What your inbox says about your personality


Sep 5, 2007
Winter Park
Inbox Zero vs. Inbox 5,000: A Unified Theory
There are two types of people in the world: those with hundreds of unread messages, and those who can’t relax until their inboxes are cleared out.


How is it that some people remain calm as unread messages trickle into their inboxes and then roost there unattended, while others can’t sit still knowing that there are bolded-black emails and red-dotted Slack messages? I may operate toward the extreme end of compulsive notification-eliminators, but surveys suggest I’m not alone: One 2012 study found that 70 percent of work emails were attended to within six seconds of their arrival.

This has led me to a theory that there are two types of emailers in the world: Those who can comfortably ignore unread notifications, and those who feel the need to take action immediately.

So what puts people in one camp or the other? Gloria Mark, a professor of informatics at University of California, Irvine, has explored just this sort of question. A few years ago, she ran a study in which office workers were cut off from using email for one workweek and were equipped with heart-rate monitors; on average, going cold turkey significantly reduced their stress levels. (One intriguing recommendation that came out of the study was for companies to experiment with setting up systems in which less-urgent emails were exchanged in batches: in the morning, around lunchtime, and in the evening.)

After interviewing several people about their relationship with email, Mark has noticed that, for some people, email is an extension of autonomy—it's about having control. One subject, she said, told her, “I let the sound of the bell and the popups rule my life.” Compulsively checking email or compulsively clearing out queues of unread emails, then, can be a form of regaining some of that control. “So I might refine your theory to say that those who feel compelled to check email may be more susceptible to feeling a loss of control [and] in missing out on information,” Mark said.
I can't stand having unread/unfiled emails. I get a nervous tick and start twitching knowing that emails are piling up or that I haven't had time to file them. My wife on the other hand is the complete opposite. I forget what the maximum number display for unread emails is on her phone, but it basically just says "4,999..." at this point.

Here's mine:

I'm always on top of my work email. I rarely have an unread message unless I have it marked unread to remind me to do something later. My Gmail account has tens of thousands of unread emails. I just looked and there are unread messages from 2005 in there.
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I had to turn off my email notification thing. It drives me crazy. I file my emails everyday. Frogerz' phone blinks 100% of the time because he has unread emails. That annoys me to no end.
My emails go into an appropriate folder every day.

Anything else is uncivilized.
I let Google handle it. Its machine learning algorithm picks out the important messages and sorts the rest in to an "everything else" category that has thousands of unreads. Works pretty well
And I only leave an email in my Inbox if I am working something with it. As soon as the task is done, it is moved or deleted.
I had to turn off my email notification thing. It drives me crazy. I file my emails everyday. Frogerz' phone blinks 100% of the time because he has unread emails. That annoys me to no end.

Not true. My phone blinks when I have a new email and then stops when I check it. I have no unread emails in my inbox aside from things that need to remind me to do something. Once I'm done with the email, it is archived or deleted.

Clearly the answer is to throw his phone in a lake. I'm just saying, it's a solution.

Lakes are, indeed, solutions.
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My emails are insanely organized. I have probably 20 different folders set-up in gmail with filters to filer emails for me. I get virtually no junk mail in my inbox as i have it all meticulously filtered out (and Gmail takes it upon itself to filter Promotional and Social media emails for me.)
If an email hits my inbox, it is important and it is read quickly. If i need it for future reference i hangs around my inbox until i'm done with it. I delete nearly every email as soon as i am done with it and a small percentage are archived for later use. But, generally speaking, anything i NEED down the road for work (confirmations, invoices, credit approvals, etc) never hits my inbox but is immediately filtered to the appropriate folder via sender, title, or keywords. I still receive a notification but it won't clutter the most important tool in 21st century business, the inbox.