I was absolutely not the one who brought it up. Sir Galahad brought up his prosecutions of mafia members, and then SK8 had a smarmy comment about it.
What does it apply to? We know he was a prosecutor in the 80s, so explain to me how that applies to 2019-20? Nobody is dismissing Rudy's past, but what you are guys are trying to do is say that because he prosecuted the mob over 30 years ago, that he somehow can't be corrupt now. That is just a ridiculous concept and I already listed 2 guys (and there are thousands of others) who were at one point in their lives looked at as legends in their fields and very respected people, who are now looked at as terrible people. At this point we don't know what Rudy's role in all of this was, but I do know that the fact he prosecuted mafia members in the 80s has nothing to do with it either way.