We are such a racist country and big meanies


Diamond Knight
Gold Member
Sep 18, 2002
Start screaming libs.

Passengers traveling to the United States from 10 airports in eight Muslim-majority countries will be prohibited from bringing laptops, tablets and other portable electronic devices on board with them when they fly, according to new rules set to take effect Tuesday.

Fliers can still travel with these items, but they must be packed in their checked baggage on U.S.-bound flights from airports across eight countries including busy transit hubs in Istanbul, Dubai and Doha, Qatar.

Senior U.S. administration officials said the rules were prompted by “evaluated intelligence” that terrorists continue to target commercial aviation by “smuggling explosives in portable electronic devices.”

The rules are so reactionary and stupid. Someone tried to sneak explosive devices in a ware bottle...NO MORE LIQUID!!!! Someone tried to make a shoe bomb...TAKE YOUR SHOES OFF!!!!

Glad no one has tried the penis bomb. They'd build a special machine that we'd have to penetrate just to get on board.
They can afford to have laptops and cell phones, but going to America to have a better life. Speaking of sjw libtards if they like the muzzies so much perhaps they should be deported there themselves.