Tempo!? What tempo?


Silver Knight
Dec 4, 2017
All throughout the year and especially against Duke the announcers kept saying “here comes that famous Gus Malzahn tempo!”

Did I miss something? We ran GOL tempo all year, routinely substituting on defense and snapping the ball with 3-5 sevonds on play clock. This is where the offensive scheme sucks. Defenses can substitute based on personnel, they can catch their breath, and then play resumes. If we had actual tempo we could confuse the defense and creat mismatches and wear down a pass rush.
All throughout the year and especially against Duke the announcers kept saying “here comes that famous Gus Malzahn tempo!”

Did I miss something? We ran GOL tempo all year, routinely substituting on defense and snapping the ball with 3-5 sevonds on play clock. This is where the offensive scheme sucks. Defenses can substitute based on personnel, they can catch their breath, and then play resumes. If we had actual tempo we could confuse the defense and creat mismatches and wear down a pass rush.
He actually did it in Bowl game. I was surprised. Their defense had a couple guys lay down and they had to call a timeout. Not sure why he didn’t use it all year.
He actually did it in Bowl game. I was surprised. Their defense had a couple guys lay down and they had to call a timeout. Not sure why he didn’t use it all year.
Yup, and it did seem to have them on their heels. I dont think we need to go as fast as CJH but we should be closer to CSF’s pace, especially when it is hot out and teams from Kansas or Iowa may be coming to the FL humidity
bc ‘UCFast’ is the brand media knew and they seem unaware that our retread Head Coach is running that fun Brand off a cliff
It's a big reason why the program grew so fast in support. If the team is not winning and not entertaining, the younger fans will take their money/support elsewhere.
It's a big reason why the program grew so fast in support. If the team is not winning and not entertaining, the younger fans will take their money/support elsewhere.
I was surprised how loyal our fans have been this season. They get an A+ but if these offensive performances continue I think it will eventually slip is brutal to watch
We had run tempo a few times this season, but usually opted to make a sub after a big play which let the defense do the same. So many times we were ready to go and had to wait on the official to snap the ball.

I don’t know what the main driver for that was, but it was frustrating to watch.
We had run tempo a few times this season, but usually opted to make a sub after a big play which let the defense do the same. So many times we were ready to go and had to wait on the official to snap the ball.

I don’t know what the main driver for that was, but it was frustrating to watch.
Case in point: bowser 9 yd rush, bowser 6 yd rush, jrp draw for 7 yds, swing pass for 10 yds…then:
substitution and subsequent 40 seconds between plays followed with a trick play that fools nobody= loss of 9 yds
Case in point: bowser 9 yd rush, bowser 6 yd rush, jrp draw for 7 yds, swing pass for 10 yds…then:
substitution and subsequent 40 seconds between plays followed with a trick play that fools nobody= loss of 9 yds
We were running for 4+ yards a carry. Didn’t need to pass 35 times when it was a two score deficit or lower. If we are going to throw that much , Gus needs a QB equipped to throw ball. OLine was run blocking well and he just called a pass play to call a pass play. No reason to do so.
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Frost ran the last non-gimmick offense we had....90% of what he did made sense. And hard to fault how he used Killins, he sure ran big and never got hurt. Averaged 6 yards a carry so he didn't get stuffed at the line alot.
Agreed on lack of tempo. Especially after we got down some points. Why eat clock when you are losing. Only try to bleed the clock when you are up. Otherwise you losing time. The substitution thing on a hurry up offense is also frustrating. I noticed he did that at Auburn. Oh Well. Let's see if it works in the Big 12.