to Canada in 4 hours. He's directionally and hypocritically challenged.
You guys think like such small town rednecks that there's no other possibility in your minds about how I could live in Indianapolis and then move to Canada and visit my family in 4 hours...
I also live in the Midwest so I could visit family in a 4 hour drive.

Twist and turn ... not what I meant ...and you don't understand...and u should read my mind.

It's like catching a kid with some smokes. "They're not mine. I'm holding don't understand....I didn't mean to use those words"
Twist and turn ... not what I meant ...and you don't understand...and u should read my mind.

It's like catching a kid with some smokes. "They're not mine. I'm holding don't understand....I didn't mean to use those words"

I mean exactly what I said. If I moved to Canada I could visit my family in 4 hours. Don't blame your reading comprehension issues on me.
I live in the good part of Indiana where it's about 50/50 normal people to mouth breathing redhats
Are you in or near Indianapolis? I have an expert witness there so I'm there often. I will buy you a beer ... or since you're a SJW cuck, I will buy you drink with an umbrella in it. Regardless, message board insults aside, I enjoy meeting folks of different persuasions, because unlike SJWs, I actually am tolerant.
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