Stand up desks


Sep 5, 2007
Winter Park
I don't understand the appeal of these, but they seem to be all the rage. Standing while at a desk is the opposite of what I would want. Hell, when I figure out how to do my job while laying in bed wearing a Occulus and a Leap Motion controller, I will never leave my bed.

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I don't understand the appeal of these, but they seem to be all the rage. Standing while at a desk is the opposite of what I would want.


Agreed. Besides, my sexy ankles and legs just wouldn't be the same with varicose veins.
I have one that adjusts up and down. Honestly it feels good to be on your feet for a little while than just slumped at your keyboard all day. The key is to vary it though and not just stand. That would cause other issues like added stress on your knees over time and whatnot.

But standing for a couple hours honestly has been good for energy in the afternoons and throughout the day. Just have to balance it out.

And having a mat under your feet is a mandatory.
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Agree w ice just wish i could vary throughout the day but we've got low cube wall environment so there'd be even more people staring at the 6'4 goof w a standing desk
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For me it is simple. Back pain.

Never had back pain until I started working in an office environment. Lurching over a keyboard all day contributed to poor posture, which lead to back pain. Standing forces you to have good posture and keeps you more in line.

Yeah, there are things you can sit on the accomplish the same things but you can still slouch. Standing is what works for me.
I've had one for 18 months now. I have an exercise bike that I use with it part of the day and a standing mat for the other part of the day. My back has never felt better.

I took my original sitting desk and raised it up to the required height using cinder blocks and bed risers.

I've had one for 18 months now. I have an exercise bike that I use with it part of the day and a standing mat for the other part of the day. My back has never felt better.

I took my original sitting desk and raised it up to the required height using cinder blocks and bed risers.


Cinder blocks... And people say I'm white trash...
It is called the Bill Clinton special edition. keep Intern busy while you are busy. You win, Boss wins, Intern well... may or may not win.
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