Piece in the Wall Street Journal today highlights the global glut of commodities. I think we're getting really close to the bottom dropping out and a lot of people need to adjust their way of thinking about the economy and society. A lot of you are skeptical about the problems wealth inequality creates, and I think you fundamentally misunderstand this issue to be about creating "equality for all, even the bums", but that isn't the problem or the solution. Structural changes in the economy due to technology advances are going to guarantee that wealth creation will continue to favor the few and will continue to push down the tail of the wealth distribution curve (and as such wealth creation will not stimulate demand for commodities as it used to). This is a big deal and it is going to happen even if the growing number of people on the tail of the wealth distribution curve do what has traditionally been required of them to earn a minimum living standard...
So we're converging on a point where violent social unrest in the developed world becomes a real threat if wealth inequality is neglected. This doesn't mean "give people free stuff to make them equal and happy", but it does mean that we have to prioritize social projects that will allow a majority of people to eat, have shelter and access the technology they need to grow their skillset to and contribute in the new economy... We can't let this huge glut of resources go underutilized just because putting them to use would occur at a loss.
The world is abundant with technology and resources, but we're moving so fast as a society that fewer people are able to capture a sufficient share of those resources because they don't understand what is required to do so in the new economy... and it's not for lack of trying to contribute and earn a living, it's just because so many are woefully unprepared to leverage technology and contribute to progress. If we neglect the transition from the old economy to the new, it's not going to be pretty. The way to ensure a transition is to invest in social projects that will allow people to gain the skills they need to leverage technology and become more entrepreneurial without a vast majority of people having to fight each other for food, shelter and tech access....
Long rant, but change is'a'comin' sooner than we think and mindsets across the political spectrum and from the top of the social ladder to the bottom need to change fast.
tl;dr: Grow your attention span because knowledge and ideas are the new labor.
Piece in the Wall Street Journal today highlights the global glut of commodities. I think we're getting really close to the bottom dropping out and a lot of people need to adjust their way of thinking about the economy and society. A lot of you are skeptical about the problems wealth inequality creates, and I think you fundamentally misunderstand this issue to be about creating "equality for all, even the bums", but that isn't the problem or the solution. Structural changes in the economy due to technology advances are going to guarantee that wealth creation will continue to favor the few and will continue to push down the tail of the wealth distribution curve (and as such wealth creation will not stimulate demand for commodities as it used to). This is a big deal and it is going to happen even if the growing number of people on the tail of the wealth distribution curve do what has traditionally been required of them to earn a minimum living standard...
So we're converging on a point where violent social unrest in the developed world becomes a real threat if wealth inequality is neglected. This doesn't mean "give people free stuff to make them equal and happy", but it does mean that we have to prioritize social projects that will allow a majority of people to eat, have shelter and access the technology they need to grow their skillset to and contribute in the new economy... We can't let this huge glut of resources go underutilized just because putting them to use would occur at a loss.
The world is abundant with technology and resources, but we're moving so fast as a society that fewer people are able to capture a sufficient share of those resources because they don't understand what is required to do so in the new economy... and it's not for lack of trying to contribute and earn a living, it's just because so many are woefully unprepared to leverage technology and contribute to progress. If we neglect the transition from the old economy to the new, it's not going to be pretty. The way to ensure a transition is to invest in social projects that will allow people to gain the skills they need to leverage technology and become more entrepreneurial without a vast majority of people having to fight each other for food, shelter and tech access....
Long rant, but change is'a'comin' sooner than we think and mindsets across the political spectrum and from the top of the social ladder to the bottom need to change fast.
tl;dr: Grow your attention span because knowledge and ideas are the new labor.