They paid us $3m to take Frost but we may be saving them $5m. He is due $2.5m each for 2025/2026. If he takes another job Nebraska only has to make up the difference of his guaranteed pay from UCF and $2.5m. I really hope UCF is paying Frost a low salary and making it super incentive-heavy. Something like $1m base, $5m for making the CFP, $10m for winning it. I imagine if we paid him $100k or something that wouldn't be believable and would probably draw lawsuits but I hope we're minimizing the amount we're saving Nebraska as much as possible.
Buying out Scott Frost’s contract before October cost University of Nebraska millions more
Last week’s dismissal of Scott Frost from his position as head coach of the Huskers football team is costing millions more than it would have had that decision been shelved for three more weeks.