Trump formally pulls out of Paris agreement

China may be running a new Holocaust but boy they make awesome promises in the name of carbon emission reductions!
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Trump is winning in 2020. Who’s going to beat him? The competition is laughable. Nobody is going to vote for these imbeciles. People who don’t like Trump just aren’t going to vote.

Trump formally pulls out of landmark Paris climate agreement

The official announcement cements a promise Trump made in the White House Rose Garden in 2017 when he first announced his intention to withdraw from the global climate change agreement signed by every other country in the world.

good job trump
Possibly the most non- scientific answer ever, and possibly the dumbest post ever.
Possibly the most non- scientific answer ever, and possibly the dumbest post ever.
Possibly the most unstatistical agreement since Kyoto. I guess that's why 0 Democratic Senators voted for that one. Bill signed it knowing full well his party wouldn't support it. Obama didn't even bother sending Paris to Congress for the same reason. Paris was a joke.

It's like Wilson's League of Nations ... grandstanding, knowing it won't pass, not even his own party.