The Farewell

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Still waiting on a list of achievements. Funny that mach or chemmie havent taken the time to copy a list from msnbc or huffpo.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Red Line.
Close Guantanamo.
End wars
Anyone that doesn't agree with me is just a drunk sitting in a bar watching Fox News.
Race relations are at their best since the 60s.
My policies and I are on the ballot, it's not my fault we lost.
Halfed the the unemployment rate
Reduced deployed troops
Needed regulations on banks
Marriage equality
Improved Cuba relations

I'm very happy my premium and deductible tripled. I know I need to pay my fair share at $5100 a year to see a doctor once every few years. I'm sure the folks in Arizona that saw their premiums double are just as happy. And don't forget about Slick Willy calling it crazy and the liberal stronghold of Minnesota saying they can't afford it.
Which allowed ISIS to spawn and the Taliban to take control of Afghanistan again.
Which destroyed small and medium sized Main St banks that used to care about and lend to small business.
Supreme Court did that.
Allying with communist dictators, how swell.
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Woah woah woah, 90 million people have not dropped out of the labor market, there have always been people not in the labor market.

I will concede it has risen (by about 3%) but unemployment has dropped over 5%. Saying 90 million people have dropped out of the labor market under Obama is just not correct.

Yes, I formed my sentence incorrectly but it doesn't change the fact that there is no incentive for the 94,000,000 people that should be in the workforce that are not. They can make more sitting at home collecting unemployment, food stamps, wic, medicaide, dozens of different tax deductions that are easily taken advantage. I know of people with kids that haven't gotten married simply because they can make more money from the government as a single mom with a kid and a dad as the head of household and both get EITC. Yeah there's no problem with our entitlement culture.
Watched 5 mins of speech, and 5 minutes of after press talk. Then had to take a shower and wash press drool off.
Halfed the the unemployment rate
Reduced deployed troops
Needed regulations on banks
Marriage equality
Improved Cuba relations
1. Economy has improved some and some more people working. That is all good, but it doesnt paint the whole picture, especially when you have large numbers of people simply not looking for work anymore. I dont know if its 90M but it certainly is a large number.
2. Obamacare has been a complete failure, just as it was intended to be.
3. I think most people wanted us to pull back our troops. However, the way he did it was a complete failure and has lead to even more problems than before.
4. Some of these were good, others bad. I work in/around the banking industry and the smaller banks arent doing as good and a lot of consolidation. I thought you hated large corporations?!
5. I think this was a great step for the country, however, Obama wasnt directly responsible. Supreme Court had more to do with it.
6. I think trying to reach back out to Cuba was a good idea. I wasnt completely against it. However, we needed to demand more from them to even get to the table for a discussion.

I'll add a few more:
7. Iran deal: man this just needed to be done and wont come back to bite us in anyways...
8. Arab Spring: Turned out great for all involved.
9. Ukraine, meh, **** our nato allies.
10. Isreal, meh, **** our only true ally in the middle east.
Obama was a like a bad used car salesman. He couldn't actually do anything. Never held a real job outside of government. He never took blame for any of his failed policies like Obummer care.
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