The Right Stuff

The one thing we will all hate is the tearing that will happen to this team. It looks like it's already happening with Hill wanting to leave. Nonetheless, the greater work that was done with the team should enable them to rally again next season and have a very good team.
If 1 guy goes, he wasn't really a part of the "family" atmosphere anyway. People are freaking out over a mass exodus that I don't think is going to happen. Coaches leave schools every year, the schools don't lose large chunks of players. And those are largely teams that already suck.
If 1 guy goes, he wasn't really a part of the "family" atmosphere anyway. People are freaking out over a mass exodus that I don't think is going to happen. Coaches leave schools every year, the schools don't lose large chunks of players. And those are largely teams that already suck.
What's funny is there's always a big stink about missing players during the off season but more starters are lost due to injuries (or smoking weed) than all this other stuff which we worry about.