

Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
10 million new claims in the last 2 weeks. Unbelievable how quick this collapse has happened.
It'll be mere minutes before @DaShuckster flies in to claim this is proof that Trump's 4 year economic policy has failed! Mass unemployment! How did this happen!
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It'll be mere minutes before @DaShuckster flies in to claim this is proof that Trump's 4 year economic policy has failed! Mass unemployment! How did this happen!
Just imagine how much worse this would have been 4 or 5 years ago. We've basically just lost the gains from then so we're back to square one.
All thanks to utter incompetence by our leaders in January. If we would have taken the ROK approach and tested people with selective quarantining this would have never have happened (they are only seeing a ~33% unemployment increase and far, far fewer deaths).

Sadly we called it a democratic hoax and let it fester.
All thanks to utter incompetence by our leaders in January. If we would have taken the ROK approach and tested people with selective quarantining this would have never have happened (they are only seeing a ~33% unemployment increase and far, far fewer deaths).

Sadly we called it a democratic hoax and let it fester.

Or all the Democratic leaders wanting New Yorkers to get out and party. Hindsight is easy. The blame is clearly on China for not passing information early but you're always a partisan so you will never be open minded.
hard to build stuff sitting on your ass in quarantine.
End the quarantine. Get back to doing what we were 6 weeks ago. Treat this like we do with any other influenza. We'll have more people die from tanking the economy than we would from the virus.
End the quarantine. Get back to doing what we were 6 weeks ago. Treat this like we do with any other influenza. We'll have more people die from tanking the economy than we would from the virus.


You have to be trying to be stupid. I am almost speechless, which is impressive given the bullshit I've been exposed to on this board.

You really, truly are a flat earth moron.
End the quarantine. Get back to doing what we were 6 weeks ago. Treat this like we do with any other influenza. We'll have more people die from tanking the economy than we would from the virus.

Nah. Bad take.
Nah. Bad take.
Why? The end goal is to prevent deaths. More people will die from what we are doing than the virus could ever accomplish. The media driven panic-response and tanking the economy will lead to the end of our country. We'll end up like China before this is all said and done.
I don’t have the energy to respond to this.

It's unbelievable. These are supposedly college educated adults on here. Every day I lose more and more faith in humanity by reading this board.

We are not smart enough as a population for a democracy to work. When we have people like crazyhole who are allowed to vote....we are just doomed.
The media driven panic-response and tanking the economy will lead to the end of our country.
Yeah boy, Crazy! That's the winning ticket!!! This was the Republican-led poo-pooing of the virus that put us in our current position.

A couple weeks ago, Mississippi's Governor was actually overturning stay-at-home orders by some cities and counties within his state. And now? Guess what? Mississippi has the highest hospitalization rate in the country for the virus.

And we STILL do not have a nationwide stay-at-home order.
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Yeah boy, Crazy! That's the winning ticket!!! This was the Republican-led poo-pooing of the virus that put us in our current position.

A couple weeks ago, Mississippi's Governor was actually overturning stay-at-home orders by some cities and counties within his state. And now? Guess what? Mississippi has the highest hospitalization rate in the country for the virus.

And we STILL do not have a nationwide stay-at-home order.

Good. Necessity leads to innovation. This will make their hospitals more efficient and effective. If they cant handle something as minor as this then they weren't worth what we pay them.
Unemployment is high thanks to the competence local leaders showed in shutting down the economy. This doesn't reflect positively or negatively on any politician.

We knew this was going too happen and that's why they beefed up the pay out. This is an example of government actually functioning as intended.
"Hey guys, deaths in the US are doubling every 80 hours, but our economy might get hurt so we should open everything back up."
They are still building my house so is there a huge difference in different work industries? We need to practice extreme caution, but I do think we need to go back to work in May.
How long do you want people to sit in their homes? 6 months or more?

Never said that. If it takes into the end of May or early June to minimize the damage and not tax our medical systems, then I guess we are going to have to go in that direction.

And we should probably pray that this thing doesn’t mutate while we are at it.
How long do you want people to sit in their homes? 6 months or more?
Jesus Christ, how much more evidence do you need to see before it sinks in that the time for people to leave their homes is AFTER the virus is on the tail end of the bell curve, not when infections and deaths are still increasing for crying out loud!!!
Never said that. If it takes into the end of May or early June to minimize the damage and not tax our medical systems, then I guess we are going to have to go in that direction.

And we should probably pray that this thing doesn’t mutate while we are at it.

The same medical systems that charge you 20 bucks for a tablet of tylenol, or 500 bucks for a 5 dollar bag of saline? If they have that kind of profit margin over 40 years and are ill-equipped to deal with something that has a 1% fatality rate then we shouldn't be concerned about overwhelming them, we should be pissed off about how much they've been profiteering on healthcare.
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They are still building my house so is there a huge difference in different work industries? We need to practice extreme caution, but I do think we need to go back to work in May.

Pinellas County just sent a crew out to fix our sidewalks that have been marked for repair for years. I think they're expediting every job to give people work to do.
The same medical systems that charge you 20 bucks for a tablet of tylenol, or 500 bucks for a 5 dollar bag of saline? If they have that kind of profit margin over 40 years and are ill-equipped to deal with something that has a 1% fatality rate then we shouldn't be concerned about overwhelming them, we should be pissed off about how much they've been profiteering on healthcare.

Yes, and all that anger is going to get us where when we are ten of thousands of beds short in these units. You are now arguing something completely different, as it were.

Like I said, I really don't have the energy for this...
Yes, and all that anger is going to get us where when we are ten of thousands of beds short in these units. You are now arguing something completely different, as it were.

Like I said, I really don't have the energy for this...

Let's make sure its clear just because you're positive for covid 19 doesn't make it a guarantee of a hospital stay. I think if that drug mix really gets the covid 19 symptoms resolved in 6 days max will decrease the burden on hospitals.
Let's make sure its clear just because you're positive for covid 19 doesn't make it a guarantee of a hospital stay. I think if that drug mix really gets the covid 19 symptoms resolved in 6 days max will decrease the burden on hospitals.
Better yet, let's have a better way to account for deaths that are directly attributed to covid-19. As it stands, if you have AIDS and die after being diagnosed with covid-19, its counted as a covid-19 death. If you're 99 years old, suffering from heart failure, and diagnosed with covid-19 then die, its counted as a covid-19 death. If you have been in renal failure for 2 years, get diagnosed with covid-19 and die, its counted as a covid-19 death.

Even with covid-19 spreading in this country, your chances of dying in the next 4 weeks are no greater than your chance of dying in the next 12 months.
Better yet, let's have a better way to account for deaths that are directly attributed to covid-19.
Yeah, God forbid we count Covid-19 as the real villain when a corona virus infected patient dies of pneumonia.*

Who else here knew this was a problem? I'm sure a more accurate accounting would greatly improve our current situation.*