UCF National Champion License Plate
"Dania Beach Democratic Rep. Evan Jenne filed an amendment to the bill that would replace the words stamped on the license plate. Instead of “2017 National Champions,” the plate would read “2017 Undefeated Season.”"

Evan Jenne is a piece of shit. I want to see this shit weasel doxxed, exposed, and outed. He is a politician. It isn't a matter of if. It is a matter of how much ****ery is in this POS's closet.

This rich kid POS was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had the wheels greased for him from birth.
If the Governor declared UCF National Champions in the State of FL why would a license plate say anything different?
This guy is a tool
They should not allow the amendment to be voted on or vote it down
Otherwise make him start another bill that that lame tagline

This bozo wants to make a plate that he will NEVER buy

Some taglines for his school plate:

"Barely above average"
"We harass our coach's children"
"We are afraid to play UCF"
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This guy is a tool
They should not allow the amendment to be voted on or vote it down
Otherwise make him start another bill that that lame tagline

This bozo wants to make a plate that he will NEVER buy

Some taglines for his school plate:

"Barely above average"
"We harass our coach's children"
"We are afraid to play UCF"
"Bowl Eligible*"
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The champ (Alabama) got TKOed by the challenger. Then we beat the champ therefore we are the champ. 13-0 isn’t a hard concept.*
"Dania Beach Democratic Rep. Evan Jenne filed an amendment to the bill that would replace the words stamped on the license plate. Instead of “2017 National Champions,” the plate would read “2017 Undefeated Season.”"

Evan Jenne is a piece of shit. I want to see this shit weasel doxxed, exposed, and outed. He is a politician. It isn't a matter of if. It is a matter of how much ****ery is in this POS's closet.

This rich kid POS was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had the wheels greased for him from birth.

Please don't be UCF's Harvey Updyke.
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Fellow alumnus Chris Latvala got the national championship tag past the buffoonery of his colleagues. Now on to the next step.

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It has been quiet on this one so I researched details today. Here is a link to the bill and status. So far, so good, no changes to the UCF plate.

Interesting read on the Auburn proposal. Money from their plates will be managed by the Tampa Bay Auburn booster club and will pay for Florida residents attending Auburn who qualify for Bright Futures.

HB 1359 Status

HB 1359 Bill detail
So if the bill passes, will it only be available for a limited time? Or will the UCF plate always have that on there from now on until a change is made
I’m surprised some alums from other schools didn’t throw some shade at us and vote no. Of course I don’t know what the entire bill was, maybe the UCF clause was attached to some bill to ban clubbin’ baby seals lol

Well, it's an election year and they want to keep their jobs so they better not piss off the biggest school in the state lol...
Bad news guys. Joe Reedy's twitter account (AP Tallahassee) is saying the plate was changed last minute from "National Champions" to "Undefeated Champions".
I get that politicians need to accept compromise, it's better to win an inch today than never move the needle holding out for perfection. There was no reason to compromise here. The opposition had no leg to stand on. Will USF fans buy this plate now that it says "Undefeated Champions"? No.
Will less UCF fans buy it, probably.
So the state loses money, but hey UF/USF politicians have thier egos to protect.

I'm with the others replying to the tweet. Better for it to get killed and expose those who would kill it, then join them in this half measure. By voting for this, we are accepting thier view as reality.

Yep...tell that clown to SHOVE IT!!

Florida's own GOVERNOR declared UCF National Champions and that's what should be on the plate!!!
I don't know much about FL politics, but I think Latvala was told to go home and get his shine box and he said ok.
Chris Labia, err Latvala isn't the only UCF alum with no sack. The following dickless wonders are local Reps who rolled over like cheap hookers:

Carlos Guillermo Smith - Orlando
Robert Olszewski - Winter Garden
Bruce Antone - Orlando

If these are your Reps, have at them. They're probably up for re-election this year.
Chris Labia, err Latvala isn't the only UCF alum with no sack. The following dickless wonders are local Reps who rolled over like cheap hookers:

Carlos Guillermo Smith - Orlando
Robert Olszewski - Winter Garden
Bruce Antone - Orlando

If these are your Reps, have at them. They're probably up for re-election this year.
Is anyone still interested in buying a plate that goes half way and says Undefeated Champions? How did this amendment pass at the very last second when a month ago, the national champs language survived the normal debate and amendment process? Shady
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Amazing that they are so concerned about the language of something that they weren't even going to buy. Give the people who are actually going to consume the product what they want.

Instead of boycotting we need to get everyone who buys one a sticker that says "National" to go over "Undefeated"
At this point I am inclined to run against Reedy and use this issue as exhibit fraking "A" to demonstrate that most so-called representatives don't stand up for their constituents.
This guy is a real piece of work - and real prime smart ass.

Did I say I hate smart ass smart alec punk asses ?

Way to go in giving a middle finger to the very same people that hold the key to your re-election.

He didn't think this one through, did he ?

At this point I am inclined to run against Reedy and use this issue as exhibit fraking "A" to demonstrate that most so-called representatives don't stand up for their constituents.
He's an AP reporter, but I get your point on the backers.

To me, it doesn't bode well to their ability to handle more important issues. They gave up ground for no reason. Fine, it's just a licenses plate, but what if it's a road construction project, a hospital, etc, etc. They couldn't even handle two words on a license plate.
He's an AP reporter, but I get your point on the backers.

To me, it doesn't bode well to their ability to handle more important issues. They gave up ground for no reason. Fine, it's just a licenses plate, but what if it's a road construction project, a hospital, etc, etc. They couldn't even handle two words on a license plate.

AP reporter ? That's rich. And yet the media wonders why so many people hate them.