The tolerant left tries to execute trump…again

Notice how no conservative has tried to shoot kamala despite how incredibly awful she is? Fjb. Fkh.

The deep state are desperate and terrified of Trump. With Bobby Kennedy turning the entire corrupt regulatory structure upside down. Not to mention the chronic poor health of the American public. 💰

I find it highly offensive that the liberals are moving ahead with starting World War III when half the country wants to pull out completely and end the war
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And yet morons like shuckster and poolside and knighttimejoe would rather follow their party off a cliff before opening their eyes. Pathetic
And yet morons like shuckster and poolside and knighttimejoe would rather follow their party off a cliff before opening their eyes. Pathetic

It's pretty funny:

Shooky et al. think I am MAGA hat-wearing Trump lap dog.

beelit thinks I am a moron lib.

You can't make this stuff up...
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Cheating in elections is real. Just since you are keeping score dems have now tried to kill trump twice. Yet the party of “right wing gun nuts” hasnt tried to kill cameltoe, this disproving 95% of your liberal rhetoric
I also remember when you said rhe first assasination attempt was likely shrapnel that hit trumps ear. Effing clown
calm down. I remember when your were a normal right winger, you have morphed into Boston Knight.

early reports of the guy’s social media content is what you expect for a nutjob, all over the place . Has some pro Bernie support, pro Tulsi Gabbard, Nikki Haley, anti vax , and former Trump supporter.
The guy wants war with Russia.

And anyone who wants non-interference is an alleged Russian puppet ... like LTC Gabbard.
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The guy wants war with Russia.

And anyone who wants non-interference is an alleged Russian puppet ... like LTC Gabbard.

Do you remember when President Obama wanted to bomb Syria and 95% of the country said hell no and they put the kabosh on it? Now we're up against World War III and nobody gives a shit. This is because the majority of the country still gets their news from MSM

The liberals and RINO’s are the party of war and useful idiots for the military industrial complex and big pharma. I consider 50%+ of the Republicans rhino 💰🤡
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calm down. I remember when your were a normal right winger, you have morphed into Boston Knight.

lol, you don't even know what right wing is. If you think anti-VAX is right wing, think again. You should be watching Bill Maher, Chris Cuomo instead of Jimmy Kimmel and his dancing vaccines skits 💰🤡

There been plenty on the left who have been killed and maimed by that horrible mRNA. You all are just a little slower in waking up. I would've never believed any of this shit was true 5 years ago so I get your skepticism. Everyone’s on their own timeline
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There is no such thing as a ‘normal’ right-winger anymore.
He says as his team keeps trying to assassinate the rival candidate.

The reason you believe there are no normal right-wingers is because you have this fantasy that right-wingers are these fictional boogeymen you and your boyfriends insist are real.

I believe you genuinely feel there is a constant parade of right-wing militia in the street forcing Catholicism and project 2025 down the throats of the innocent public.

Worse yet, I think want that to be the case, and that’s why you’re constantly doing performative gaslight displays.

Most adults develop the understanding the majority of people can’t be put into “good” or “le ebil fascist dictator!!” buckets. Most people want the greatest good, at the lowest cost to themselves.

The fundamental difference is that your “greatest good” is social validation. It’s not comfortable living, it’s knowing that your herd will be applauded by the wave of lukewarm-IQ brainlets who infantilize and fashionize values.

It’s why you were bullied mercilessly when you interacted with real people outside of your curated online bubble. Normal people want nothing to do with you.
There is no such thing as a ‘normal’ right-winger anymore.
1/3rd of Democrats are Blue Anon

And the whole 'DC swamp' is literally exposing itself as of late, the debate being the latest. Independents overwhelmingly see it, even if they are anti-Trump.