Flynn was working as an unregistered foreign agent. He'll stay in jail.
So were a lot of Democrats in Russian, Ukraine and several other, former COMECON nations.
I agree with you that the primary mover for Russian actions is to weaken us by sewing seeds of division. That is a good description of the overall "war" that we are in. But 2016 was just one battle in that war. And in that battle, they absolutely did support Trump and undermine Clinton.
From Bipartisan Senate Intel Report:
- The Committee found that the IRA sought to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election by harming Hillary Clinton’s chances of success and supporting Donald Trump at the direction of the Kremlin. The Committee found that IRA social media activity was overtly and almost invariably supportive of then-candidate Trump to the detriment of Secretary Clinton’s campaign.
- The Internet Research Agency’s (IRA) targeting of the 2016 U.S. election was part of a broader, sophisticated, and ongoing information warfare campaign designed to sow discord in American politics and society. While the IRA exploited election-related content, the majority of its operations focused on exacerbating existing tensions on socially divisive issues, including race, immigration, and Second Amendment rights.
And Obama in 2012 and 2008, even W. trying to provide aid to the Georgians before that (Russia directly paid off the US Media). But we don't have that in the report, because the report was solely focused on Trump.
But the publicly released Czech BIS reports since the Georgian War tell you how the Russians used to feel about Republicans, until they
'switched' when the Republicans put up their first
'non-interference' candidate in Trump.
In other words ... you lefties don't care about Russia, when they support Democrats, only Republicans. And you made fun of us Libertarians, as well as Republicans like Romney, before then.
That's why I've wanted to pull out of everywhere. Heck, Trump isn't wrong about Germany and others basically using us to secure their natural gas from Russia, and Europe and Asia wanting to use us to secure their petroleum from the Middle East.
We have 0 geo-political need to be involved with anywhere outside of the Americas since 2012. That's the one place where
I differ with Romney and the Republicans (I won't even touch Clinton-Obama), and with Trump, let alone Johnson and, now, Gabbard.
Let's GTFO and let these countries deal with their selfishness, instead of us. First it was Bill Clinton's
'encroaching' into central and eastern Europe in the late '90s. Then it was W.'s
'coalition of the willing' made up of yet more nations in central and eastern Europe. Then Obama double-crossed Russia too.
I'm done. I'm so tired of people making this about Trump ... or now Biden ... or whomever. We need to stop being ignorant and come together as a nation on this.