What is currently making you happy?


Bronze Knight
Dec 17, 2011
Look, there's been a lot of shit lately- shootings, bombings, deaths, cop-shootings, racially motivated murders, terrorism, UCFBS comments, etc. and we could all use a little lighthearted positivity in our life. So I want to hear what's making you happy lately? Maybe something in the future you're looking forward to, or something that's currently working out, or hell, even a great lunch you had.

I'm excited my office is buying me lunch today, I had a great week off from work that I spent mostly with my little guy who now crawls, claps, dances, and makes silly faces/noises on command, I am looking forward to my tattoo healing so I can get back to crossfit, and I'm excited/scared of the upcoming Savage Race in October.

What about you guys?
Doing things I enjoyed doing as a kid. Once you get past the whole worry of people judging you for enjoying simple things it's really easy to enjoy said things.

So it's 2016 and I am watching pro wrestling and playing pokemon (both Pokemon Go and the original Yellow version)
Look, there's been a lot of shit lately- shootings, bombings, deaths, cop-shootings, racially motivated murders, terrorism, UCFBS comments, etc. and we could all use a little lighthearted positivity in our life. So I want to hear what's making you happy lately? Maybe something in the future you're looking forward to, or something that's currently working out, or hell, even a great lunch you had.

I'm excited my office is buying me lunch today, I had a great week off from work that I spent mostly with my little guy who now crawls, claps, dances, and makes silly faces/noises on command, I am looking forward to my tattoo healing so I can get back to crossfit, and I'm excited/scared of the upcoming Savage Race in October.

What about you guys?

When the crowd booed Sarah Silverman at the DNC that was pretty fun. Plus the look on Susan Sarandon's face at the DNC.
What currently makes me happy:

1. LMK
2. My son, he's absolutely amazing.
3. My job, I love it
4. Football season being around the corner, which also means.
5. Hopefully cooler weather!
6. My nerdy video game hobby
7. Sandwiches
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For me: in exactly 1 month, August 26, CFB season officially begins with Hawaii playing California in Australia, for some reason.
For reals, there's still no football, OCSC is sucking ass, the Rio Olympics look like a disaster, everybody is killing each other all over the world and we're about to elect the shitiest fukcing piece of shit president in the history of this country, REGARDLESS OF WHO WE ELECT!

There's pretty much nothing to be happy about right now except knowing Froggerz slipped some natural gas on Effer last night.