Consider the access to birth control. If you have insurance, birth control is $0/month (Obamacare?) If you don't have insurance, its $25-30/month.
Although I regularly challenge the
'White Privilege' argument, I will concede a
'Male Privilege' reality ... at least when it comes to healthcare. As much as I take issue with the President's hypocrisy at times, especially on healthcare, this is one area where men are ignorant ... and wrong ... and the President rightly and justly addressed.
55% of women
require birth control for
regularity. Let me say that again if my fellow, American males didn't hear it correctly ...
Over half of women
require, medically, some sort of hormonal control on their bodies, for regularity of their periodic cycles, among other impacts to their bodies that we men just don't have to deal with, and are totally ignorant of. From a cost-effectiveness standpoint, the most direct way is to leverage the common, existing birth control solutions available, which targets
over 85% of them, completely, well-proven, with well-known and mitigated or, often, eliminated risk factors.
This is my #1 problem with the 'Theocratic' right, they assert the government should make this about all sorts of things, when it's really, scientifically simple.
Which brings me back to men ...
At one point,
more insurance companies
covered Erectile Disfunction (ED) -- yes,
Viagara et al. -- more
than for women who medically required
hormonal control. That is just f'd up.
So, back to the topic at-hand ...
Again, the Texas law was purposely designed to limit the civil right that women have, specifically limiting the rights of a set of our fellow Americans. It was designed to make it difficult to exercise, thereby -- essentially -- undermining the right, without an US Constitutional Amendment.
This is what drives me up the wall about Republicans, just like the Democrats on guns. They will use these maneuvers to limit civil rights, because they can
not get a supermajority of the people and their states to pass a Constitutional Amendment.
That's circumventing the foundation by, of and for The People of the United States.
This is what the Liberal media -- who I normally despise -- get absolutely right-on, when it comes to the "War on Women" by Republicans. It's a concerted effort to limit their civil rights, even ones protected by an US Supreme Court ruling, and even agree should exist by a supermajority of American citizens.
Planned Parenthood started as, and still are, the experts in women's health. They spend less than 3% of their time doing abortions. Every time I see the Republicans and right demonize Planned Parenthood, its exactly like the Democrats and left demonizing the NRA, who are the experts in firearm safety and use. They even use the
exact same arguments on one another too, even the
exact same phrases.
Hispanic isn't a race though.
Only if you're the US media, talking about "whiteys" like Zimmerman.