This is how the republic dies

You're right, its this, definitely not the grade school stunt performed yesterday by your inbred GOP cronies storming a SCIF and breaking every National Security law in the book by not only bringing their phones in, but recording and making calls from INSIDE A SCIF. Only to find out that:

1) The hearing going on was following rules set by the GOP
2) Multiple GOP members were already on the committee and asking questions
3) Literally nothing was accomplished but a pathetic publicity stunt and them eating pizza like the grade school children they were. Oh except committing felonies and posting it to facebook.

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You're right, its this, definitely not the grade school stunt performed yesterday by your inbred GOP cronies storming a SCIF and breaking every National Security law in the book by not only bringing their phones in, but recording and making calls from INSIDE A SCIF. Only to find out that:

1) The hearing going on was following rules set by the GOP
2) Multiple GOP members were already on the committee and asking questions
3) Literally nothing was accomplished but a pathetic publicity stunt and them eating pizza like the grade school children they were. Oh except committing felonies and posting it to facebook.

I’m really proud of you. You really toned it down to at least this post that is actually readable.
The collusion hoax is about to be exposed so the dems have their media trying to focus on their latest hoax...impeachment. Like i stated before, this house of cards is crashing quickly
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Spin this anyway you want but this is a legit investigation into a legit issue . The mueller probe may have found some things to paint our President in. Bad light but they broke the law to do so . You reap what you sow bitches
Facts scare them, the most serious meddling in the election was done by Americans, started by President Obama himself. This will not end well for people like Clapper, Brennan and Comey. They all could end up in jail, I would not be surprised to see a few Democrat and possibly republican congressmen get taken down by this as well.
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i hope that this investigation has absolutely no scope and goes in whatever direction it choose to do so and casts the biggest net it possibly can. if someone jay walked, i want them brought in.
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lol. The whole impeachment thing is false - but this must be true. Jesus. Talk about being a sheep.

Trying to remember who it was on here that laughed at me when I said that barr was going to show how this whole ukranian thing was going to backfire on the dems. We are going to find out that russian collusion started in Ukraine and that it goes back to Burisma and Biden. The impeachment deal is based out of fear, not the law.
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Trying to remember who it was on here that laughed at me when I said that barr was going to show how this whole ukranian thing was going to backfire on the dems. We are going to find out that russian collusion started in Ukraine and that it goes back to Burisma and Biden. The impeachment deal is based out of fear, not the law.

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lol. The whole impeachment thing is false - but this must be true. Jesus. Talk about being a sheep.
I didn’t comment on the impeachment inquiry . But it’s been pretty clear for a while now that the democrats broke the law to try and get rid of a president they should have been able to best soundly but didn’t . No need for y’all whadabout business you like to accuse republicans of . Shoes on the other foot now
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lol. The whole impeachment thing is false - but this must be true. Jesus. Talk about being a sheep.
Once again, impeachment for what? Before you go off on some Ukraine rant ask yourself this, why is the questioning being done in private instead of open to the public? Schiff starts every meeting saying nothing in the meeting sis classified, so why the secrecy. It’s because they want to shape the narrative. Why have they not held a vote?
Once again, impeachment for what? Before you go off on some Ukraine rant ask yourself this, why is the questioning being done in private instead of open to the public? Schiff starts every meeting saying nothing in the meeting sis classified, so why the secrecy. It’s because they want to shape the narrative. Why have they not held a vote?

I'm thrilled you can regurgitate the White House talking points.
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So if this investigation doesn't support my narrative, when do I begin calling it a Witch Hunt and undermining Liddle' Johnny Durham's credibility? He clearly hates America and Bald Eagles.

I'm not the one to ask. I've stayed objective on the impeachment process and am fine with it. I think there is a lot that we need to find out about and if impeachment helps, go for it.
Once again, impeachment for what?
Geez, I dunno. Maybe for pressuring the leader of a foreign country to announce a fake investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden to boost his reelection bid.
Before you go off on some Ukraine rant ask yourself this, why is the questioning being done in private instead of open to the public?
The notion that it is some sinister, underhanded process is utterly ridiculous. It's the fact-finding stage of the impeachment inquiry that involves House members of both parties. Funny how this exact, same fact-finding process wasn't a beef of yours during the Benghazi hearings.
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Geez, I dunno. Maybe for pressuring the leader of a foreign country to announce a fake investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden to boost his reelection bid.The notion that it is some sinister, underhanded process is utterly ridiculous. It's the fact-finding stage of the impeachment inquiry that involves House members of both parties. Funny how this exact, same fact-finding process wasn't a beef of yours during the Benghazi hearings.

The investigation isn't fake. That's why trump told him that he would have Barr and Giuliani assist. Billions of dollars in aid went missing and Biden was the point man. Why was a Ukranian oligarch who was on a travel ban to the US given billions of dollars and had his ban lifted shortly after Bidens son was named to the board of his company? And then a billion dollars went from his company to the one that Hunter is an owner of?
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I expect criminal charges to be brought against the Obama era cronies who manipulated evidence, coerced witnesses, or flat out lied about what "classified material" they were seeing during this investigation to mislead the public.

I also expect to finally get to the bottom of the corruption that allowed a HRC campaign procured Russian disinformation dossier to wind up being a key piece of evidence to secure FISA warrants against the Trump campaign.
I expect criminal charges to be brought against the Obama era cronies who manipulated evidence, coerced witnesses, or flat out lied about what "classified material" they were seeing during this investigation to mislead the public.

I also expect to finally get to the bottom of the corruption that allowed a HRC campaign procured Russian disinformation dossier to wind up being a key piece of evidence to secure FISA warrants against the Trump campaign.

Imagine, being such a goddamn inbred moron that you think you can be charged for giving unclass briefs in a SCIF.
lol. The whole impeachment thing is false - but this must be true. Jesus. Talk about being a sheep.
Once again, impeachment for what? Before you go off on some Ukraine rant ask yourself this, why is the questioning being done in private instead of open to the public? Schiff starts every meeting saying nothing in the meeting is classified, so why the secrecy. It’s because they want to shape the narrative. Why have they not held a vote?
it’s crazy what Trump has turned some people into , you see it w Senator Graham and many long time posters here.

A Kremlin produced disinformation file on one particular candidate got procured by another 2016 Presidential Campaign, and eventually made it's way into the hands of the FBI/CIA, who then used it largely as a basis to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on that Presidential Campaign. This then eventually launched a 2 year investigation that led to constant lies and misleading the public by prominent figures of the same party that procured the file.

The bigger story here is why you guys give no shits about this while at the same time acting like you're outraged that Russia interfered in our election.
Once again, impeachment for what?

Christ, the President is accused of pressuring the leader of a foreign government to publicly announce "an investigation" of Joe and Hunter Biden to help his reelection campaign!!!! What could POSSIBLY be wrong with that? :rolleyes:

why is the questioning being done in private instead of open to the public? Schiff starts every meeting saying nothing in the meeting is classified, so why the secrecy. It’s because they want to shape the narrative. Why have they not held a vote?
That's like asking why are the activities of a Grand Jury private? IF the quazi-Grand Jury in this case comes down with an indictment, THEN the House PUBLICLY discusses and votes on it. THEN if they vote to impeach, THEN it goes to trial in the Senate.

Jesus, it's tough discussing this sh*t when people are so damn ignorant of American Government.
I mean if the Trump admin and his cronies want to smear McCain post death good luck
McCain was not a good guy, he was one of the original people involved in the fake dossier. That will come out in the investigation, so arrogant was he he chose his hatred of Trump over his own beliefs.
I've always said this country is too lazy and into their tech convenience bubble to verge into civil unrest but if this turns into being viewed as targeting political enemies right before 2020 we may finally see it
I've always said this country is too lazy and into their tech convenience bubble to verge into civil unrest but if this turns into being viewed as targeting political enemies right before 2020 we may finally see it

Did you miss the Bernie Bro who quite nearly pulled off assassinating 20 GOP House members at a softball practice?

We’re already there
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