UCF National Champion License Plate

Excited to see a picture.

Did you all catch the article at the bottom of the story: $1mil/yr salary for R.Shannon after the UF buy out expires in Feb 2020? UCF is big time.
Wow. You should start a thread with all the details. That’s crazy. We are big time!
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Wow. You should start a thread with all the details. That’s crazy. We are big time!

This is old news. Details are that UF owes him $2.2 million for 2 years. UCF will pay $300K each of those 2 years (2018, 2019). Then UCF pays $1M with a $300 re-signing bonus. Sounds like RS will take a $100K pay cut in 2020 though. $1.1M + $300K in 2018 and 2019, then $1M+ $300K in 2020. I don't think he takes the 2020 option.
This is old news. Details are that UF owes him $2.2 million for 2 years. UCF will pay $300K each of those 2 years (2018, 2019). Then UCF pays $1M with a $300 re-signing bonus. Sounds like RS will take a $100K pay cut in 2020 though. $1.1M + $300K in 2018 and 2019, then $1M+ $300K in 2020. I don't think he takes the 2020 option.
Thanks for clarifying. That’s top notch coordinator money. More magic by Danny White to get the most out of our resources. Thank you UF!!
Thanks for clarifying. That’s top notch coordinator money. More magic by Danny White to get the most out of our resources. Thank you UF!!

Imagine if he could have gotten Kevin Sumlin ($300K/year too). We'd have a serious assistant budget.
Why the hell is FSU upset? Mind your own business up there in Florida's taint. Us folks from the shaft will handle our own. Thanks.

Get USF one that says, "2017 ass trophy winners"
had a feeling it wouldn't happen. Florida Universities do not support each other like Texas

UCF should just move on from the claim/story, Spring Practice will start and there will still be people wanting to argue this.
had a feeling it wouldn't happen. Florida Universities do not support each other like Texas

UCF should just move on from the claim/story, Spring Practice will start and there will still be people wanting to argue this.
We just don't know how to negotiate. We should have pushed for "Masters of the Universe" or "Kings of Florida Football" and settled for "2017 National Champions"
Would these be done in time for UCF fans to decend upon RJS next thanksgiving weekend? Might have to plan some extra trips to Tampa area next year if this plate comes to fruition.
Not sure why they'd care what USF or FSU students think about a UCF tag. At the end of the day, if making it say "National Champs" or "#CFPCommitteeCanEatTurds" sells 5 more tags, that's more revenue for the state and they should change it.
"Dania Beach Democratic Rep. Evan Jenne filed an amendment to the bill that would replace the words stamped on the license plate. Instead of “2017 National Champions,” the plate would read “2017 Undefeated Season.”"

Evan Jenne is a piece of shit. I want to see this shit weasel doxxed, exposed, and outed. He is a politician. It isn't a matter of if. It is a matter of how much ****ery is in this POS's closet.

This rich kid POS was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had the wheels greased for him from birth.