Time to open the country again!

There are loans and unemployment checks to get people through. Keep it closed! #staythe****home
$275 a week if you’re lucky to get it

Loans? Banks aren’t giving out personal loans to the unemployed
During a week where we've had some real humdinger quotes from the Usual Suspects, this baby may have topped them all.
You expected WAY too much from the OP.
Spoken from a retired, selfish POS. Why don’t you divulge your financial situation to all of us
$275 a week if you’re lucky to get it

Loans? Banks aren’t giving out personal loans to the unemployed
The banks are loaning to businesses. This new bill will increase unemployment to $875/week.
The banks are loaning to businesses. This new bill will increase unemployment to $875/week.
Unemployment in Florida is not going to $875 a week. Loaning to business won’t help individuals. Additionally, it won’t be enough and will not last
How long can that realistically last? Without seriously damaging our economy?
Lol, we are way past that. I hate to be a doomsdayer but we've been in a liquidity trap for 14 years and the FED seems to think that paul krugman is somehow the preeminent economist of our time. They'll do it and probably do it indefinitely now because at this point it's all just experimentation. Monetarily this country is completely fvcked and theres no turning back. All they are doing at this point is bailing water out of the boat while they make the hole bigger.
How long can that realistically last? Without seriously damaging our economy?
The economy is seriously damaged dude. You need to accept that. It will never be the same. This is similar to after WW2 when the world's economy was destroyed. We need to fix the health problem first and then rebuild a new economy with the help of the government. There is an opportunity here to come out of this greater than we were.
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Would love to know what the people calling for no work for 8-12 weeks do for a living?
With a tidal wave of contagious infections sweeping the country, the outside work needs to be limited to essential service workers.

Trump's notion that we have to quickly reopen the country for the sake of the economy is as moronic as his "we've got it under control" statements.

Blindly trying to jump start the economy before the virus has run its course is a recipe for an even bigger disaster.
You guys have no heart. People will be in financial ruin. There is some balance that needs to happen here to keep the economy going.
You guys have no heart. People will be in financial ruin. There is some balance that needs to happen here to keep the economy going.
Why in the world would Shookster care??He’s old, retired and isolated already. He’s set as long as he doesn’t catch the deadly Chinese Virus
Of COURSE there needs to be some balance. But Jesus Christ, man, we are still FAR from the virus's peak in this country for crying out loud!!!!

We are far from peak unemployment too. The older folks can self quarantine. Anyone young and minimum risk can get back and use basic hygiene, self distancing, etc. I know multiple people laid off today. Not being able to pay bills and feed the family is priority #1.
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We are far from peak unemployment too. The older folks can self quarantine. Anyone young and minimum risk can get back and use basic hygiene, self distancing, etc. I know multiple people laid off today. Not being able to pay bills and feed the family is priority #1.
And what do we do if the hospitals are overwhelmed?
And what do we do if the hospitals are overwhelmed?

Having the older folks quarantined would help keep the more severe cases down. Most younger folks don't need ventilators and ICU care. Matter of a fact many younger folks barely know they have it. The hospital had my friend go home and self quarantine. She isn't having fun but it will pass.
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We are far from peak unemployment too. The older folks can self quarantine. Anyone young and minimum risk can get back and use basic hygiene, self distancing, etc. I know multiple people laid off today. Not being able to pay bills and feed the family is priority #1.
This is exactly true. You’re arguing with people who can afford to live weeks without working. The minority
Having the older folks quarantined would help keep the more severe cases down. Most younger folks don't need ventilators and ICU care. Matter of a fact many younger folks barely know they have it. The hospital had my friend go home and self quarantine. She isn't having fun but it will pass.
Spot on. Death rates in older adults reach 10%
I’m some younger groups it doesn’t even come close to 1%. Most at risk aren’t even working and don’t have to go to work. The highest risk population isn’t keeping the country going. Only a small percentage
Having the older folks quarantined would help keep the more severe cases down. Most younger folks don't need ventilators and ICU care. Matter of a fact many younger folks barely know they have it. The hospital had my friend go home and self quarantine. She isn't having fun but it will pass.

But younger folks are the ones that appear to be spreading it. Almost half of the confirmed cases in NY are people aged 18-44. Telling those people to go back to work is just going to spread it even more.

But that doesnt really answer the question. I just read earlier that ICU beds in Atlanta are almost full (not all with coronavirus, but that is what has caused the influx). This would likely be pretty common, so what do we do in those situations?
The economy is seriously damaged dude. You need to accept that. It will never be the same. This is similar to after WW2 when the world's economy was destroyed. We need to fix the health problem first and then rebuild a new economy with the help of the government. There is an opportunity here to come out of this greater than we were.

So this is what I'm interested in. Capitalism 2.0.. Or human centric capitalism, whatever you want to call it. I've been on this train for a while now and after getting through about half of The Infinite Game over the weekend I'm even more bought in.

Just bc the current system is the one we have bc it's what we know, it doesn't mean it's the best. And this is not about blame or left vs right or anything. I'm literally thinking about it in terms of human beings, fulfillment and what we should actually be doifn in our finite time on this planet.

Fundamentally, if we have a system that literally is on the verge of collapse with MILLIONS of people unemployed and on the verge of complete ruin, in the greatest, most advanced and most prosperous nation in the world, then we have an incredibly flawed system. There's no way around it. The paradigm MUST shift. And I'm not for being compelled by the State to change our ways, I'm wondering how a shift in consciousness japoens voluntarily.

We're busy moving around doing things but really.... What in the f*ck are we doing?!
So this is what I'm interested in. Capitalism 2.0.. Or human centric capitalism, whatever you want to call it. I've been on this train for a while now and after getting through about half of The Infinite Game over the weekend I'm even more convinced.

Just bc the current system is the one we have bc it's what we know, it doesn't mean it's the best. And this is not about blame or left vs right or anything. I'm literally thinking about it in terms of human beings, fulfillment and what we should actually be doifn in our finite time on this planet.

Fundamentally, if we have a system that literally is on the verge of collapse with MILLIONS of people unemployed and on the verge of complete ruin, in the greatest, most advanced and most prosperous nation in the world, then we have an incredibly flawed system. There's no way around it. The paradigm MUST shift.

We're busy moving around doing things but really.... What in the f*ck are we doing?!

It will be interesting to see what sort of changes we see in our politics after this is over. We are literally at a point where a Lt governor thinks old people dying is worth it for the economy. And as you said, if the economy is going to collapse after only a few weeks of a crisis, then our economy wasnt strong to begin with and we need major changes and advancements with social safety nets. The current situation is certainly pointing out major flaws in our brand of capitalism.
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All that matters is the next quarter... Ultra slim and nimble profit machine.... Growth for growths sake and by any means necessary

We can also spend time talking about individuals as well if that's where we want to focus but at the end of the day the mass of people will always be the most vulnerable. No matter how much you grow some pie it will always be relative. The growth model as it currently exists is just simply not sustainable. I can't see it. And the most frustrating thing ab it is even talking about this means you must be an evil socialist. It's madness.
So this is what I'm interested in. Capitalism 2.0.. Or human centric capitalism, whatever you want to call it. I've been on this train for a while now and after getting through about half of The Infinite Game over the weekend I'm even more bought in.

Just bc the current system is the one we have bc it's what we know, it doesn't mean it's the best. And this is not about blame or left vs right or anything. I'm literally thinking about it in terms of human beings, fulfillment and what we should actually be doifn in our finite time on this planet.

Fundamentally, if we have a system that literally is on the verge of collapse with MILLIONS of people unemployed and on the verge of complete ruin, in the greatest, most advanced and most prosperous nation in the world, then we have an incredibly flawed system. There's no way around it. The paradigm MUST shift. And I'm not for being compelled by the State to change our ways, I'm wondering how a shift in consciousness japoens voluntarily.

We're busy moving around doing things but really.... What in the f*ck are we doing?!

Our poor would be considered extremely rich in many countries. We are a country that if you work hard enough the sky's the limit. Happens all the time with rags to riches in our country. You don't have to work for the government to be rich. In our society the poor are walking around with smart phones. The entire reason you have all this technology is because of private enterprise. You reward success based on risk and effort. We are the leading super power. Makes zero sense to go to something else to fall down the pecking order.

If we were in a socialism system I wouldn't spend my effort studying for additional certifications. Quite frankly we don't have enough people pulling their weight and for hand outs all the time. I get that right now is different, but at 3% unemployment many refused to work or better themselves.

I'm a perfect example of hard work will eventually pay off. It takes a lot of sacrifice though. Not many people can not go out to dinners to save $20k over 10 years. Make the right business decisions. Spend their own money on businesses, certifications, etc. Everyone wants to be lazy and just get free stuff.
Finite vs Infinite mindset. At this point can it even be reasonably argued that we've been operating with an infinite mindset? There's no way.
Our poor would be considered extremely rich in many countries. We are a country that if you work hard enough the sky's the limit. Happens all the time with rags to riches in our country. You don't have to work for the government to be rich. In our society the poor are walking around with smart phones. The entire reason you have all this technology is because of private enterprise. You reward success based on risk and effort. We are the leading super power. Makes zero sense to go to something else to fall down the pecking order.

If we were in a socialism system I wouldn't spend my effort studying for additional certifications. Quite frankly we don't have enough people pulling their weight and for hand outs all the time. I get that right now is different, but at 3% unemployment many refused to work or better themselves.

Not even at all what I'm talking about. This isn't even a US vs other country argument. I fundamentally just don't think this is the optimal way. It works relatively well. It can and should be better.
All that matters is the next quarter... Ultra slim and nimble profit machine.... Growth for growths sake and by any means necessary

We can also spend time talking about individuals as well if that's where we want to focus but at the end of the day the mass of people will always be the most vulnerable. No matter how much you grow some pie it will always be relative. The growth model as it currently exists is just simply not sustainable. I can't see it. And the most frustrating thing ab it is even talking about this means you must be an evil socialist. It's madness.

Yep. Obviously we all might not agree on everything as far as policies go, but I can't possibly see how people can look at this situation and think the system we run is a strong system. Surely there will at least be room to discuss different sorts safety nets without just being written off as socialists.
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Our poor would be considered extremely rich in many countries. We are a country that if you work hard enough the sky's the limit. Happens all the time with rags to riches in our country. You don't have to work for the government to be rich. In our society the poor are walking around with smart phones. The entire reason you have all this technology is because of private enterprise. You reward success based on risk and effort. We are the leading super power. Makes zero sense to go to something else to fall down the pecking order.

If we were in a socialism system I wouldn't spend my effort studying for additional certifications. Quite frankly we don't have enough people pulling their weight and for hand outs all the time. I get that right now is different, but at 3% unemployment many refused to work or better themselves.

I'm a perfect example of hard work will eventually pay off. It takes a lot of sacrifice though. Not many people can not go out to dinners to save $20k over 10 years. Make the right business decisions. Spend their own money on businesses, certifications, etc. Everyone wants to be lazy and just get free stuff.

If our people poor and middle class people can't afford to take off for a few weeks during a public health crisis then you can't pretend our poor and middle class are well off. Those are contradictory points of view.
Our poor would be considered extremely rich in many countries. We are a country that if you work hard enough the sky's the limit. Happens all the time with rags to riches in our country. You don't have to work for the government to be rich. In our society the poor are walking around with smart phones. The entire reason you have all this technology is because of private enterprise. You reward success based on risk and effort. We are the leading super power. Makes zero sense to go to something else to fall down the pecking order.

If we were in a socialism system I wouldn't spend my effort studying for additional certifications. Quite frankly we don't have enough people pulling their weight and for hand outs all the time. I get that right now is different, but at 3% unemployment many refused to work or better themselves.

I'm a perfect example of hard work will eventually pay off. It takes a lot of sacrifice though. Not many people can not go out to dinners to save $20k over 10 years. Make the right business decisions. Spend their own money on businesses, certifications, etc. Everyone wants to be lazy and just get free stuff.

WTF are you babbling on about? Jesus H. Christ.
All that matters is the next quarter... Ultra slim and nimble profit machine.... Growth for growths sake and by any means necessary

We can also spend time talking about individuals as well if that's where we want to focus but at the end of the day the mass of people will always be the most vulnerable. No matter how much you grow some pie it will always be relative. The growth model as it currently exists is just simply not sustainable. I can't see it. And the most frustrating thing ab it is even talking about this means you must be an evil socialist. It's madness.

I hear you, man. Hit a number, a bottom line, so you can throw a bone to the masses to give an appearance of self-sustaining. Never acknowledge the underlying. Continue to convince the plebs that this is best and anything otherwise is total chaos.
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Not even at all what I'm talking about. This isn't even a US vs other country argument. I fundamentally just don't think this is the optimal way. It works relatively well. It can and should be better.

A little off topic but along the same line of thought that I saw someone tweet about social security. If they are willing to literally risk the lives of older people to save the economy, then if Republicans win in 2020, then just imagine what they will do to social security. If they dont care about older peoples lives, they arent going to care about their social security benefits.
Life, business, civilization, the list goes on...

These are infinite games. You can't WIN. If you think you've won, you're a fool. Nobody wins the game of business or the game of economy or the game of life just like you don't win the game of love or friendship. The objective is simply to prolong the game and find FULFILLMENT and a just cause along the way.

We have accepted that we're going to play infinite games by finite rules. The results are inevitable, obvious and not good.

I simply ask this.. What is the endgame? Why can't it be true that we're just approaching this wrong? I'm talking about as human beings. Don't come at me about Socialism. This fundamental meaning of life and our existence on earth type of shit. What great purpose are we aiming for that requires millions of people to be on the brink of collapse because of a 2 week pause? There's no physical law that says that needs to be the case. What kind of mad creatures are we when the rebuttal is you need to become more skilled or marketable? THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BOTTOM and any system that would allow them to be discarded bc of a brief pause in action is fundamentally flawed. Why doesn't everyone want better?

Our institutions and our leaders continue to fail us. WE ALL KNOW IT. Why is that?

Are incentives aligned with what's best for generations to come? Obviously the answer is no. Therefore we're playing the wrong game.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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But younger folks are the ones that appear to be spreading it. Almost half of the confirmed cases in NY are people aged 18-44. Telling those people to go back to work is just going to spread it even more.
Common sense would tell you that everyone understands and appreciates the logic of Cub's warning - particularly given the ever-skyrocketing infection numbers in the city.

But apparently we have people who are so goddamn stupid and stubborn that they are hell bent into making this pandemic much worse than it needs to be.