What if the slaves in the early US had

Plenty of bad leaders have their sympathizers, both civilian, government officials, police, and military. There is absolutely no one who can take over a country and control people all on their own. I just listed an example where in a public and filmed forum, a person asked a relatively prominent Republican figure when it was going to be times to start using guns. If Donald Trump (or whoever) started asking people to take up arms do you not think he would have at least a significant percentage of his supporters who would do it? Especially if they blame the other side for how their lives have turned out? Of course they would. Propaganda is a powerful thing and this country is filled with propaganda.

ETA: Nazi Germany started killing and raiding Jewish homes before they banned guns, but seeing as Jews in Germany at that time were a small population, there was nothing they could do about it even if they had guns. This whole idea of an armed populace being able to stop an authoritarian government is a complete hypothetical. Do you really think Jews could have defeated the Nazi military if they had guns? Of course they couldnt have. The biggest thing that leads to authoritarian takeover is the propaganda and ability to convince parts of your population, that another part of your population is your enemy. I think when we look back at Hitler and people like him, we forget that at the time, he had the support of many civilians who were either complacent, or even agreed with him about the Jews.

Another quick example. When John Brown started trying to free slaves, he was defeated by the US military pretty quickly and easily. And it isnt really debatable that the US at the time was authoritarian when it came to black people and slavery, and a well armed group of civilians was defeated quite easily. He wasnt trying to take down the government per se, but he was trying to fight against certain injustices, and the government beat him easily.
You did not answer my question. You threw out a bunch of fear-mongering about Trump being a nascent dictator but you did not even come close to answering my question about today’s world.
You did not answer my question. You threw out a bunch of fear-mongering about Trump being a nascent dictator but you did not even come close to answering my question about today’s world.

I gave you two clear historical examples. Secondly, you understand how that is a difficult question to answer? You are asking me to be a mind reader more or less. I am sure many people in Saudi Arabia for example, want to get a different government, but at the same time it is a very religious country so I am sure many civilians think living under Islamic law is proper. So how exactly am I supposed to answer that? I am supposed to know what every civilian in an authoritarian state truly wants? Plus, there are plenty of countries in the world with strict gun control who arent authoritarian, so trying to make authoritarianism into a gun control issue is still off base, or there would be a lot more authoritarian countries. It is a people issue. Hitler isnt shit without a strong army and support in his country. Making this about guns and not about the fact the anyone who rises to power has to have a lot of support, is basically erasing the major component of how authoritarians tend to take control to begin with. Look at Hungary, it is essentially a fascist state now, but the president was elected, so he obviously has some support in the country. So did gun control cause his rise? Or did the people cause his rise?
let's just look at this logically. WW11 was a 4 year war with armies from all over the world trying to defeat Hitler, but if only the shop owners, bankers, butchers, etc had a few guns then they could have stopped it?
I gave you two clear historical examples. Secondly, you understand how that is a difficult question to answer? You are asking me to be a mind reader more or less. I am sure many people in Saudi Arabia for example, want to get a different government, but at the same time it is a very religious country so I am sure many civilians think living under Islamic law is proper. So how exactly am I supposed to answer that? I am supposed to know what every civilian in an authoritarian state truly wants? Plus, there are plenty of countries in the world with strict gun control who arent authoritarian, so trying to make authoritarianism into a gun control issue is still off base, or there would be a lot more authoritarian countries. It is a people issue. Hitler isnt shit without a strong army and support in his country. Making this about guns and not about the fact the anyone who rises to power has to have a lot of support, is basically erasing the major component of how authoritarians tend to take control to begin with. Look at Hungary, it is essentially a fascist state now, but the president was elected, so he obviously has some support in the country. So did gun control cause his rise? Or did the people cause his rise?
My point is that no one in governmental power strongly enough to bend that government to their will is using non-governmental forces to force opposition government elements to fall in line. They will replace the opposition government in power with sycophants almost immediately and then leverage the power of government. Sure, it’s easier when they have a significant portion of the public with them. But they won’t be in opposition to the government.

You are so afraid of Trump being some fascist dictator and those people that are passionate about him that you cannot see any example of it but that. I would hope that you could see how the government has been used against conservatives by a cult of personality President and that it’s a danger that grows as we give more power to the federal government, no matter who is in the Oval Office. But I have no faith that you see this as anything but a partisan worry against the Trump administration and that is sad because that jackass isn’t nearly as dangerous as the snakes that have been taking away our freedoms while we cheered for them.
Have you read a history book? Slaves were brought over from Africa by heavily armed Europeans and immediately thrust into a life of slavery and servitude. They were suppressed as a human being from the minute their tribal warlord in Africa captured them and sold them to the Europeans.

Where then would they have the capacity to arm and organize a rebellion to slavery?
Lol, it's rhetorical.
My point is that no one in governmental power strongly enough to bend that government to their will is using non-governmental forces to force opposition government elements to fall in line. They will replace the opposition government in power with sycophants almost immediately and then leverage the power of government. Sure, it’s easier when they have a significant portion of the public with them. But they won’t be in opposition to the government.

You are so afraid of Trump being some fascist dictator and those people that are passionate about him that you cannot see any example of it but that. I would hope that you could see how the government has been used against conservatives by a cult of personality President and that it’s a danger that grows as we give more power to the federal government, no matter who is in the Oval Office. But I have no faith that you see this as anything but a partisan worry against the Trump administration and that is sad because that jackass isn’t nearly as dangerous as the snakes that have been taking away our freedoms while we cheered for them.

I am not sure how your first paragraph is disagreeing with what I am saying.

For the 2nd paragraph, an example of what exactly? You are trying to tie gun control to fascism, but then you are putting on me to prove you wrong. Why dont you prove yourself right? Again, if control was such a major ingredient with regards to fascism and authoritarianism, then why is that that so many countries with much stricter gun control than what we have, are not fascist?

I said nothing about Trump in that post, so dont put that fixation on me when you are the one talking about it. But in saying that, I dont know what you mean by the government is used against conservatives? You are going to have to give examples or explain what you mean by that. Where I am sitting, the electoral college certainly helps conservatives, the fact they appoint more judges than democrats helps conservatives, gerrymandering can help both sides but at this point it certainly helps conservatives. So you are going to have to explain what you mean by that.

What freedoms have you lost?
You think we left Afghanistan because cavemen had AK47s?

Uh, yea. Our government no longer had a will to commit troops to fight the Taliban who were primarily armed with AK's, trucks, and home made IEDs. Even if we really hadn't been committing ground troops for over a year anyways.

If there's no Taliban there's no pressure to leave since there would be no threat to US forces.
Uh, yea. Our government no longer had a will to commit troops to fight the Taliban who were primarily armed with AK's, trucks, and home made IEDs. Even if we really hadn't been committing ground troops for over a year anyways.

If there's no Taliban there's no pressure to leave since there would be no threat to US forces.
There is also no reason to stay if there is no Taliban.
I am not sure how your first paragraph is disagreeing with what I am saying.

For the 2nd paragraph, an example of what exactly? You are trying to tie gun control to fascism, but then you are putting on me to prove you wrong. Why dont you prove yourself right? Again, if control was such a major ingredient with regards to fascism and authoritarianism, then why is that that so many countries with much stricter gun control than what we have, are not fascist?

I said nothing about Trump in that post, so dont put that fixation on me when you are the one talking about it. But in saying that, I dont know what you mean by the government is used against conservatives? You are going to have to give examples or explain what you mean by that. Where I am sitting, the electoral college certainly helps conservatives, the fact they appoint more judges than democrats helps conservatives, gerrymandering can help both sides but at this point it certainly helps conservatives. So you are going to have to explain what you mean by that.

What freedoms have you lost?
There have been corruptions of many of our rights that result in infringements by government but not total loss. The first amendment, for example, has been infringed for public safety and we give that up for the value. But lately, the government has worked with private industry in the media and social media to define mutually acceptable speech and then the private industry goes off and performs the censorship. Sure, I have the freedom to use another forum, but with the vast majority of people using a small set of forums that are implementing the government’s desired messaging, then it is de facto government infringing upon the first amendment.

Every dollar the federal government takes from me for anything but the essential services needed to maintain our Union is an infringement of my right to the pursuit of happiness. We accept them to some degree or other but they are all encroachments.

I’ll spare you the rest of a moderately libertarian scree because you won’t agree with me and that’s just fine.
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Uh, yea. Our government no longer had a will to commit troops to fight the Taliban who were primarily armed with AK's, trucks, and home made IEDs. Even if we really hadn't been committing ground troops for over a year anyways.

If there's no Taliban there's no pressure to leave since there would be no threat to US forces.
All the military technology in the world isn’t going to make the Afghan populace at large accepting of an installed western democracy. The US left the quagmire because their original end goal was implausible. Not because the Taliban had guns.
Look crazy hole , first it's a stupid question. Its like asking what if Superman was Russian . Imagine if he lands in a wheat field in the Soviet Union back in 55 and not in Kansas . The world as we know it is very different. Two, after Biden did his best Cornholio gig last week maybe you should consider a revamped avatar? Just saying .
that was actually one of the best Superman stories. the ending was super creative too

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