So.., what happens to all the fans who paid big money for 7 home games and now they get 5?

The fans need to do something, because both of these games could have been played. At least one of them. We have a bye week and possibly moving back the conference championship. Especially if Navy losses games and they are out of it which is doubtful.
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Literally people displaced for who knows how long. Hundreds of thousands without power with temps expected in the 90s. And you're bitching about a football game. Get some ****ing perspective.
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Literally people displaced for who knows how long. Hundreds of thousands without power with temps expected in the 90s. And you're bitching about a football game. Get some ****ing perspective.
Uhhh..., yeah. Newsflash Mr. once a year annoying poster. Sh_t happens
Natural disasters are a part of life. Life goes on. Sounds like you can't handle them very well

If you're so concerned about this disaster over football and instead of posting on a football blog site, why don't you get out there and invite a few of those in need over to your house instead of bitching at everyone on here, since you're SO CONCERNED. Where do you live? Probably not affected in the least. I was, so I can complain about any damn thing that I want to loser.
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It's really shameful how some UCF fans are reacting. Instead of going off like unstable dynamite and jumping down peoples throats...maybe wait a little while and see what UCF does in terms of making it up.
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Literally people displaced for who knows how long. Hundreds of thousands without power with temps expected in the 90s. And you're bitching about a football game. Get some ****ing perspective.
According to your logic, let's not play the rest of the season, because Houston had a hurricane and we don't want to be insensitive to them. Oh, by the way, they played the Jaguars this weekend at home amongst all those victims. Made at least some people feel somewhat better
It's really shameful how some UCF fans are reacting. Instead of going off like unstable dynamite and jumping down peoples throats...maybe wait a little while and see what UCF does in terms of making it up.
You're the only one jumping down anyone's throat.
Ugh...., yeah. Newsflash Mr. once a year annoying poster. Sh_t happens
Natural disasters are a part of life. Life goes on. Sounds like you can't handle them very well

If you're so concerned about this disaster over football and instead of posting on a football blog site, why don't you get out there and invite a few of those in need over to your house instead of bitching at every one on here, since you're SO CONCERNED. Where do you live? Probably not affected in the least. I was, so I can complain about any damn thing that I want to loser.

Live in St Pete. Have 6 people over (2 of them kids) because I have power and they don't. One couple are season ticket holders who could give a rats ass about the game because they're just happy to have a place to go back to once the power is back on. Also, spent most of my day helping to clear roads because I own a chainsaw. You were impacted by a football game being cancelled. Happy to be a loser while I house friends and neighbors (now new friends). I've lost nothing, but you've clearly lost your game. Technically, that makes you the loser. Post a pic of your pathetic little donation to UCF and I'll gladly match it or more with a pic of my own receipt for a donation to a charity for those impacted. I'll even do it your name, so you can have something to hang your pathetic little hat on. Loser.
Live in St Pete. Have 6 people over (2 of them kids) because I have power and they don't. One couple are season ticket holders who could give a rats ass about the game because they're just happy to have a place to go back to once the power is back on. Also, spent most of my day helping to clear roads because I own a chainsaw. You were impacted by a football game being cancelled. Happy to be a loser while I house friends and neighbors (now new friends). I've lost nothing, but you've clearly lost your game. Technically, that makes you the loser. Post a pic of your pathetic little donation to UCF and I'll gladly match it or more with a pic of my own receipt for a donation to a charity for those impacted. I'll even do it your name, so you can have something to hang your pathetic little hat on. Loser.
I'm a loser because a game is cancelled. Wow. That makes a lot of sense

Glad you have some unfounded Good
Samaritan story, but who the hell are you to tell me what's important to ME.
I donate thousands yearly to charity and and to UCF athletics. I also given a ton of charitable free medical care.
So.., I don't need you to match crap for me or do a thing in my name, because I'm sure I have you beat and I don't need to post sh_t to prove it to you as I don't know you or care to
I'm a loser because a game is cancelled. Wow. That makes a lot of sense

Glad you have some unfounded Good
Samaritan story, but who the hell are you to tell me what's important to ME.
I donate thousands yearly to charity and and to UCF athletics. I also given a ton of charitable free medical care.
So.., I don't need you to match crap for me or do a thing in my name, because I'm sure I have you beat and I don't need to post sh_t to prove it to you as I don't know you or care to

So much irony in your posts it's ****ing laughable.

I'm a loser because I don't post much. You spend 1/3 of your life on a message board. Yep, the loser is over here.

You spout your charity, yet call mine unfounded. So, your charity of founded because you say so? Was willing to at least prove some of mine. Afraid the other clowns around here will realize you don't throw as much coin at the program as you claim??

I'm sure you're better than me in many ways, I'll give you that. Because, one of them is being a complete whiny bitch about a football game. Got me there, hands down.
Literally people displaced for who knows how long. Hundreds of thousands without power with temps expected in the 90s. And you're bitching about a football game. Get some ****ing perspective.
Next time there is a Tsunami in Bangladesh, I'll make sure that I miss a game out of respect. Sound dickish? It's out of my control.
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Next time there is a Tsunami in Bangladesh, I'll make sure that I miss a game out of respect. Sound dickish? It's out of my control.

There are people right near the stadium without power and housing tonight, dude.

About that charitable medical care... Are you a proctologist providing free medical care to yourself tonight? Because you've definitely got your head up your ass.
So much irony in your posts it's ****ing laughable.

I'm a loser because I don't post much. You spend 1/3 of your life on a message board. Yep, the loser is over here.

You spout your charity, yet call mine unfounded. So, your charity of founded because you say so? Was willing to at least prove some of mine. Afraid the other clowns around here will realize you don't throw as much coin at the program as you claim??

I'm sure you're better than me in many ways, I'll give you that. Because, one of them is being a complete whiny bitch about a football game. Got me there, hands down.
I work my 55-60 hours a week a and travel all over, so once again, who the hell are you to tell me how I want to spend ANY of my time. That's being a loser.

If you want to post once a year, then fine. Go the Fukc away then and STFU, loser. I don't give a sh_t about you, so I don't really care about your donations in the least, nor do I care to tell you a thing about any of mine or care about you believing it.
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There are people right near the stadium without power and housing tonight, dude.

About that charitable medical care... Are you a proctologist providing free medical care to yourself tonight? Because you've definitely got your head up your ass.
There are people near the stadium in Houston. WTF does that mean? They played a game. Maybe a game could have been played at UCF and proceeds go from say drink sales to the victims. JJ Watt raised tens of millions.

When one reverts to high school jokes and backhanded slaps, all credibility is out of the window. That tells me a bit about your character.

I'm done with you.
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So much irony in your posts it's ****ing laughable.

I'm a loser because I don't post much. You spend 1/3 of your life on a message board. Yep, the loser is over here.

You spout your charity, yet call mine unfounded. So, your charity of founded because you say so? Was willing to at least prove some of mine. Afraid the other clowns around here will realize you don't throw as much coin at the program as you claim??

I'm sure you're better than me in many ways, I'll give you that. Because, one of them is being a complete whiny bitch about a football game. Got me there, hands down.
Actually it's 1/2 my life. Some people can multitask
I'm shocked by how few real fans are on here.
I think that Danny White cares about real fans and ticket holders. Maybe it's financially motivated, maybe it's not, but his e-mail isn't saying, "there was a hurricane, screw football!."

It may be hard to believe for some, but we can actually be football fanatics AND put things in perspective.
I think that Danny White cares about real fans and ticket holders. Maybe it's financially motivated, maybe it's not, but his e-mail isn't saying, "there was a hurricane, screw football!."

It may be hard to believe for some, but we can actually be football fanatics AND put things in perspective.

Agreed! However, to make sure that DW knows how serious we are about football, I say we get some tiki torches and march up to his office to show him that we mean business. Who's going to Home Depot with me?
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Agreed! However, to make sure that DW knows how serious we are about football, I say we get some tiki torches and march up to his office to show him that we mean business. Who's going to Home Depot with me?
Count me in. Just don't invite the guy who got in his car and ran people over to prove his point. We'd just look ignorant. I want to look sophisticated with my tiki torch.
Funny thing though is this board is tame. My friend is an Alabama fan and they wouid be fighting over who would be the one to poison Woody's trees. Put that in perspective

Bamers are the biggest group of tshirt bandwagoners. No respect for them or what they do.
So much irony in your posts it's ****ing laughable.

I'm a loser because I don't post much. You spend 1/3 of your life on a message board. Yep, the loser is over here.

You spout your charity, yet call mine unfounded. So, your charity of founded because you say so? Was willing to at least prove some of mine. Afraid the other clowns around here will realize you don't throw as much coin at the program as you claim??

I'm sure you're better than me in many ways, I'll give you that. Because, one of them is being a complete whiny bitch about a football game. Got me there, hands down.

Yep you are
Was really looking forward to making this trip from Atlanta. I don't wanna be insensitive to anybody, but both programs knew this was coming, seems a little crazy they had no plan b.
Was really looking forward to making this trip from Atlanta. I don't wanna be insensitive to anybody, but both programs knew this was coming, seems a little crazy they had no plan b.
We don't get it either. Just like Friday night we were all outside in the clear sky wishing a game was happening, this Saturday most of the floods will be gone and people will wish we had a game to watch.
Was really looking forward to making this trip from Atlanta. I don't wanna be insensitive to anybody, but both programs knew this was coming, seems a little crazy they had no plan b.

Yeah, this is BS. Lots of Orlando has trees down - but not around UCF. Orlando is up an running today. There is no reason not to have the game.
Can we cancel the game and now reverse it? It's still only Tuesday.
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GT Fan would have loved to see the game this weekend. Just to give some perspective

Tampa Bucs stadium is hosting 3 games this weekend

Friday: Illinois at USF
Saturday: Tenn State at FAMU
Sunday: Bears at Buccaneers

Sucks there is no game would have been fun. I hope because this is cancelled the future game is not in jeopardy.

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