When did you start following political issues


Golden Knight
Gold Member
Nov 5, 2007
Curious when everything started taking a major interest in politics, their party affiliation, national vs. local etc.

For me, it was when I was out of college and began my professional career. I pay more attention to local politics in my city/state than I do on national issues. My parents/friends had some early influence on my beliefs but really started forming my own opinions and paying attention in my mid 20s.
Curious when everything started taking a major interest in politics, their party affiliation, national vs. local etc.

For me, it was when I was out of college and began my professional career. I pay more attention to local politics in my city/state than I do on national issues. My parents/friends had some early influence on my beliefs but really started forming my own opinions and paying attention in my mid 20s.
started following just after college but really started to pay attention in my mid 20s.
Curious when everything started taking a major interest in politics, their party affiliation, national vs. local etc.

For me, it was when I was out of college and began my professional career. I pay more attention to local politics in my city/state than I do on national issues. My parents/friends had some early influence on my beliefs but really started forming my own opinions and paying attention in my mid 20s.

Senior year of HS into freshman year of college. It was 2008 - had my UCF Obama shirt and watched the results come in from the arena lobby.
For me it was my senior year of high school, then I didn't pay attention for about 5 years until 9/11.
1991 Anita Hill ... it was the first, watching C-SPAN after the other networks had folded, that I realized it was all an act. When Anita Hill's alleged, named, corroborating witnesses started crossing her statements, including stating she was not in a relationship at the time of the incident because she had not yet met the man, it literally made me 'wake up.' The networks were all shut down. They knew it was going to get ugly. OMG did those guys just trash her.

So either all 4 of them were lying and protecting Thomas, or she was really f'd up.
1991 Anita Hill ... it was the first, watching C-SPAN after the other networks had folded, that I realized it was all an act. When Anita Hill's alleged, named, corroborating witnesses started crossing her statements, including stating she was not in a relationship at the time of the incident because she had not yet met the man, it literally made me 'wake up.' The networks were all shut down. They knew it was going to get ugly. OMG did those guys just trash her.

So either all 4 of them were lying and protecting Thomas, or she was really f'd up.

I was a freshman in HS and watched all of this. Found it to be fascinating. A few years later, I got into the Clinton v. Starr and the impeachment. Remember thinking that the Republicans were picking the fly shit out of the pepper.
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I was a freshman in HS and watched all of this. Found it to be fascinating. A few years later, I got into the Clinton v. Starr and the impeachment. Remember thinking that the Republicans were picking the fly shit out of the pepper.

I was a little too young to fully understand what was happening when Bill was impeached, but researching it now it is mind blowing levels of hypocrisy comparing that with all that Trump has done and the level of shittiness required to be impeached. Evidently a single lie was good enough back in the 90's.
I was a freshman in HS and watched all of this. Found it to be fascinating.
Did you watch it when the Networks turned off the cameras, and only C-Span was left?

A few years later, I got into the Clinton v. Starr and the impeachment. Remember thinking that the Republicans were picking the fly shit out of the pepper.
Of course, it was BS by then, and literally pathetic. The American voters thought so too, and people like McCollum suffered as a result.

But before it became about Monica, the Whitewater convictions mirrored the recent Mueller convictions. Too many Democrats forget that, and assumed there were no convictions. It was quite the opposite.
goes back to the Nixon administration for me.
As for Clinton, while I think he is a horrid person, who got away with rape and other crimes that should have him on the sexual predator list today, I never thought he should have been impeached.
I was against 90% of Obama's policies, and think he had serious race issues, but didn't think he should be impeached. Nixon is a different story, and should have been removed if he didn't resign. As for Trump, I agree with much of what he has done but his never ending chest pounding gets on my nerves. That being said I don't think he should be impeached either.
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I would say 9th grade during Civics class, most people on this board have no idea what that is.

While I’ve never been a liberal, I was a registered Democrat from 18 to 32. Voted for Dukakis, Perot, Clinton, Bush, Bush, McCain, Romney and Trump. I have however split my vote on lower tickets.
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1984. Reagan's re-election. I was 7 and hooked on politics from that point on. My dad use to watch the Republican and Democratic national conventions.
1984. Reagan's re-election. I was 7 and hooked on politics from that point on. My dad use to watch the Republican and Democratic national conventions.
I was 11, but refused to get into politics. Mondale taking DC, in addition to his home state, was my first intro to the DC swamp and self-interest at the expense of the country.
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It was 2000 during the Gore-Bush race. I was a senior in high school and just under 18 so couldn’t vote. Remember the closeness of the vote and the recounts and hanging chads. Don’t remember the same divisiveness that we have seen in recent politics. Particularly after 9/11 and the country seemed to come together.
Dawg, you get your news from Facebook you never started paying attention.
Remember when you tried to convince this thread that 2 black men beat up another black man and put a rope around his neck?
I remember being enthralled with the Iran-Contra hearings. I was 9 at the time, so I didn't fully grasp what was going on; but, that was the first "political" issue I really followed. Well, I really followed the TWA Flight 847 ordeal in '85; but, I wouldn't consider that a "political" issue per se.