Trump's 2020 chances '100 percent dead' after 4 swing state lawsuits are dropped

Liberals in this thread:

Shut the fuk up


Way to come together guys.

Not my fault your "libertarian" (scare quotes for effect) ass can't deal with the result of a 100% fair and legal election, snowflake. Quit acting so shook or the next 8-12 years are going to take forever for you.
If 'coming together' is important to you now, wouldn't it start with Trump acknowledging his defeat and working with the Biden transition team?
I dont think we should come together. I just find it ironic that its your partys battle cry when we know none of you mean it.
But we can't forget the voice of reason, the light in the darkness, Rudy!
Yeah, I ignored that dude. He tucks in his pants around the ladies, but he was tough on crime...
Wow, Trump really has brainwashed you. :oops:
Watch how President Biden governs in 2021 and then tell me next year at this time how Biden is treating Republicans the same way Trump treated Democrats.
Where are the calls from republican congress people calling for impeachment already? They are 2 weeks behind Maxine Waters.

It does seem odd he would say something like this if there's nothing to back it up.
I keep thinking the same thing, but he has yet to produce anything. He’s currently defending Rittenhouse, so he is probably ideologically motivated. Still, even conservatives are telling this guy to put up of shut up. He and Powell are stating that they have the biggest conspiracy in American history and the ability to prove it.
Where are the calls from republican congress people calling for impeachment already?

I keep thinking the same thing, but he has yet to produce anything. He’s currently defending Rittenhouse, so he is probably ideologically motivated. Still, even conservatives are telling this guy to put up of shut up. He and Powell are stating that they have the biggest conspiracy in American history and the ability to prove it.
People are going to be pissed at both of them if nothing comes out of that rhetoric. Don't say you have proof if you don't.
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Maybe you misunderstood the question, or just didn't read my post (once again). Where are the congresspeople calling for Biden to be impeached already?
Maybe you misunderstood the question, or just didn't read my post (once again). Where are the congresspeople calling for Biden to be impeached already?
Maybe you didn't read the entire post (once again.) I'm pretty sure a Republican Senator at least equals, if not trumps, a Democrat congresswoman.
What part of her comment about impeachment didn't you understand?
I understand it just fine. She was saying that if the democrats want to impeach a president over nothing, that will set a precedent and they might not like it if it becomes SOP.
I understand it just fine. She was saying that if the democrats want to impeach a president over nothing, that will set a precedent and they might not like it if it becomes SOP.
Saying "the doors have been opened to impeaching Joe Biden on Day One" sounds kind of threatening to me. It doesn't to you?
Saying "the doors have been opened to impeaching Joe Biden on Day One" sounds kind of threatening to me. It doesn't to you?
No, its a commentary on the dangers of impeaching a president for things that aren't worthy of it. Shes right about that and I can't imagine you dont agree with it.
What I think is fascinating - you and I both think the Republic is in legitimate danger, but for completely different reasons. I'm curious if we peel the onion back a layer or two if we can agree on one thing - The biggest "threat" is internal division. There will always be blips - but the only way we fail to uphold our core values over the long term is if we fight a Civil Cold War of escalating norm-breaking. Once you've convinced yourself the other guy will do anything to win, you become more convinced it's necessary to take equally unethical, anti-democratic, or illegal steps to stop them.

From your perspective, if you believe significant evidence exists that the election was stolen from Trump, then it's easy to support an effort to reverse the results via state legislatures stepping in to make things right.

Conversely, if I do not believe that same evidence exists or is valid, then I see that legal effort as an un-democratic attempt at a soft-coup, weaponizing disinformation to create public pressure to over-turn a valid result.

Only one can be right, but the damage is asymmetric. There's been PLENTY of fraudulent elections in our history. Plenty of big-city political machines that rigged local elections. Plenty of small-town ballot stuffing. Kennedy may have only won the Presidency thanks to fraud in Chicago.

Yet despite all that history, we move on. We harden election security. Improve transparency. Investigate and send people to jail. Democracy can *easily* survive fraud and move on.

It is much harder to survive a false narrative of "fraud" that overturns a result. Why? Trust. Republicans will have zero trust in the system since apparently the Democrats can rig elections at the national level. Democrats will have no trust in the system, because Republicans will be willing to overturn elections by raw power, without facts or courts on their side. Constitutional safeguards will be meaningless, and a race to the bottom becomes inevitable.

Trump conceding was (and is) the right thing to do if you *truly* believe in the long term project of self government. It's like the Churchill line "Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried."

Weaponizing the weak points in democratic-elections is the stuff of demagogues and wannabe tyrants. Not a single democratic election has ever existed, nor will one ever exist, where the loser can't blame his loss on fraud. Trump blamed his 2016 Iowa loss to Cruz on fraud. He blamed his popular vote loss in 2016 on fraud. He told us - in advance - that if he loses, it will be because of fraud.

Call a duck a duck.
I agree with a lot of what you've said and even the internal division threat. The one place that I push back is your premise that public pressure will cause a court to overturn anything. Public pressure is supposed to work on politicians and not on the court system. Judges are supposed to rule on the laws and precedents in place and are supposed to be immune from public pressure to great extent. This public opinion that courts should bow to the whims of the political parties or the mobs is wrong-headed and dangerous.

If the court is working in the right way, legal actions can never be a coup, soft or otherwise.
I agree with a lot of what you've said and even the internal division threat. The one place that I push back is your premise that public pressure will cause a court to overturn anything. Public pressure is supposed to work on politicians and not on the court system. Judges are supposed to rule on the laws and precedents in place and are supposed to be immune from public pressure to great extent. This public opinion that courts should bow to the whims of the political parties or the mobs is wrong-headed and dangerous.

If the court is working in the right way, legal actions can never be a coup, soft or otherwise.

Agreed and I maybe I wasn't clear as my reference was more towards overturning the results (via state legislatures). You have to be realistic though. To pull that off, you'd need to give the state legislatures a facially rational pretense to step in, which I think is the real purpose of these court challenges.

There is zero path to actually changing the vote counts in a meaningful way. The only path is preventing the state from certifying it's results so the state legislatures can argue they had "no choice" but step in. A key part of that is undermining the results and get your base on board to exert political pressure.

I think that's an insanely long shot plan - but it fits the fact pattern better than anything else. Steve Bannon flat out said that's the plan on his podcast. Reporting from sources close to Rudy have said that's the plan.

So there's 4 options.

1) There really was widescale fraud.
2) This is soft-coup attempt at overturning an election.
3) Rudy and crew are acting in good faith, really belief this stuff, they're just really misguided.
4) It's a bad faith effort to raise money and for Trump to maintain power in the party, protect his ego, with no real expectation of actually overturning the result, and no concern for how this impacts the country going forward.

I tend to believe at the top, it's mostly #4, but #2 would be greeted with open arms if low probability events played out. Plenty of foot soldiers are operating under #3.

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