US and Taliban reach truce agreement

We should go full on Soleimani on the Taliban leadership at a wide scale and then offer a truce deal. Show them the full scale of our capabilities, give them an offer for terms of peace, and let them know if they do it again we will be back.

You know, like what Truman did.
what could go wrong?
We should go full on Soleimani on the Taliban leadership at a wide scale and then offer a truce deal. Show them the full scale of our capabilities, give them an offer for terms of peace, and let them know if they do it again we will be back.

You know, like what Truman did.

We've been there 20 years. I assume this would have been done like 10 years ago if it could result in the Taliban capitulation.
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Bowing to the Sauds, air dropping billions of dollars in cash to a terrorist regime, allowing US civilians to be killed and then blaming a youtube video, telling Putin that he'll have more flexibility to work with him after the election, sending blankets as an aid package to an ally under attack, helping the Muslim brotherhood take over 2 stable countries, arming ISIS...........yeah, those were the good ole days.
We've been there 20 years. I assume this would have been done like 10 years ago if it could result in the Taliban capitulation.
We went from having a spineless leader to an isolationist leader. I think that may have something to do with it.
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Like everything from this Administration, this is ham-handed and lacking of any strategy other than to get our troops out in time to give Trump something he can boast about on the campaign trail.

Everybody wants them out but there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. But as long as he’s got a campaign talking point, Trump doesn’t give a sh*t. nailed it.
People forget that W. didn't declare war on the Taliban ... until they refused to give up Bin Laden.

In any case ... Americans are tired of war. I want to pull out of everywhere, every FoB. So done with being the world's scapegoat.
People forget that W. didn't declare war on the Taliban ... until they refused to give up Bin Laden.

In any case ... Americans are tired of war. I want to pull out of everywhere, every FoB. So done with being the world's scapegoat.
There have been very good reasons for us to be in places like the Pacific Rim because we provide stability in a region that is very important right now for trade. For the most part, the countries welcome us there and, in some cases, pay for our presence (whether through direct payments or through in-kind commercial contracts with industry). Every Pacific Rim country that I've worked with (ROK, Taiwan, AUS) has demonstrated that they are investing in growing their own capability so that maybe they won't need us so much in the future. They even send units to support the ME effort.

The issue is with the western NATO countries. They have taken a much different tact and take our presence there for granted. Aside from those bases and installations being such important staging places to project force, I can see a lot of reasons to close those down. With that said, it is important to remember that it's far more than just closing down bases and installations. Along with those come in-place agreements to allow boots on the ground and airspace rights and a logistics pipeline to supply operations from those areas to project force into places where we have historically seen a lot of negative activities. Our bases also provide some economic impact on their communities, just like our domestic do here. If we just close those up, not only will we cause some hard feelings but also likely lose agreements that would need to be renegotiated when something happened. I'm not sure that we just want to walk away from all of that.
Historic peace agreement signed. All forces out in 14 months if the Taliban hold up the entirety of their side of the agreement.
I still think we'll end up going back there, but this is the longest war in history so I'm glad it looks to be coming to an end
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Bad PR photo and a questionably timed and worded speech (never said mission accomplished but that is beside the point). It is a shame that a sign that was for the Sailors and Marines returning to their families from a long and difficult deployment has lost that understanding among the general public.
Color me shocked that @fried-chicken and the board lefties who irrationally hate Trump have nothing good to say about this. Maybe they could join up to to continue this for another 20 years if they want
god i hope this works. i want out of that entire region. there is no good reason we should still be there.
god i hope this works. i want out of that entire region. there is no good reason we should still be there.
If Trump can get Kim Yung un to stop his provocative missile testing, there's no reason to believe he can't also bring lasting peace to the Middle East.* :)
Imagine what it must be like to be a serviceman that went over there to take out the Taliban, lost friends and time with their families only have this end with a peace treaty like this. That has to be demoralizing.
If Trump can get Kim Yung un to stop his provocative missile testing, there's no reason to believe he can't also bring lasting peace to the Middle East.* :)
What ever happened to the Iran vs USA war that you predicted? :p
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All forces out in 14 months if the Taliban hold up the entirety of their side of the agreement.

That is the key to the whole agreement. Will it work? I doubt it as does Trump an Sec. P. But it def is wort taking a shot at it. It has been 20 years, Bush couldn't get us out, Obama couldn't get us out, I hope Trump can. Time will tell.
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What ever happened to the Iran vs USA war that you predicted? :p

Shookster thinks our forces should still be in northern Syria, caught in the middle of the now out of control bloodbath between Turkey, the Kurds, Russia, and Syrian forces. He lost his shit when Trump decided to get our troops out of that mess.

Just like he's now pissing and moaning about this Afghan deal. Shookster is fine with demanding our troops stay in shitty, untenable situations so long as he thinks there's a political angle to take against Trump.
Well it doesn't matter now because the Taliban resumed attacks. That treaty didnt last long
Well it doesn't matter now because the Taliban resumed attacks. That treaty didnt last long
I would have thought these Taliban idiots would be smart enough to at least wait until all the US troops left.

This makes it a little harder for Trump to bring home the troops 'honorably,' right guys?
I would have thought these Taliban idiots would be smart enough to at least wait until all the US troops left.

This makes it a little harder for Trump to bring home the troops 'honorably,' right guys?

They say they arent going to target US personnel but it's unlikely to last. If we see the Afghan government as an ally it would be pretty crappy if we just stood by while they are getting bombed by terrorists.
Bang! Just like that. Peace ova. Trump drops bombs.

The Agreement is still in tact since in a weird workabout, what's going on is actually "allowed" in the Agreement. It said that the Taliban cannot attack US forces which technically is still true; they attacked Afghan Forces since the dumbass Afghan President immediately nixed the idea of any prisoner swap. The US bombed Afghan fighters as they were advancing on Afghan positions (not US positions).

This is really a tactic for the Taliban to apply pressure on the Afghan President to make a deal.
The Agreement is still in tact since in a weird workabout, what's going on is actually "allowed" in the Agreement. It said that the Taliban cannot attack US forces which technically is still true; they attacked Afghan Forces since the dumbass Afghan President immediately nixed the idea of any prisoner swap. The US bombed Afghan fighters as they were advancing on Afghan positions (not US positions).

This is really a tactic for the Taliban to apply pressure on the Afghan President to make a deal.
Thanks for the explanation, 85. Glad we can proudly leave the region with our heads held high.*
Thanks for the explanation, 85. Glad we can proudly leave the region with our heads held high.*

When you're ready to join up and assure we continue fighting for another 20 years, please let us know. We'll send you a box of Depends to your camp outside Kabul.
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When you're ready to join up and assure we continue fighting for another 20 years, please let us know. We'll send you a box of Depends to your camp outside Kabul.
When the Taliban or some new, Johnny-come-lately Islamic terrorist group starts televising the beheadings of kidnapped Americans, a new chemical war attack takes place, or some other God-awful atrocity, I can expect you to blast Trump for his premature troop withdrawal the same way you blasted Obama, right?
When the Taliban or some new, Johnny-come-lately Islamic terrorist group starts televising the beheadings of kidnapped Americans, a new chemical war attack takes place, or some other God-awful atrocity, I can expect you to blast Trump for his premature troop withdrawal the same way you blasted Obama, right?
Trump will wipe them all out before it gets to that point. Obama was a do nothing pussy