Star Wars is Anti-white


Todd's Tiki Bar
May 29, 2001
The Force is with the Internet as it (im)patiently awaits the release of the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Not everyone is looking forward to the chance to revisit a galaxy far, far away, however; a social media movement is asking fans to #BoycottStarWarsVII.

The hashtag, which started appearing on Twitter Sunday night, expresses objection to the fact that The Force Awakens features lead characters who aren't white males, with its users accusing the movie of pushing a sinister multicultural agenda.
Poor, oppressed, white people. I feel so awful for you.
Was there a black guy in the original beyond Lando?

James Earl Jones doesn't count since we only got his voice. And he was apparently white.
Considering the state of California and their EOE office constantly berates Hollywood for having so few leading actors that are minorities, or women for that matter, and ranks them dead last in EOE, with sex and other "favor/friend-based" promotions ... it's the one industry that actually could benefit from a little "Affirmative Action."

I guess that's why I constantly LOL any time I see a white male from Hollywood saying American needs more "Affirmative Action." It's based on their own hypocrisy implementing exactly the opposite! That said, don't blame Jennifer Gartner for her approach as of late. I only hope she realizes it's rampant in her industry, just many others.
I guess they didn't mind Samuel L. Jackson as a Jedi Master, either. I hope these morons do boycott, I don't want to sit next to idiots like these in the theater, anyhow.
Given the way Mace Windu died, blacks have even more reason to be pissed off at the Star Wars racism!!!
You've got to be proactive about this stuff. You give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Gotta shut it down now.
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