Who was the most influential person the 20th Century?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 20, 2010
The 20th Century changed human society more than any era ever did or will ever, and ushered in the modern era, something that will never leave us. So, who is the most influential during that time period?

There are lots of notable ones,Thomas Edison, the assassination who started WWI, Hitler, FDR....ect. I'm going with John Maynard Keynes. He was candid in his admission that economic systems are the foundation to a modern society and whoever shapes the understanding of economics will have the biggest impact the world has ever seen. He was going to be that person- right, wrong or indifferent. If you don't know what John Mayer Keynes did and what he thought, then you don't understand the world we live in. Period.
Keyes is a great choice.


Five star general that led the Allies in Europe, revamped the NACA into NASA, stared ICBM programs ( which led to spaceflight for the Americans ), started the Interstate Highway system, which America could not survive without.
Keyes is a great choice.


Five star general that led the Allies in Europe, revamped the NACA into NASA, stared ICBM programs ( which led to spaceflight for the Americans ), started the Interstate Highway system, which America could not survive without.

I like Ike!
Keyes is a great choice.


Five star general that led the Allies in Europe, revamped the NACA into NASA, stared ICBM programs ( which led to spaceflight for the Americans ), started the Interstate Highway system, which America could not survive without.

Eisenhower isn't Eisenhower without Hitler.
Keyes is a great choice.


Five star general that led the Allies in Europe, revamped the NACA into NASA, stared ICBM programs ( which led to spaceflight for the Americans ), started the Interstate Highway system, which America could not survive without.

This was the first name that came to mind for me.

This should be required viewing for college seniors: