UCF beat Temple 39-36 in 2013...


Golden Knight
Oct 14, 2010
Uh you pointed out that Georgia southern was an FCS school. You know what the jab was. If you go back 6 seasons then you are including Tebows sugar bowl win where they finished #3. So in the past 6 seasons UF has 4 bowl wins and 2 sugar bowl appearances (1 win and 1 loss). [laughing] Fail! Yes they are relevant? Like how does a team who isn't relevant have the #1 class on scout and #5 on rivals?

And you do make excuses or try to conveniently talk up UCF like going back 6 seasons and leaving out UCFs narrow loss to 1 win temple in 2013 when you try to criticize Houston for beating a 3rd string qb.

....but Masterknight is trying to convince us otherwise right @hemightbejeremy?
@MasterKnight must be the only one that didnt know about the catch. Its ok lets remind some of our new fans and trolls otherwise.

No clue what this thread is about but somethings that got overlooked in that game by more than a few:

JJ had multiple great catches in that game.

JJ's one handed TD catch only gave UCF the opportunity to tie the game with 1:0-6 with PAT (which was good).

UCF's D stopped Temple who got the ball back with just 1 min remaining, forcing a punt which game UCF the ball at their 30 yd line with only 19 secs left.

It was the UCF Coaches that decided to risk a late INT and go for the win...and Bortles hooked up with Hall for the huge play...which set up UCF's game winning FG on the last play of the game.

Here's a good quick summary of all the crazy plays in that game:

NOTE: Many of the Temple players from this game (Freshmen/Soph) were key Juniors/Seniors that helped Temple win AAC East this year.
Thanks for the video. That screen pass to Stanback reminded me of what could have been.

JJ as was the real deal and I hope that he has a career in the NFL. Made some of the toughest catches on the sideline that I have ever seen and of course the famous TD grab. He was a real gamer even against UConn in the cold.

Storm looked slow on that long run where he was caught from behind and ran out of gas. Not quite as fast as we thought he was and it showed in the pros.
Here we go again. The GOL obsession. Can't get out of his butt.
When does UF teach going back and checking what you wrote. Must be a graduate level coarse.
Meant to say narrow win. Had a Freudian slip. Felt like a loss.

"Felt like a loss?" Nice try at a back up fix. Can someone post a pic of Shawn Moffitt celebrating his game winning kick? I watched that whole game, and you're going to tell a UCF fan how the game felt??

You should have never said that you were a Gator fan.

Major fail.