
Do any of you personally know anyone that has voted for Trump in the primaries? I don't.
Do any of you personally know anyone that has voted for Trump in the primaries? I don't.

I do.

It's great to bring new people into the party, the only problem is that he's running just as many out. Mostly under 35 people. The voting block that pretty much decides elections.
I do.

It's great to bring new people into the party, the only problem is that he's running just as many out. Mostly under 35 people. The voting block that pretty much decides elections.

Hopefully it maintains an equilibrium and has no net effect.
As I listen to Hillary I'm amazed anyone believes a word she says. She is really good at promising everyone everything as long as your not white, male, upperclass. She is all three so you know she is full of it.
At this point, at least we know what she is going to do (or not do). Who the heli knows what Trump is going to do? All we know is:
-we'll have better trade deals because I know how to do it. They'll be better
-we'll have more jobs because I know how to hire people
-we'll have better education because I know how to do it
I do.

It's great to bring new people into the party, the only problem is that he's running just as many out. Mostly under 35 people. The voting block that pretty much decides elections.

Totally all the primaries have shown is that Trump has helped bring in record number of voters to the GOP Primaries...while Dems are down 30%-35%.

Some young voters look at elections like in they throw a hissy fit via social media if their "guy/gal" loses a primary and they say they won't vote the their parties winner...but like most know, most end up doing just that.

Remember, thats why soooooooo many in the DC GOP Establishment are soooo they don't want "record number of voters to show up" because that just shows who REALLY has the power, i.e. the VOTERS and not the they want to keep/control the flock...and the best way to do that is to have a smaller base always follow their lead (its counter-intuitive I know because you need as many votes to win elections but the Establishment do not want to let go of their power).

GOP will never win another Presidential Election unless they can get a good slice of Independents and some help from Blue Dog Conservative Democrats...and that seems to be the biggest benefit of all that Trump has been able to do so some hard core conservatives are not going to vote for a Socialist or Hillary come November.

In 2012, GOP Primary in FLA had 1.6 Million votes.

In 2016, GOP Primary in FLA had over 2.35 Million votes.

If someone from the GOP wins the November Election...they won't be able to do anything without a likely Republican lead Senate and most likely, the Republican lead House...and all of those Republicans know that in the end...they will be able to do more (i.e. get what they want) with Trump than say with Hillary or Bernie.

I look for Cruz to easily win Utah next week...while Arizona could be close between Trump and Cruz.

Next will be Wisconsin on April 5th (Kaisch's best shot at Midwest/West Coast win?) and next is New York on April 19th...which Trump would be the favorite.
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I was registered as an independent for a long time. It sucks to be an independent in Florida. I like to vote in the primaries so just in case there is a candidate that I could support, I registered Republican.

I am actually for closed primaries, I don't believe Dems should decide Rep nominee, nor should Reps decide Dem nominee. and independents should have any say in a party they are not part of. I also think they need to get rid of most of the rules that for the most part lock other parties out.
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At this point, at least we know what she is going to do (or not do). Who the heli knows what Trump is going to do? All we know is:
-we'll have better trade deals because I know how to do it. They'll be better
-we'll have more jobs because I know how to hire people
-we'll have better education because I know how to do it
Maybe so but what she is saying is very damaging to the United States. Just look how weak this country has become under eight years of the moron in there now. The Clintons hate the military, if you think times like Black Hawk Down were bad, get ready for more under Clinton II.
Clinton and Trump are more alike than different. Trump had been a left of center Progressive his whole life. All the new stands have happened in the last 18 mos. I don't think it makes a heck of a lot of difference which one gets in. Obama care was designed to be a gateway to universal health care. Trump has always been for govt run health care, and repealing Obamacare is the first step. He up until the last 3 mos was for planned parenthood. He was for taking away gun rights in NY before becoming pro 2nd amendment now.

Clinton is a self adsorbed, crooked slimy politician, Trump is a self adsorbed, crooked slimy business man.
I am actually for closed primaries, I don't believe Dems should decide Rep nominee, nor should Reps decide Dem nominee. and independents should have any say in a party they are not part of. I also think they need to get rid of most of the rules that for the most part lock other parties out.

Yeah...primary rules vary from state to state...i.e. only Republicans can vote for Republicans and Dems can only vote for Dems (like Florida and others), while other states have open primaries.

I don't mind having closed they are basically set up for the party to select their top choice for their convention for nomination in the general election come November.


I don't hate Trump, but seriously he has not given us any details as to what he will actually do?

---I'm gonna make America Great Again.
---I'm going to make a Great Deal!
-Any details on how you plan on creating jobs?
---I'm going to build a wall!
-Then, I'm getting in the ladder making business, & Long term how many of our unemployed do you plan on reincorporating into our workforce?
---I'm a Deal maker!