You're probably not as successful as you think you are, no one wants your money unless you're sitting on 50M which I doubt.
I never said I was super successful. I am building a small nest egg. I have 6 pieces of real estate, all residential and 4 of them are vacation rentals. I am guessing market value in total around $1.5 million. Since they are income producing properties the day I sell them, the difference between what I paid for them and what I sell them they are subject to cap gains.
Now over that time I maintain them, put new wells in them, new roofs, remodel them and so forth. Over the years I help guests with everything from being stuck in the snow to fixing hot tubs and doing what ever. Point is, it's work. It's my time and it's my money not yours , none of it. So, why after 30 years of ownership should I have to pay the government 28% or 39% of the difference between what I bought and sold it for?
The government gets property taxes, electrical taxes, satellite TV taxes, phone taxes and lodging taxes plus private personal property taxes all along the way. Most of my vacation properties are on private roads which the government does not maintain. My homes do not send kids to government school either. Lastly, when the recession hit us hard, the government did nothing to reduce the tax burden even though market value of property fell significantly.
I am taking all the risks here not the government. So why do we write tax laws where the government gets all the benefit of the risks and none of the shared responsibility for said risk?
I have two retail stores and depending on the season up to 12-15 employees. My payroll tax obligation is significant for me. For you, paying the IRS $10,000 may be nothing, but for me it's a real dent in our expenses. I also pay sales taxes, property taxes, and on and on.
Your comment is the issue here. Sometimes we think oh, they will only come after the billionaire or what ever, no they come after everyone. I stick with my original thought that the Constitution does not give the Federal government authority to redistribute wealth. With that said, we have this notion in our culture that it's ok to stick to one class or group simply because of envy, jealousy or spite. Sticking it to the guy who has 50 million in the end never makes guy making $18,000 better off. He is still making $18,000 and will continue to do so.
The only thing you have done is confiscate somebody's property and washed in the pit of waste that is the government. The crazy thing is we have real world data for more than a century of the failures of promised wealth redistribution and creating communist states where only those who are close to power enjoy the fruits of the promises of being a place of the workers while the workers suffer from the authoritarian boot on their neck with that same government saying you will get your fair share. That's a fair share of misery.
In the end I still think the Constitution matters and for those wanting a socialist state at least have the courage to amend the Constitution to allow for your wealth redistribution schemes.