Time Magazine 'Person of the Year' has now jumped the shark

Person of the Year now trying to lie about conditions on German trains, not knowing said German train won’t put up with her shit and lying, and reminds world that she and her wealthy activist friends are traveling in first class


Greta exposed as a con-artist. Riding first class while pretending to be crowded in. Maybe if they did away with first class the could cram more people and save more energy. Nah, this is your typical socialist riding on first class while giving her "hardship" story.
I am an UCF trained biologist. I have had chemistry, organic chemistry, physics , genetics, botany, zoology, conservation biology, and on and on. I then went to graduate school to earn a degree in environmental planning and resource management. I took classes like coastal planning, hydrology, pollution control, environmental law among a few. I was taught the scientific method and how good scientists are transparent in their work and are open to be questioned.

We over the years talked about climate change or global warming.. Had healthy debates in the 90s. I am sorry science is about seeking solutions and the truth. It is not about hyperbole and emotion and I honestly don't give a crap about what a 16 year old kid thinks on this topic. She has never had any rigorous scientific education. She has never had to sit through a year of chemistry or physics or meteorology . She is a high school kid where everything about the world was told to her and she did not learn from experience.

For everyone who thinks that life is so fragile just doesn't understand how damn resilient it truly is. I live in part of the country now where at the turn of the century in the 1900s we stripped the land and logged it. We screwed up watersheds , scraped entire mountainsides here in the Southern Appalachians. Yet after massive deforestation, unregulated logging, mining and arcane agricultural practices , the Smoky mountains are one of the most ecological diverse areas of eastern north America . There are more plants and salamander species here than anywhere else in the east. Yet, Greta and other scientist want me to disregard all that I was taught , the scientific method, observations and such just buy their conclusions Hook line and sinker? I am supposed to believe raising the mean global temperature by . 9 to 1.5 degrees centigrade is going to cause ecological collapse? Yet, some how 100 years ago , there was true ecological destruction here where I live and the forests, streams and rivers recovered. Huh, weird. Yet life can't figure out a 1 degree C temperature increase ?

Climate is dynamic , always has been and always will be. Time can do what ever it wants. The President can mock who ever he wants. Neither actually impact my life. Trump does because of taxes and stuff, Greta , what ever.
well said
Do you ever stop and self evaluate?

Start by asking yourself why you disagree with scientists, what reason you have for it, and why you choose one information set over another.

If you don't have a good reason you might want to ask yourself if you're the type of person who cares about the profit margins of corporations that you are not involved with more than the earth that you live on.

Fighting climate change is essentially the same as fighting pollution so if you choose to disagree with the science community then you can surely just get behind lowering pollution.

There is no reason to be this mad about people who are trying to keep the earth clean and healthy, especially a child.

UN climate talks in Madrid ended without resolving their toughest issue

An exhausting international negotiation session on climate change concluded Sunday with an agreement among countries to take on more ambitious goals. That agreement, however, failed to resolve the main issues on the table, like creating rules for trading carbon emissions credits and helping developing countries pay for climate damages.

womp womp
she’s a kid. Everything else is unfortunate
^ Bingo

The irony of being Time magazine Person of the Year is how many trees were cut down to produce the 26 million magazine print editions claimed. I would have thought she would have refused this accolade in this type of media.
Just like with #metoo and many other things, those screaming the loudest tend to be the biggest hypocrites. Politicians and the wealthy are just utterly the problem.