Duffleblog is savage
Duffleblog is savage
funny to watch dems arguing to increase our defense spending...
it's literally less than a rounding error, and the benefit is we get to increase our manning that was slashed under Obama.
Sorry I apologize for taking this too seriously, for offending anyone in anyway, and for using logic in the water cooler.
^standard response I need to attach to all my posts so I don't send special snowflake 85 into a roid rage after my every post.
Wow so many anti-Americans on here crapping on US veterans. Transgender troops have died for the US. There are over 100,000 transgender US veterans dating back to at least WWII. And an estimated 6,000 active duty right now.
Sad there is so much hate for soldiers and veterans that have sacrificed for our God given country. I hope in the future you can find peace and ask for forgiveness for denegrating our greatest citizens.
At least the Joint Chiefs of Staff emphatically rejected Trump's child like declaration on Twitter. Maybe for once Trump will act like an adult and put forth actual relevant details on his tantrums.
No, this isn't correct either. I'm fine with Transgender service.the very next libtard sjw commie president will reverse this, of course. But it is nice to see.
What he should do is bring back the standards that existed before clinton's meddling in 1993 with his 'don't ask, don't tell' BS. No sexual deviants, no females in combat MOSs. The military has a very serious responsibility in safeguarding our nation, and it is no place for the monkey business of social experimentation on a helpless hostage population of servicemen. A future democrat attempting to reverse all of Trump's changes will find it time consuming, and possibly unpopular all over again.
Actually, that is the new policy. Transgender servicepeople are allowed to serve. They just cannot undergo specific surgeries now or in the future, if they have not already begun.I agree that the US military/taxpayers should not pay for gender change surgeries, but you can outlaw that without this bigoted policy.