Where Has Mike Aresco Been?

Here he is...

Hope he’s working behind the scenes to get the AAC an automatic slot in the 8 team playoff that is coming.
He is a spineless coward. He talks the talk, but when the time comes to walk the walk, he ducks and hides. It's obvious now, he won't say it because he is hoping to springboard the American Commissioner job into a bigger one. He doesn't want to upset the powers that be because he himself eventually wants to be the next Bob Bowlsby.

Screw him!
He is a spineless coward. He talks the talk, but when the time comes to walk the walk, he ducks and hides. It's obvious now, he won't say it because he is hoping to springboard the American Commissioner job into a bigger one. He doesn't want to upset the powers that be because he himself eventually wants to be the next Bob Bowlsby.

Screw him!

Actions speak louder than words. He was put at the helm because of his indepth knowledge of Network TV deals as pertains to college football. He can promote and kick and scream all he wants but in regards to him talking his league up, he's doing it behind closed doors. UCF was awesome and they embarrassed the P5 intelligencia. UCF, dramatically proved Aresco's point and his P6 stance was reinforced by USF's win over Texas Tech, Navy's stomping of VA and Memphis's 1 point loss to Iowa State. I can assure you, nobody on the planet was happier than Aresco when UCF knocked off Auburn. Without a shadow of a doubt the American is for real and has earned the right to be called a power conference. Trust me, the networks and the P5 commissioners know this too. I want to believe that provisions are being made for inclusion and a bigger pay day for the American. Mike Aresco is the perfect guy to help the powers that be understand how the American's inclusion in the Good ol boys club will be a win, win, win for all parties. I believe there is diplomacy working here and as a result Aresco is not spiking the ball as much as the fans would like. He could throw a press conference tomorrow, waiving the UCF and American flag but perhaps that would be like winning a battle and losing war. CC - frustrated UCONN fan - hard to believe UCONN knocked UCF off 3 seasons ago
We can only hope there is something going on behind the scenes that benefits just the AAC as a P6 in the near future. If not Aresco is planning for his future at our expense. Time will tell.
Or something behind the scenes for UCF and he doesn't want to tout us real loud and then lose us.
I don’t trust him to negotiate the next tv deal

You might want to read this link referring to his resume. Anyone that can't see he is without a doubt the best person to negotiate a meaningful next TV contract for the American doesn't know what they are talking about. He is friends with all the powers, both the P5 commissioners and the TV network executives. Doesn't get any better than that. There will always be politics and difficult people who don't want to cut any more slices in the pizza. Aresco will try and convince the networks that a bigger pie will be good for the networks.
Anyone that can't see he is without a doubt the best person to negotiate a meaningful next TV contract for the American doesn't know what they are talking about.

Pretty brash and bold statement to use words like "without a doubt the best person". You have totally dismissed any notion that he is aspiring and working towards his next job perhaps as a P5 comish and to that end he is not willing to be assertive, will not piss certain key interests off and may not even be around next time the AAC negotiates a new contract......
You might want to read this link referring to his resume. Anyone that can't see he is without a doubt the best person to negotiate a meaningful next TV contract for the American doesn't know what they are talking about. He is friends with all the powers, both the P5 commissioners and the TV network executives. Doesn't get any better than that. There will always be politics and difficult people who don't want to cut any more slices in the pizza. Aresco will try and convince the networks that a bigger pie will be good for the networks.

Mrs. Aresco, please stop. It's embarrassing.
Pretty brash and bold statement to use words like "without a doubt the best person". You have totally dismissed any notion that he is aspiring and working towards his next job perhaps as a P5 comish and to that end he is not willing to be assertive, will not piss certain key interests off and may not even be around next time the AAC negotiates a new contract......

He's not going anywhere. This is his legacy job. He is in his late 60's.""
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He's not going anywhere. This is his legacy job. He is in his late 60's.""

Even if this is true he is still a spineless jelly fish ......

AAC commissioner Mike Aresco said Wednesday that No. 15 UCF "isn't getting a fair shake" from the CFP selection committee

Then after the Peach Bowl he went total limp dick, no more P6 chest thumping, and went silent after AAC got totally shafted except for .....

"I'm not there yet. I am open to the notion, but I'm not campaigning for it. The last thing I want to do is give anyone the impression I'm campaigning to expand it, because I'm not. I'm happy with the four."

Very weak, stop defending him!
Even if this is true he is still a spineless jelly fish ......

AAC commissioner Mike Aresco said Wednesday that No. 15 UCF "isn't getting a fair shake" from the CFP selection committee

Then after the Peach Bowl he went total limp dick, no more P6 chest thumping, and went silent after AAC got totally shafted except for .....

"I'm not there yet. I am open to the notion, but I'm not campaigning for it. The last thing I want to do is give anyone the impression I'm campaigning to expand it, because I'm not. I'm happy with the four."

Very weak, stop defending him!

I agree. Very weak stance from the commissioner. Seemed like this UCF team and this scenario was the perfect platform for him to get behind and highlight the inequalities of the current system.

Hopefully he is on board, or he should be voted out!
I agree. Very weak stance from the commissioner. Seemed like this UCF team and this scenario was the perfect platform for him to get behind and highlight the inequalities of the current system.

Hopefully he is on board, or he should be voted out!
He knows we’re gone. He wants to hold down the other 11 teams
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If this is "his legacy job" then he should be fired immediately! He's busy licking the balls of the P5 saying "please, please, please don't consider any team in my conference as a valued team. Please don't let them get in the playoffs. Let me just jerk-off by saying P6 but don't take me seriously, because I don't. My teams are crap. I'm just doing let's pretend with this P6 crap." He is pathetic. He doesn't believe a damn word he says. Or he's bootlicking the P5 for his future job.
You guys do realize contractually he can’t say anything against the current system, right?
Part of the New Years Six access agreement dictates he has to be the corporate team player. Danny White does not.
It’s pretty simple
You’re probably right. His statements about our National Championship appeared to be very tame and corporate

Let’s face it UCF shook up the college football world and everyone in charge was put in a bad position except for Danny White. He took it and ran
You guys do realize contractually he can’t say anything against the current system, right?
Part of the New Years Six access agreement dictates he has to be the corporate team player. Danny White does not.
It’s pretty simple

Nope, it is not that simple or cut and dry if you look back at this. There might be a fine line between directly criticizing the current system and standing up for the teams in his conference. Clearly he started out being supportive as it relates to AAC teams and the rankings and he then went total limp dick and silent on the net. Not even any recent token P6 plugs and chest thumping. That said, it is possible someone could have told him to stay in line or else......
You guys do realize contractually he can’t say anything against the current system, right?
Part of the New Years Six access agreement dictates he has to be the corporate team player. Danny White does not.
It’s pretty simple
Aresco could still 'flirt with the line,' without any contract issues.

E.g., Most loyal ...

"We, the AAC, agree that UCF wasn't in the top 4. However, should the system change to add more teams, I think UCF has a strong argument for inclusion. Some are taking issue with UCF's ranking by the CFP at #12, and we have to respect those disagreements as much as we respect the CFP committee."

E.g., More tactiful ...

"We, the AAC, respect the committee's choice on the final 4. But we have questions where UCF should have been ranked. The CFP was nowhere close to other polls on our conference, and we believe UCF should never have been ranked outside the top 10 at the end of the regular season. This is where we will have many discussions in 2018."

Aresco did none of that. In fact, when the Big XII commissioner came out about the TCU comment against UCF, he should have hit it home ... and hard.

E.g., "With all do respect to a peer conference commissioner, we believe UCF would have won most of those games against TCU, and many computer rankings would side with our views from the AAC. We are a "Power 6" conference, and we line up extremely well with the Big XII and PAC 12 in SoS as well a results -- including the top of our conference getting the best of the top of the Big XII in most years.

But let's put that all that boasting aside ... let's sign up UCF and TCU to play several home'n home series, and settle it on-the-field, like it should be."

Nope, Aresco was silent. He was a total, non-team player. This has nothing to do with contracts ... and why he needs to go!!! Especially in response to the Big XII commish.
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Why would this dope commissioner "agree" that UCF was not a top 4 team when half of the BCS computer rankings ranked UCF in the top 2 and 2/3 had UCF in the top 3?