Thinking of committing a felony? Good news!

But how many were "marked" classified?
From the press conference:
"Only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. But even if information is not marked “classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it."

Also, the statistics are crazy. From the group of 30,000 e-mails provided by Clinton to the State department:
8 e-mail chains Top Secret at time of sending (including 7 that are Top Secret/ Special Access Program)
36 e-mail chains Secret at time of sending
8 e-mail chains Confidential at time of sending
2,000 e-mails "up-classified" to Confidential (they were not classified at the time of sending)

2,000 e-mails is a little over 6.5% of the work e-mails she ran through the server, not counting personal deleted e-mails. Also note the description as e-mail chains not just e-mails, meaning the that for each of those instances classified data was transmitted more than once on an unsecured system.
As I told my wife before any of this broke today, anyone that votes for Hillary has a complete lack of ethics.
The white collar criminal banksters have been getting away with felonies for years with a slap on the wrist. Their hooker and blow fueled lifestyle at the expense of the public interest is still fully enabled. Nothing dissimilar here. Come down hard on the rank and file, give the white collar criminals a pass.
Yeah, vote for the guy who tweets stuff from neo-Nazi sites.
You're a moron, I'm Jewish and I did not take what he did as anti-semitic, the guy has a converted Jewish daughter and his go to guy is Jewish as well. As I have said, I see more anti-semitic stuff from the democratic underground site than I do right wing stuff.
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You're a moron, I'm Jewish and I did not take what he did as anti-semitic, the guy has a converted Jewish daughter and his go to guy is Jewish as well. As I have said, I see more anti-semitic stuff from the democratic underground site than I do right wing stuff.
A democratic underground site? LOL. Please share
A democratic underground site? LOL. Please share
Share what, go there and read any discussion involving Israel. The thread that talks about the 13 year old girl stabbed in her bed, half the posters said that is they didn't chose to live there it would not have happened. That is the tame stuff, as I have always said, the far left anti-semitism is much scarier to me. A moron like Coke is just that, a moron but the left is celebrated for their anti-semitism.
Share what, go there and read any discussion involving Israel. The thread that talks about the 13 year old girl stabbed in her bed, half the posters said that is they didn't chose to live there it would not have happened. That is the tame stuff, as I have always said, the far left anti-semitism is much scarier to me. A moron like Coke is just that, a moron but the left is celebrated for their anti-semitism.
Has Israel stopped building settlements yet? Is Netanyahu still yelling racist rhetoric on Election Day? Israel isn't innocent. Regardless you should be mad at all the Jews who vote democratic.
Yeah, vote for the guy who tweets stuff from neo-Nazi sites.

Does saying the obvious about Trump make you feel less absurd supporting a woman as vile, corrupted, and contemptuous as Clinton?

She's a f*cking coward. Wouldn't take a single question today after the FBi Director tore he a new one, yet had plenty of time to fly on Air Force One with her political wet blanket. This is the person who says we need tainted money out of politics, then it comes to light that her super PAC took in $200,000 from illegal shadow groups.

After Wikileaks, maybe she did the right thing using her own server.

BTW, she probably used Bill's dictionary to search for the meaning of "sending email":
The 2,000 emails that were up-classified to Confidential mean she didn't lie because she said "at the time I sent the emails they weren't marked classified"
If she only received the email (or the chain), she didn't "send it".
Hillary probably went through the emails one by one with her lawyers and modified the statement so it was technically true
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Does saying the obvious about Trump make you feel less absurd supporting a woman as vile, corrupted, and contemptuous as Clinton?

She's a f*cking coward. Wouldn't take a single question today after the FBi Director tore he a new one, yet had plenty of time to fly on Air Force One with her political wet blanket. This is the person who says we need tainted money out of politics, then it comes to light that her super PAC took in $200,000 from illegal shadow groups.

yes but because of the Republican retards (sorry for being redundant) we don't have any other option
Does saying the obvious about Trump make you feel less absurd supporting a woman as vile, corrupted, and contemptuous as Clinton?

She's a f*cking coward. Wouldn't take a single question today after the FBi Director tore he a new one, yet had plenty of time to fly on Air Force One with her political wet blanket. This is the person who says we need tainted money out of politics, then it comes to light that her super PAC took in $200,000 from illegal shadow groups.
If it's so obvious why is he representing your party? You all the on the right should just shut up for several years based on the clowns you all put forth.
The good news for Hillary is that being found clueless instead of guilty in DC is worthy of a promotion.
He said explicitly that while laws were broken she "didn't intend to". Which is just incredible. There is absolutely no requirement for intent to be present to pursue a criminal charge of this magnitude. When someone plows over someone in a car, not meaning to kill them, they're still charged with manslaughter.

The FBI clearly were told to not dare bring charges but they seemed intent on highlighting just what a shithead she was during her time as Secretary of State.

What ever happened to ignorace of the law is no excuse?

yes but because of the Republican retards (sorry for being redundant) we don't have any other option

You could have just said the "elitist in DC" who are and have been clueless for years...hence the "revolt" by actual voters that just basically told them to "go to he-double L".

Actual GOP Primary voters (some primaries were open primaries so anyone could have voted) had their say and used a Johnny Paycheck song to get their message across to those career politicians:


Maybe the elitist (on both sides of the aisle, as evidenced by a socialist that was in the race till the end) will actual listen to voters in the coming years vs their own special interests on K Street.
If it's so obvious why is he representing your party? You all the on the right should just shut up for several years based on the clowns you all put forth.

I've described why I think Trump is a moron. You, on the other hand, continue to close your eyes and tell yourself that Hillary is someone worth voting for.

Who is need of shutting up?
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It would never work for us common folks to claim ignorance of the law. At least we know our place in the world. Clintons = Ruling Class and no rules. Non-gov't= tons of rules, fines, and prison. Let Killary give us a golden shower to cool off.
Seriously people,.Comey made it pretty clear. She committed a crime, but the FBI shouldn't be in the business of deciding Presidential elections. For them to scrutinize each nominee would scare the crap out of me. Comey should run in her place. He had the balls to call her a criminal and the wisdom to see that charging her would damage the Republic, perhaps irreparably.
Seriously people,.Comey made it pretty clear. She committed a crime, but the FBI shouldn't be in the business of overriding the AG's office on whether or not to file charges. For them to scrutinize each nominee would scare the crap out of me. Comey should run in her place. He had the balls to call her a criminal and the wisdom to see that charging her would damage the Republic, perhaps irreparably.

I am sure the FBI wanted to do it, but there's no way Lynch was going to file.
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Seriously people,.Comey made it pretty clear. She committed a crime, but the FBI shouldn't be in the business of deciding Presidential elections. For them to scrutinize each nominee would scare the crap out of me. Comey should run in her place. He had the balls to call her a criminal and the wisdom to see that charging her would damage the Republic, perhaps irreparably.
That is not his job to do, his job to to investigate crimes, not determine if someone should be brought to trial for those crimes.
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Prosecutors temporarily assigned to law enforcement agencies, prosecutors assigned to be a liaison with law enforcement agencies, and experienced criminal trial lawyers employed by law enforcement agencies all make decisions to not move forward with criminal investigations every single day. Even when there is a prima facie case of guilt but evidence establishing the criminal predicate of intent to violate the law is missing -- especially in statutes like this one that fail to require proof of specific intent to commit the violation. I used to do it. Heck, I was wasn't even employed by the federal government but I routinely told the FBI whether to move forward on crimes or not and helped them decide what to investigate or not and some of those incidents, if proven, would have been front page national news and lead stories on OReilly and Hardball. It really isn't that unusual. What would be unusual, and there is no evidence of this so far, but Comey has promised transparency and I believe him, would be if prosecutors were hand picked by DOJ to insert themselves into the investigation to steer it away from evidence that could expose criminal liability. I doubt very much Comey would tolerate this. He stood up to Dick Cheney on the most important criminal/terrorist issue of the 2000s and told him to pound sand. I don't think he would have trouble telling the AG to bugger off, he used to be acting AG himself. He could teach her a thing or two and she knows it.
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Comey got up there and basically said that he couldn't possibly be allowed to indicted her, but went on to spend 15 minutes laying out exactly why he felt they could have under different circumstances.

He didn't have to go on about her being "extremely careless" or saying that another person under similar circumstances would have faced punishment. He did that explicitly to broadcast that he felt there was enough there to indict but couldn't since the powers that be would never run with it. He could have easily come out with some polished grab-ass statement and simply said they found no reason to recommend charges.

There is TONS of ammo there to attack her with, for the cretin she is, but Trump is an idiot who has no idea how to artfully attack an opponent.
I don't think he would have trouble telling the AG to bugger off, he used to be acting AG himself. He could teach her a thing or two and she knows it.
I agree that Lynch isn't that experienced as AG, BUT she wants the job and wants to stay in the job under HRC, should Hillbilly win the election. If charges are brought against Hillbilly now, the chances of that drop to zero. I'm sure Bill reiterated that to Lynch in their least-clandestine-secret-meeting-ever last week. With that threat over her head, she pushed the FBI into not pressing charges.
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I agree that Lynch isn't that experienced as AG, BUT she wants the job and wants to stay in the job under HRC, should Hillbilly win the election. If charges are brought against Hillbilly now, the chances of that drop to zero. I'm sure Bill reiterated that to Lynch in their least-clandestine-secret-meeting-ever last week. With that threat over her head, she pushed the FBI into not pressing charges.
If and I am sure when AG Lynch is appointed AG in the Hillary cabinet, this will start all over but if she has to get approved by the Senate again chances are she will not make it.
I wish I could be in the Hillary circle with running a charity scam, no laws, a long list of people literally dying around you (but you're safe because of no laws).
The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.[5]

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]
The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.[5]

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

Yawn. That was WH staffers sometimes using private email for official business. They did not exclusively use private email on an off the grid server and none were in a position to know secrets that Clinton did. Let's bring up Powell and Rice next.
Yawn. That was WH staffers sometimes using private email for official business. They did not exclusively use private email on an off the grid server and none were in a position to know secrets that Clinton did. Let's bring up Powell and Rice next.

According to a former White House official, Karl Rove used RNC-hosted addresses for roughly "95 percent" of his email.[17] Rove provided email from his address in exhibits to the United States House Committee on the Judiciary.[18]

White House deputy Jennifer Farley told Jack Abramoff not to use the official White House system "because it might actually limit what they can do to help us, especially since there could be lawsuits, etc."[7] Abramoff responded, "Dammit. It was sent to Susan on her RNC pager and was not supposed to go into the WH system.
According to a former White House official, Karl Rove used RNC-hosted addresses for roughly "95 percent" of his email.[17] Rove provided email from his address in exhibits to the United States House Committee on the Judiciary.[18]

White House deputy Jennifer Farley told Jack Abramoff not to use the official White House system "because it might actually limit what they can do to help us, especially since there could be lawsuits, etc."[7] Abramoff responded, "Dammit. It was sent to Susan on her RNC pager and was not supposed to go into the WH system.
How does it feel to sell your soul. You know full well there has never been anything like this, if it was okay than why did she try to destroy the evidence?