The White House can officially be the seat of corruption now

Presidential immunity granted by the Supreme Court. Where is this country headed, when POTUS can do virtually ANYTHING and not be held accountable?

This "privilege" was never granted to the 44 previous presidents, but was deemed necessary for the guy who screamed for it.


lol go look at past presidential actions and come back to your whiny bullshit post
First off this immunity is limited. 2nd there is a reason we never charged and went after former presidents, See Clinton, Nixon, hell even obama had campaign finance laws broken and they did like normal and fined him. Almost all Presidents carried secret doc's with them and were never charged, hell Biden did it as a VP and isn't going to face charges.
First off this immunity is limited. 2nd there is a reason we never charged and went after former presidents, See Clinton, Nixon, hell even obama had campaign finance laws broken and they did like normal and fined him. Almost all Presidents carried secret doc's with them and were never charged, hell Biden did it as a VP and isn't going to face charges.
The immunity is limited to official acts, but the problem, is you could argue almost anything a president does is an official act. Plus, as you said, they fined Obama's campaign, so he wasn't immune or he wouldnt have been fined. Nixon was pardoned, which was not a good decision, and Clinton was impeached. I don't think anyone is asking for presidents to be charged over every little thing, but this decision is going to give presidents much more leeway to do things without worrying about the legalities of what they are doing.

Plus, I know a lot of Trump people are happy today, but this isn't just about Trump. We have no clue what type of person will be the president 10, 20, 50 years from now, but we know this court made it much easier for future presidents to violate the laws.
Presidential immunity granted by the Supreme Court. Where is this country headed, when POTUS can do virtually ANYTHING and not be held accountable?

This "privilege" was never granted to the 44 previous presidents, but was deemed necessary for the guy who screamed for it.

Do you believe, I mean truly believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights? Do you believe in the 6th Amendment where you as a citizen have a right to trial by your peers? Where you have a right to a defense and face your accusers ? Where you are presumed innocent before a court of law where the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty? Do you believe in this? I hope you do. I do.

Do you believe as a citizen that if you break the law, a US even in foreign country that the US government must first get to extradite you and bring you here to hold you and give you a trial?

Now let's say hypothetically you conspire with say known terrorists and let's say the US Government knows this and for kicks and giggles the President says, kill him, he is conspiring with terrorists. Send in the reaper drone and take him out.

This happend under President Obamas watch. Obama was judge and jury and executioner to an US Citizen who wasn't even an adult.

So, should Obama be put on trial for technically killing American citizens . He carried out drone strikes against US citizens , denying them all of their due process Constitutional rights. He did it and solely him gave the order like a mob boss ordering a hit.

I think the SCOTUS got it right . I don't think Obama should be prosecuted . He carried out these as a president. He should be immune to it legally. Politically though he should have paid a huge price though. I think what he did was unconstitutional, but we give Presidents some leeway. FDR imprisoned Anericans simply because they had Japanese ancestry. It was very wrong and very unconstitutional. Again, not sure he should be legally or criminally held accountable.

Many countries around the globe go after past leaders for crimes against the people. One guy comes in and gets his opponent thrown in jail for violating something he or she did when they were in charge. Then the next guy comes in and does it to him. Giving or recognizing immunity while in office doing official things keeps us from totally embracing the paths of countries like Venezuela or Columbia. It's not healthy to go down this path of prosecuting the previous administration through the criminal justice system. You unsheath that sword against the guy you do like I can assure you it will be used to cut down the guy you do like.
Do you believe, I mean truly believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights? Do you believe in the 6th Amendment where you as a citizen have a right to trial by your peers? Where you have a right to a defense and face your accusers ? Where you are presumed innocent before a court of law where the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty? Do you believe in this? I hope you do. I do.

Do you believe as a citizen that if you break the law, a US even in foreign country that the US government must first get to extradite you and bring you here to hold you and give you a trial?

Now let's say hypothetically you conspire with say known terrorists and let's say the US Government knows this and for kicks and giggles the President says, kill him, he is conspiring with terrorists. Send in the reaper drone and take him out.

This happend under President Obamas watch. Obama was judge and jury and executioner to an US Citizen who wasn't even an adult.

So, should Obama be put on trial for technically killing American citizens . He carried out drone strikes against US citizens , denying them all of their due process Constitutional rights. He did it and solely him gave the order like a mob boss ordering a hit.

I think the SCOTUS got it right . I don't think Obama should be prosecuted . He carried out these as a president. He should be immune to it legally. Politically though he should have paid a huge price though. I think what he did was unconstitutional, but we give Presidents some leeway. FDR imprisoned Anericans simply because they had Japanese ancestry. It was very wrong and very unconstitutional. Again, not sure he should be legally or criminally held accountable.

Many countries around the globe go after past leaders for crimes against the people. One guy comes in and gets his opponent thrown in jail for violating something he or she did when they were in charge. Then the next guy comes in and does it to him. Giving or recognizing immunity while in office doing official things keeps us from totally embracing the paths of countries like Venezuela or Columbia. It's not healthy to go down this path of prosecuting the previous administration through the criminal justice system. You unsheath that sword against the guy you do like I can assure you it will be used to cut down the guy you do like.
None of this negates the idea that we should at least have the ability to prosecute former presidents if need be. I agree, we shouldn't prosecute everything (an American citizen was also killed during Trumps term btw, and people werent calling to prosecute Trump for it either), but we can't predict the future. What if we do end up with a Hitler or Mussolini type figure down the road? What if a president leaving office sells national security information to a foreign power? This decision would severely limits our ability to prosecute them.
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None of this negates the idea that we should at least have the ability to prosecute former presidents if need be. I agree, we shouldn't prosecute everything (an American citizen was also killed during Trumps term btw, and people werent calling to prosecute Trump for it either), but we can't predict the future. What if we do end up with a Hitler or Mussolini type figure down the road? This decision severely would severely limits our ability to prosecute them.
Perhaps. I tend to think if we give our leaders legal immunity we cut down on the political process where tyrants can form and go after their rivals with impunity through criminal prosecutions. If you allow this behavior you create a climate where you breed tyrants and thugs , a Stalin or Hitler or Mau. You create a single party state and then the Republic is lost. That's the end game here if you don't give some broad immunity.

The other thing is this. We need decisive leadership in times of peace and war. Fear. Fear of criminal prosecution kills decisive action. It kills leadership. You set up the position where a key decision has to be made and if you make the wrong one you could be faced with either civil or criminal liabilities. Imagine if a bunch of American missionary kids from your local Baptist church take a trip to Columbia to feed orphans and make gardens. Then a bunch cartel thugs come in and kidnap them. You order SEAL Team 6 in to get them back, then all hell breaks loose and half the kids die. Your intentions are noble but you as President solely ordered it and kids died. Once you leave office should those parents have a right to sue you personally? Would the DOJ have the right to come after you for some kind of crime? If the answer is yes then rewind that tape. Would any sitting president take those risks to save lives? If the President could be held accountable for either civil suits or criminal prosecution then who signs up? Who says, yah that job is worth it?

There is a stop gap that is supposed to be in the system and it's this. The military chain of command needs to be followed. However, if an order is truly unlawful or immoral people can object and not follow it. So,if the commander in chief says, we are going to round up and kill ( pick your political rival here) ground commanders and troops could lawfully disobey it. This is where you hope an all volunteer force would have some moral clarity of right and wrong and that oath they took to protect and defend the Constitution. They don't take an oath to defend Republicans or Democrats or the President . The oath is to the Constitution. So, if a President is truly acting immoral or against the Constitution, the chain of command can call them out on it. Now , in World War II they publicly didn't do it. Maybe privately they did ,but American troops followed unconstitutional orders to imprison innocent Americans.

I do think there should be public discourse, the legitimate use of impeachment and of course the vote to hold people accountable for their leadership failures. I think you have to have civil and criminal immunity for the President for offical things he or she does while in office. You think they are bad leaders you vote them out. That's how our system of the Constitutional Republic is supposed to work.
Perhaps. I tend to think if we give our leaders legal immunity we cut down on the political process where tyrants can form and go after their rivals with impunity through criminal prosecutions. If you allow this behavior you create a climate where you breed tyrants and thugs , a Stalin or Hitler or Mau. You create a single party state and then the Republic is lost. That's the end game here if you don't give some broad immunity.

The other thing is this. We need decisive leadership in times of peace and war. Fear. Fear of criminal prosecution kills decisive action. It kills leadership. You set up the position where a key decision has to be made and if you make the wrong one you could be faced with either civil or criminal liabilities. Imagine if a bunch of American missionary kids from your local Baptist church take a trip to Columbia to feed orphans and make gardens. Then a bunch cartel thugs come in and kidnap them. You order SEAL Team 6 in to get them back, then all hell breaks loose and half the kids die. Your intentions are noble but you as President solely ordered it and kids died. Once you leave office should those parents have a right to sue you personally? Would the DOJ have the right to come after you for some kind of crime? If the answer is yes then rewind that tape. Would any sitting president take those risks to save lives? If the President could be held accountable for either civil suits or criminal prosecution then who signs up? Who says, yah that job is worth it?

There is a stop gap that is supposed to be in the system and it's this. The military chain of command needs to be followed. However, if an order is truly unlawful or immoral people can object and not follow it. So,if the commander in chief says, we are going to round up and kill ( pick your political rival here) ground commanders and troops could lawfully disobey it. This is where you hope an all volunteer force would have some moral clarity of right and wrong and that oath they took to protect and defend the Constitution. They don't take an oath to defend Republicans or Democrats or the President . The oath is to the Constitution. So, if a President is truly acting immoral or against the Constitution, the chain of command can call them out on it. Now , in World War II they publicly didn't do it. Maybe privately they did ,but American troops followed unconstitutional orders to imprison innocent Americans.

I do think there should be public discourse, the legitimate use of impeachment and of course the vote to hold people accountable for their leadership failures. I think you have to have civil and criminal immunity for the President for offical things he or she does while in office. You think they are bad leaders you vote them out. That's how our system of the Constitutional Republic is supposed to work.
The enabling act of 1933 is what allowed Hitler to become a dictator, and it more or less gave him immunity, because it gave him full control of the government with no checks and balances. So no, I don't think immunity disuades dictators, I think it makes them easier to come about.
The immunity is limited to official acts, but the problem, is you could argue almost anything a president does is an official act. Plus, as you said, they fined Obama's campaign, so he wasn't immune or he wouldnt have been fined. Nixon was pardoned, which was not a good decision, and Clinton was impeached. I don't think anyone is asking for presidents to be charged over every little thing, but this decision is going to give presidents much more leeway to do things without worrying about the legalities of what they are doing.

Plus, I know a lot of Trump people are happy today, but this isn't just about Trump. We have no clue what type of person will be the president 10, 20, 50 years from now, but we know this court made it much easier for future presidents to violate the laws.
The point is it has always been considered the law of the land, they simply said the long term status quo still stands. There is no new law in this ruling just simply confirmed what was already in place. It helps Trump with a couple of cases and has little to no effect on others. The Smith case should be thrown out as he isn't legally a special prosecutor.
The point is it has always been considered the law of the land, they simply said the long term status quo still stands. There is no new law in this ruling just simply confirmed what was already in place. It helps Trump with a couple of cases and has little to no effect on others. The Smith case should be thrown out as he isn't legally a special prosecutor.
The Constitution quite clearly says a president is not above prosecution.
Good point. I should probably start listening to podcasters who barely graduated high school or something. Thanks for your insight thall, it's always much appreciated.
let's get you off the internet and reading books instead

it could be liberating for you to start thinking for yourself
let's get you off the internet and reading books instead

it could be liberating for you to start thinking for yourself
True. What books do you read that make you so smart? You are Obviously a great thinker. I like the way you call people retards over and over. Be a friend and help me out with some suggestions so I can be on your level.
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The American Presidency has somehow survived 246 years with the understanding no president is above the law.

How in the world can the SCOTUS render a decision that is beyond anything to be found in the Constitution? Why does a President need to be protected from the very laws he swore an oath to defend?
True. What books do you read that make you so smart? You are Obviously a great thinker. I like the way you call people retards over and over. Be a friend and help me out with some suggestions so I can be on your level.
absolutely, thrilled you asked!

let's start you with Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Great treatise on making yourself a useful member to society, easy to digest.

we'll then shift gears to Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Easily my favorite female author, stresses the importance of integrity and reserving judgments cast by the general public. Fair warning, Jane Austen has a very rhythmic style of prose that can take a while to click with new readers.

next up let's do Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. Beautifully written, places a lot of the trust in the reader to make intelligent inferences. Would love to hear your take on the oft-debated ending and thoughts on his transcendent portrayal of man and the natural world.
LMAO. Our resident troll can use Google. 😄

this is what you look like to everybody
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Presidential immunity granted by the Supreme Court. Where is this country headed, when POTUS can do virtually ANYTHING and not be held accountable?

This "privilege" was never granted to the 44 previous presidents, but was deemed necessary for the guy who screamed for it.

Just because prior Presidents were not prosecuted for killing American Citizens with drones, and doing other things, while President ... doesn't mean they aren't going to benefit. Frankly, the fact that we need the SCOTUS to 'step in' and deal with the 'endless lawsuits' says more about our willingness to prosecute over everything now, instead of the big things. It's really an inditement of our society, and how 'tribal' we've become that we've had to stop the non-sense, and yes, some is non-sense.

I mean, even John Edwards had a hung jury, and he did far worse. And most of the realities of that recent case with Trump were well beyond the statue of limitations, and the federal charges argue by the state used weren't even prosecuted by the feds for lack of evidence. From a legal standpoint, I'm still dumbfounded. I cared far more about Trump's fraudulent voting claims (although some voting fraud is reality, and encouraged ... Congress may finally pass a law that puts the onus on states to stop letting undocumented residents get ballots with both local/state seats -- yes, it really happens, and often -- most of the claims by Trump were BS), and resulting lawsuits that the states were bringing to bear on him, which were more ... well ... 'real' to me. I mean, this whole Stormy - criminal, string 3 things together to get a felony - was kinda a joke, especially with the state's 'primary witness' literally getting 'shredded' on the stand, and being wholly discredited. But in the end, it didn't matter.

In any case, just like with Clinton with Lewinski -- which actually distracted from Broadwick (an actual, claimed sexual assault and battery by Clinton, among others) -- Trump's conviction made him more popular, not less. And Trump even hinted of this back in 2016 with the 'shoot someone on 5th Avenue' statement. It's not about what he does or says. It's about what the US Media and Democrats say he does or says, many of which kinds goes into the land of fiction.

Just enough, even if a lot is true, that even I -- someone objective who has never voted Trump, and not liked him since the USFL, considering him a 'confidence man' of 'little business sense' -- have to point out that without the arrogance and insolence of the modern, American Progressive, there would be no Trump. Hillary, the DNC, and the Swamp created Trump.

More people actually 'relate' to the felon. Because ... all of us could be found guilty as a felon today. Me? I'll never vote for that gasbag. But if the left things I'm going to vote for the man who 'isn't there' and literally just 'doing the bidding of lobbyists' just because he's 'not Trump,' sorry, but ... no. 'Democracy being at stake' is not just Trump's fault, but Biden's too, just like Clinton's as well.

No, I think the only, actual 'business' Presidents I ever voted for that I believed were Ross Perot and, even more so, Gary Johnson. I wasn't sure Perot would get Congress to work for the people, but I know Johnson would have ... just like he did in New Mexico. He'd veto everything until the pork was utterly at a standstill, and force things to change, just like he did in New Mexico, where everyone in Congress hated him, and he became the most beloved Republican in a Democratic state.

The GOP feared that in 2012, and told CNN to leave him out ... despite polling better then, than Trump at the same point in 2016.

And we deserve the non-sense we get. Just like the lawsuits. Monica seems tame now.
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Just because prior Presidents were not prosecuted for killing American Citizens with drones, and doing other things, while President ... doesn't mean they aren't going to benefit. Frankly, the fact that we need the SCOTUS to 'step in' and deal with the 'endless lawsuits' says more about our willingness to prosecute over everything now, instead of the big things. It's really an inditement of our society, and how 'tribal' we've become that we've had to stop the non-sense, and yes, some is non-sense.

I mean, even John Edwards had a hung jury, and he did far worse. And most of the realities of that recent case with Trump were well beyond the statue of limitations, and the federal charges argue by the state used weren't even prosecuted by the feds for lack of evidence. From a legal standpoint, I'm still dumbfounded. I cared far more about Trump's fraudulent voting claims (although some voting fraud is reality, and encouraged ... Congress may finally pass a law that puts the onus on states to stop letting undocumented residents get ballots with both local/state seats -- yes, it really happens, and often -- most of the claims by Trump were BS), and resulting lawsuits that the states were bringing to bear on him, which were more ... well ... 'real' to me. I mean, this whole Stormy - criminal, string 3 things together to get a felony - was kinda a joke, especially with the state's 'primary witness' literally getting 'shredded' on the stand, and being wholly discredited. But in the end, it didn't matter.

In any case, just like with Clinton with Lewinski -- which actually distracted from Broadwick (an actual, claimed sexual assault and battery by Clinton, among others) -- Trump's conviction made him more popular, not less. And Trump even hinted of this back in 2016 with the 'shoot someone on 5th Avenue' statement. It's not about what he does or says. It's about what the US Media and Democrats say he does or says, many of which kinds goes into the land of fiction.

Just enough, even if a lot is true, that even I -- someone objective who has never voted Trump, and not liked him since the USFL, considering him a 'confidence man' of 'little business sense' -- have to point out that without the arrogance and insolence of the modern, American Progressive, there would be no Trump. Hillary, the DNC, and the Swamp created Trump.

More people actually 'relate' to the felon. Because ... all of us could be found guilty as a felon today. Me? I'll never vote for that gasbag. But if the left things I'm going to vote for the man who 'isn't there' and literally just 'doing the bidding of lobbyists' just because he's 'not Trump,' sorry, but ... no. 'Democracy being at stake' is not just Trump's fault, but Biden's too, just like Clinton's as well.

No, I think the only, actual 'business' Presidents I ever voted for that I believed were Ross Perot and, even more so, Gary Johnson. I wasn't sure Perot would get Congress to work for the people, but I know Johnson would have ... just like he did in New Mexico. He'd veto everything until the pork was utterly at a standstill, and force things to change, just like he did in New Mexico, where everyone in Congress hated him, and he became the most beloved Republican in a Democratic state.

The GOP feared that in 2012, and told CNN to leave him out ... despite polling better then, than Trump at the same point in 2016.

And we deserve the non-sense we get. Just like the lawsuits. Monica seems tame now.
Be honest: you’re still unemployed, aren’t you?

Be honest: you’re not even trying to find a job.

Be honest: the wife is about to kick you out of your double wide.
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The enabling act of 1933 is what allowed Hitler to become a dictator, and it more or less gave him immunity, because it gave him full control of the government with no checks and balances. So no, I don't think immunity disuades dictators, I think it makes them easier to come about.
None of this negates the idea that we should at least have the ability to prosecute former presidents if need be. I agree, we shouldn't prosecute everything (an American citizen was also killed during Trumps term btw, and people werent calling to prosecute Trump for it either),
President Obama set the precedent. This is why I've been complaining about things since the Clinton administration, and even going back to the Reagan administration with the FISA courts.

but we can't predict the future.
But we can dislike the past and call for an end to it.

What if we do end up with a Hitler or Mussolini type figure down the road? What if a president leaving office sells national security information to a foreign power? This decision would severely limits our ability to prosecute them.
I'm honestly tired of the left screaming 'national security' like the right used to.

The Clintons have utterly destroyed any credibility in the Justice Department, from accessing FBI files to go after political enemies, to having the DoJ order FBI leadership to lie to agents, who then lied to the FISA Justices.

No one is held accountable.