So What Color Is It?

HAL 9100

Golden Knight
Gold Member
Dec 29, 2007
Maybe you've heard about this already, but there's been a dispute around the internet about what color this dress is. What do you see?

It's usually white and gold-- though i have sen both.
In fact, last night it was changing constantly on me. Would look at wife's phone and it would be blue/black, then back at mine it would be white/gold, than back at hers and it would then be white/gold and mone would switch to blue/black. I kid you not. I was going crazy. At one point i stared at my phone and watched it go form blue/black to white/gold in front of my eyes. Pretty cool.
Originally posted by UCFWayne:

Originally posted by CommuterBob:
I see a bullshit waste of time
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Isnt that what the cooler is for?

I think some of the interwebs people said that it was blue and brown.
my wife says this - she says either royal blue and black OR light'ish blue and dark brown. the first time she looked it was white/gold but hasn't been since.
It's white and gold. I found the whole discussion interesting and while reading through some comments on some article or blog about it, the effing thing changed to blue and black. Then I smashed my eyeballs as hard as I could and it went back to white and gold, the proper color.

Effer originally say white and gold, then it turned blue and black and never went back.
It's back to white and gold again. It was white and gold yesterday, black and blue this morning. Has there been an explanation for this?
Originally posted by UCFRogerz:
It's white and gold. I found the whole discussion interesting and while reading through some comments on some article or blog about it, the effing thing changed to blue and black. Then I smashed my eyeballs as hard as I could and it went back to white and gold, the proper color.

Effer originally say white and gold, then it turned blue and black and never went back.
those stripes are photoshopped out of the dress.

I just used the "dropper" tool in GIMP to extract the obviously white part out and it gave me blue in the panel. So i did it with the obviously GOLD part and it is dog siht brown.
Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
It's back to white and gold again. It was white and gold yesterday, black and blue this morning. Has there been an explanation for this?
This is the best example I've seen. It's about how your brain is interpreting the lighting of the dress. I've also seen that people seeing black and blue could have a slight colorblindness in the red-green spectrum.

White and gold, but I am pretty sure I'd see it as blue and black if I had been fortunate enough to go to engineering school.

This is apparently the actual colors?
I see mostly white/gold
When i see blue it is royal/cobalt and dark brown/black - not the colors pictured.

EDIT: now i see blue/black again (and it just changed back to white/gold)
This post was edited on 2/27 11:58 AM by ReginaeUCF
It turned back to white and gold this morning. People and patients at my work are about 75% team blue and black and 25% white and gold. Either there is something wrong with 25% of us, or we are just better than everyone else.
I saw blue and black yesterday and couldn't understand how anyone was seeing white and gold. Thought it was a joke. Looked at same pic today and it's white and gold. Threw my phone outta the window that's some voodoo
I have yet to be able to see it as white and gold. Do you people not understand how light works or is it colors that are giving you trouble?
The close minded only see it one way and pick sides. Open your minds and see both sides then you will get past these archaic divisive topics like color.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
The close minded only see it one way and pick sides. Open your minds and see both sides then you will get past these archaic divisive topics like color.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Like, it's as close to being an elephant as it is to being white and gold.

Does the fact that the dress is indeed blue and black make it harder to see it the wrong way? I'd love to be able to wrap my brain around this and then file it in the "shit that never needs to cross your mind again" pile.
Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
and back to white and gold.

This. Except I now have the ability to change it to blue and black in my mind and it stay that way until I look again, then I have to start the process over again.
It's definitely white and gold. I showed my 2 year old and he told me that it's black and blue. I sent him to time-out for fibbing.