UF offers counseling for Halloween costumes.


Diamond Knight
Gold Member
Sep 18, 2002
I feel so bad for our next generation. I can't make this up.


The University of Florida is offering counseling to anyone who gets offended by any costumes worn this coming Halloween.

The school wrote in a blog post Monday urging students to “think about your choices of costumes and themes.”

“Some Halloween costumes reinforce stereotypes of particular races, genders, cultures, or religions. Regardless of intent, these costumes can perpetuate negative stereotypes, causing harm and offense to groups of people. Also, keep in mind that social media posts can have a long-term impact on your personal and professional reputation,” the post read.
I can't imagine what all these snowflakes will do when they hit the real world and no one gives a fuk about their latest faux rage protest. I'm so glad I'm in the construction industry and pretty much only work blue collar people. I couldn't handle all that whiny baby drama, our company's unemployment would be through the roof.
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Right-wing dolts getting bent out of shape from something else that has absolutely no affect on their daily life. Carry on.
Oh crap. It's headed south! The Pussocalypse is spreading faster than I thought. It will be in Orlando soon enough. Good bye Spirit Splash, hello Spirit Vegan Safe Space.

It started in Atlanta at Emory with the Trump chalk messages and is moving down I-75.
I didn't click the link so I'm just going by what the OP copied. I see a simple PSA and don't think there's anything wrong with it. Believe me, there are people I went to high school and college with (and hell, some of the inbreds that post on this board) that could've used a PSA or two. There have been many examples in recent years (YES! RECENT YEARS!) of kids dressing in blackface, etc. at parties and then posting those pictures on social media. Social media does have a very long-term impact on one's personal and professional reputation. I know that aside from an actual resume, it is the very next thing I search for when evaluating a candidate. Considering that college is meant to further prepare you for your career and the rest of your life, I am glad that they're taking steps to help educate the student body about things that the students may not have considered. When I was in college I took all of the free career and life advice that the school gave out.

And, despite what some of you may think, just because you may not be directly impacted by negative stereotypes doesn't mean that they don't exist.
I didn't click the link so I'm just going by what the OP copied. I see a simple PSA and don't think there's anything wrong with it. Believe me, there are people I went to high school and college with (and hell, some of the inbreds that post on this board) that could've used a PSA or two. There have been many examples in recent years (YES! RECENT YEARS!) of kids dressing in blackface, etc. at parties and then posting those pictures on social media. Social media does have a very long-term impact on one's personal and professional reputation. I know that aside from an actual resume, it is the very next thing I search for when evaluating a candidate. Considering that college is meant to further prepare you for your career and the rest of your life, I am glad that they're taking steps to help educate the student body about things that the students may not have considered. When I was in college I took all of the free career and life advice that the school gave out.

And, despite what some of you may think, just because you may not be directly impacted by negative stereotypes doesn't mean that they don't exist.

They are talking about offering counseling to people offended by costumes, not morons in black face that won't get hired in the future because of a picture.
They are talking about offering counseling to people offended by costumes, not morons in black face that won't get hired in the future because of a picture.
Missed that part. That definitely seems a little excessive; however, all college campuses have counseling that you can attend pretty much any time you want so the only difference is that this is being "advertised" separately.
Missed that part. That definitely seems a little excessive; however, all college campuses have counseling that you can attend pretty much any time you want so the only difference is that this is being "advertised" separately.

It's still counseling for halloween costumes... What costume would cause so much mental trauma that a person would need therapy after seeing it?
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It's still counseling for halloween costumes... What costume would cause so much mental trauma that a person would need therapy after seeing it?
I agree with you on your first sentence. As for the second, I can't answer that. I'm not in everyone's brain, so I don't know. What causes me trauma likely doesn't cause most everyone else in this world trauma. That said, I judge this by:

1. Does it have a direct impact on my life or my family's life? No.
2. Does it have a monetary/economic impact on my life or my family's life? No.

Conclusion: I just don't give a shit, because it has no impact on any of the important factors in my life. Frankly, I have too much other crap to worry about then if someone wants to advertise counseling for those that may be offended or harmed by stereotypical Halloween costumes. That said, if it has the potential of preventing one person from jumping off the deep end and mass murdering a bunch of people because they felt offended then it's fine by me.
Right-wing dolts getting bent out of shape from something else that has absolutely no affect on their daily life. Carry on.

This whole god-damned forum has no affect on anyone's life. Thank you Marx.

Furthermore, not wanting to participate in a collectivist social-engineering push does not make a person a right-winger. It makes them non-conformist, or some other random label...since you like labels, and categorizing people.
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Sweden runs our country. Most of these movements start there.

Alternative pronouns started there...2011
Bans of offensive halloween costumes...2010

Sweden also banned offensive language on T-shirts...that's coming soon.
I guess it's time to dust off my "HEAVY FUKCING METAL" and "FUKC YOU YOU FUKCING FUKC" t-shirts then.

University of Texas issues 29-point checklist on offensive Halloween costumes

World class institution right there. To be clear, I don't give a damn what anyone "identifies" as, if you bang dudes, chicks, both, whatever.... but holy crap there are rules for everything now and someone ready to run to a safe space no matter what you do
Where's that UF hotline number? I think I've just been TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!!!

Was this the trigger?

This whole god-damned forum has no affect on anyone's life. Thank you Marx.

Furthermore, not wanting to participate in a collectivist social-engineering push does not make a person a right-winger. It makes them non-conformist, or some other random label...since you like labels, and categorizing people.

chemmie's entire life revolves around hanging out in pretentious beer bars with pretentious left wing hispters who pride themselves on reading the Huffington Post and being up to speed on what's trending in left wing America. Since being offended at most everything is trending, chemmie sympathizes with these Marxist shitheads who run our universities and the dolts who attend them.
chemmie's entire life revolves around hanging out in pretentious beer bars with pretentious left wing hispters who pride themselves on reading the Huffington Post and being up to speed on what's trending in left wing America. Since being offended at most everything is trending, chemmie sympathizes with these Marxist shitheads who run our universities and the dolts who attend them.

It is a form of elitism...includes snobbery, pretentiousness, a desire for power and control of others, and the eradication of various trains of thought through legislation.