Two of the craziest catches you will ever see on the same drive...

The turnout and empty seats looked terrible. This was USFiF's superbowl and they couldn't even fill their lower bowl. An OCS won't help this school.
"And shouldn’t have ever been needed!"

It wasn't. A Boomer Field Goal would have won it. Keene placed the ball where zero chance of interception. Super Athletic catch and dragging the toes. It's great both those receivers return this year!
"And shouldn’t have ever been needed!"

It wasn't. A Boomer Field Goal would have won it. Keene placed the ball where zero chance of interception. Super Athletic catch and dragging the toes. It's great both those receivers return this year!
IIRC we were up 2-3 scores in the game. So ideally we should have maintained our lead and not let them back into the game = shouldn't have ever been needed comment.

There was a scuffle and the Cows were extremely motivated after that. Our guys were mostly sleep walking the game at that point and it almost cost us. Thanks to Keene and Alec for saving the W.
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Oh, there was that to. Do you know the time stamp on the vid of the 'scuffle'?. I forgot about that. I just remember the final drive as I just rewatched it.
IIRC we were up 2-3 scores in the game. So ideally we should have maintained our lead and not let them back into the game = shouldn't have ever been needed comment.

There was a scuffle and the Cows were extremely motivated after that. Our guys were mostly sleep walking the game at that point and it almost cost us. Thanks to Keene and Alec for saving the W.
They were "sleeptransferring." Had a bunch of no account quitters and sellouts pulling the team down. The guys that made the plays down the stretch were the hard fighting soldiers.
That Alec Holler catch was unreal man.
It is on the same level like the JJ Worton one hander to tie it up against Temple in 2013. Phenomenal! JJ Worton had like 10 catches for 180 and multiple TDs that game, a game tie-er in the last minutes on 1st and long from the 40…without that the big propelling win over Baylor in the Fiesta Bowl doesn’t happen, all this (Big12) prob doesn’t ever happen…also if both one handlers don’t happen, we literally probably lose both games.

The Blake Bortles (roll-out getting smashed as he throws) to JJ Worton 1-hander TD with 1 min to play to tie it up is the single greatest play in UCF history and it goes mostly unnoticed…don’t try to change my mind, it’s the greatest play in UCF history by a mile…1:15, down by 7 @ the opponent 40, qb rollout, qb gets steamrolled as he throws, wr who’s had a game stretches out and snags the most crazy one handed you’ve ever seen to tie the game…
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IIRC we were up 2-3 scores in the game. So ideally we should have maintained our lead and not let them back into the game = shouldn't have ever been needed comment.

There was a scuffle and the Cows were extremely motivated after that. Our guys were mostly sleep walking the game at that point and it almost cost us. Thanks to Keene and Alec for saving the W.
Exactly. We turned it over 3 times in the 2H, I believe, to turn a rout into a heart attack.

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