Shooting at san diego synagogue

"Authorities later named him as John Earnest, the Associated Press reported, and said he was also under investigation in connection with a fire at a mosque last month."
Another one of you unhinged, TDS types, actually. Hated Trump and Conservatives.

From the shooters manifesto:


Sorry it was your team again. Thanks for playing again!
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You are one sick puppy.
hahaha go fukc yourself, weirdo.

Silent on your boy chicken anticipating it being a Republican, but when I bring proof it was one of you nutjobs all of a sudden you're in your ivory tower.

I know you hate President Trump, but can you tell your team to stop murdering people?
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We will find out that his parents are most likely democrats first and sorry but I have little doubt this hatred is his and his alone. I have an 20 and an 18 year old son, I may not know every thought they have but I do know their political and social views. It's basic parenting and if there is any indication that the parents did or should have known, then it's on them as well. I read his manifesto, the guy is just not smart, actually quite stupid. He tries to come off all brave, can't wait to see this pussy cry at his sentencing and looking forward to the idiot parents when they say they didn't know anything about this, I have a feeling they will be exposed as well.
Media already claiming “white supremacist” while the fact is he was a registered democrat who happened to hate anyone of a different race or religion. I feel bad for this community, it is a solid part of sd county
Media already claiming “white supremacist” while the fact is he was a registered democrat who happened to hate anyone of a different race or religion. I feel bad for this community, it is a solid part of sd county

What is his race and religion?
Media already claiming “white supremacist” ...
Maybe that's because he posted his 'manifesto' on a sicko personal message board called '8chan.' I know zero about 8chan other than it sounds like the old "ezboards" of old and provides a home for white supremacists and their like who like to hang out and 'inspire' one another.

... the fact is he was a registered democrat
Yeah, no doubt Bernie Sanders radicalized him. :rolleyes:
Maybe that's because he posted his 'manifesto' on a sicko personal message board called '8chan.' I know zero about 8chan other than it sounds like the old "ezboards" of old and provides a home for white supremacists and their like who like to hang out and 'inspire' one another.

Yeah, no doubt Bernie Sanders radicalized him. :rolleyes:
Nah, your team is already prone to violence. Its the cornerstone of your TDS.
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Media already claiming “white supremacist” while the fact is he was a registered democrat who happened to hate anyone of a different race or religion. I feel bad for this community, it is a solid part of sd county
So what you are saying is that Republicans don't have the corner on "white supremacists" and "white nationalists" like all the Democrats would like everyone to believe? Don't tell Shookster or Mr. Choocken, they'll get upset and start fabricating lies again.
Media already claiming “white supremacist” while the fact is he was a registered democrat

Just think about this. You counter the media calling him a white supremacist by claiming (in a lie by the way) that he is a registered democrat.
very sad news. i read that a good guy with a gun might have helped it from getting worse. i was pretty busy this weekend and didnt really follow the news.
Originally Posted by John Earnest
An open letter.

My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry. The blood that runs in my veins is the same that ran through the English, Nordic, and Irish men of old. I am a descendant of one of the original colonists of Roanoke—John Earnest. What happened to him I do not know, and nor does anyone. But I do know that he left his wife and son, James Earnest, back in England. This son shortly after made the same daring journey across the Atlantic to the New World. From my mother’s side I inherited the blood of very wealthy Yankees—intelligent, resourceful, uncompromising. From my father’s side I inherited the blood of poor Southern farmers—intelligent, musically gifted, self-sufficient. A part of my ancestors lives within me in this very moment. They are the reason that I am who I am. Their acts of bravery, ingenuity, and righteousness live on through me. Truly, I am blessed by God for such a magnificent bloodline.

To my family and friends. I can already hear your voices. “How could you throw your life away? You had everything! You had a loving family. You had great friends. You had a church. You were doing well in nursing school. You could have gone so far in your field of study. You could have made so much money and started a happy family of your own.” I understand why you would ask this. But I pose a question to you now. What value does my life have compared to the entirety of the European race? Is it worth it for me to live a comfortable life at the cost of international Jewry sealing the doom of my race? No. I will not sell my soul by sitting idly by as evil grows. I’d rather die in glory or spend the rest of my life in prison than waste away knowing that I did nothing to stop this evil. It is not in my blood to be a coward. I do not care about the debt-based currency that Jews like to pretend is money. I do not care for the bread and circus that Jewry has used to attempt to pacify my people. I willingly sacrifice my future—the future of having a fulfilling job, a loving wife, and amazing kids. I sacrifice this for the sake of my people. OUR people. I would die a thousand times over to prevent the doomed fate that the Jews have planned for my race.

“How does killing Jews help the European race? The European race is doomed? What are you talking about? These Jews were innocent!” Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously. Their crimes are endless. For lying and deceiving the public through their exorbitant role in news media; for using usury and banks to enslave nations in debt and control all finances for the purpose of funding evil; for their role in starting wars on a foundation of lies which have costed millions of lives throughout history; for their role in cultural Marxism and communism; for pushing degenerate propaganda in the form of entertainment; for their role in feminism which has enslaved women in sin; for causing many to fall into sin with their role in peddling pornography; for their role in voting for and funding politicians and organizations who use mass immigration to displace the European race; for their large role in every slave trade for the past two-thousand years; for promoting race mixing; for their cruel and bloody history of genocidal behavior; for their persecution of Christians of old (including the prophets of ancient Israel—Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc.), members of the early church (Stephen—whose death at the hands of the Jews was both heart-wrenching and rage-inducing), Christians of modern-day Syria and Palestine, and Christians in White nations; for their degenerate and abominable practices of sexual perversion and blood libel (you are not forgotten Simon of Trent, the horror that you and countless children have endured at the hands of the Jews will never be forgiven); for not speaking about these crimes; for not attempting to stop the members of their race from committing them. And finally, for their role in the murder of the Son of Man—that is the Christ. Every Jew young and old has contributed to these. For these crimes they deserve nothing but hell.
So what you are saying is that Republicans don't have the corner on "white supremacists" and "white nationalists" like all the Democrats would like everyone to believe? Don't tell Shookster or Mr. Choocken, they'll get upset and start fabricating lies again.
Other than being a democrat and a murderer he has a point.

Look its just another FF for sympathy towards the elites and the ongoing assault on whitey... Remember the recurring theme "anti-Semitism" is on the rise.. every night I hear about how the jews are hated and the President is apart of that problem. I never believe anything on tv anymore nor should anyone else here. and the fact its a AR15 in California tells me its a FF no doubt. Another gun ban push as well as a whitey crackdown incoming.

Buckle up, everybody.

We have an Anti-Semitism Bill written by Black Republican senator, Tim Scott that was given a very long shot when it was written six months before the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting.

Coincidentally, there were FBI terror exercises in that very area around the same time that bill was created.

Do we know how many terror exercises the authorities did near that San Diego synagogue?

In any case, we can expect the Usual Suspects, i.e. the Gun Grabbers and those who are trying to officially end any First Amendment Free Speech Rights (for Whites, that is) to make their moves before the week is out.

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