The world is about to drown in abundance

I love the suburban upper middle class guys in the WC telling us about the lives of black kids in inner city neighborhoods.

I was thinking the same thing. I guarantee, not one of them has lived or worked in neighborhoods where abject poverty, drugs and gangs were the equivalent of that guy in the cul de sac who refuses to edge his lawn every week.

I have lived in Eatonville and a similar neighborhood in Ft. Lauderdale and worked in and around Liberty City. I am not black so I can't speak with an educated tongue on what it is like to deal with cops regularly simply because I am black and poor. I can, however, tell you how hearing gun shots on the regular, seeing drug raids every couple of weeks and constant sirens 24/7 impacts you. but even then, I could get out. I just had to make a phone call to my parents and they would have given me a place to stay to save up to move to a better place. So I always had a lifeline.

The reality is seeing that stuff day in and day out changes your perceptions. For some it changes their perception of right and wrong while others, it changes their perceptions of the people around them and they do whatever it takes to get out. For some, robbing is their job. They see nothing wrong with it and they go about their trade just as you or I do. It is isn't a white or black thing to them, it is, "I've got to get mine so I've got to go rob that guy over there because he has what I need." So a riot is just an opportunity to make a little overtime. Have a good sales week as it were.

I could go into more, but the gist is that unless you are black, poor and live in that environment with really no hope of getting out, you can't comment. You will, but you will be looking at it with skewed perception.
- I am black, but I grew up in Altamonte Springs and graduated from UCF
- I am poor, but I am white and I grew up in Spring Hill.
- I am a soulless ginger who just wants to feed on the souls of rich whitey.
- I am from Puerto Rico and moved to Orlando in High School

And since you are all on a college message board, that means not one of you meets the criteria.
At least when the apocalypse happens we will be able to take frustrations out on zombies.
You're still oblivious. "Freedom of choice not to work?" Seriously? There aren't any jobs in these cities for people to work. They've all been shipped off to India, China, and other third-world dictatorships.
The problem arises from the growth of the lower class since the Reagan era. We destroyed our working class, and we're paying for it now. It keeps getting worse, but people like you think laziness is the issue.

Cops beating and shooting people, riots and looting, drugs, crime, abject poverty, etc... these are merely symptoms of a much larger problem that a vast majority of people fail to address.
And how many jobs did these idiots burn out of town this week? There have been multiple conventions cancelled, MLB games schedule with no crowd so no vendors, burned down business and countless other events causing loss of income. But hey, we will just candy coat the issue and blame others for the poor choices people make.