Video of Joey Galloway defending Our National Championship on ESPN

I love how he shot down everything from "UCF saying too much" to "Auburn not being motivated." In the latter case, even the other guys started supporting Joey.

This is what we need. We need media mouthpieces shooting down the naysayers. Joey does that, and he won't let people off-the-hook either.

He says he doesn't believe we are National Champions, but understand what we're doing. He understands. That's all we want, for people to understand.

And Joey now wants others to understand too. Win-win-win
Just like Auburn didn't show up for the game, so UCF's win wasn't a real one either.
So true! Auburn ALWAYS shows up. They have a lot of pride. They lost, no two ways about it. A shame the saps claiming otherwise can't handle being bested! Ask any AU fan and they would be pretty mad if anyone told them they didn't show for that game.
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Finally an ESPN pundit with the balls to say something positive about a... oh no... a lowly non-privileged 5 team. I'm sure there's a ton of unspoken internal pressure behind the scenes to keep your mouth shut about the glaring privileged 5 bias and tow the line. Galloway stepping up and saying something AND bringing up good arguments for teams like ours this year is all we have been asking for all year.

Going undefeated in EVERY game of the regular and post season is hard to do and our conference is not the joke of cupcakes everybody likes to say it is. Arguably, the AAC this year is no worse than the B12 was the year we made our Fiesta Bowl run. Everyone of those pundits like to cherry pick their facts but they all forget that our players went 11 straight without a bye because of the hurricane. We also took on our 2 toughest opponents in back to back weeks at the very end for dessert and still came out with a clean sheet. That's more than Alabama can say strategically playing their EASIEST opponent right before LOSING to the team we embarrassed in front of 8.4 million people only to be rewarded with an spot in the playoff?

Here's to hoping more level headed sportscasters learn to take off the P5 biased shades and realize that they're part of the problem with this sham of a "playoff" that everyone knows is an illegitimate invitational.

Thank you and keep up the good fight Galloway! [cheers]
Everyone of those pundits like to cherry pick their facts but they all forget that our players went 11 straight without a bye because of the hurricane. We also took on our 2 toughest opponents in back to back weeks at the very end for dessert and still came out with a clean sheet.
Fun fact and someone actually wrote an article about this. it might be FCS but our make up opponent Austin Peay had a much much better season than our original opponent Maine. Usually it should be in reverse.
I thought I liked when the white tiger played for the Bucs and now I think I like him even better now.

He is legitimizing our point.
Here is a version UCF Football sent out. Awesome that so many people saw this clip to realize what a P5 Elitist Boog really is.

This one account video has already been viewed 173,000 plus times! Expose the (P5/SEC Elitist) Boog!

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That is a great clip. He totally surprised them with his answer. Comment "let everyone else talk you up?" Have you ever watched ESPN College Gameday! a 3 hour show, which on a good week spends 3 minutes on the AAC. :sunglasses: