Hmm, hypocrisy at it's finest. Somewhere between conception and birth that same kid had no rights because of Rights of the mother supersede the right of that kid to live, grow and develop inside her uterus.
Here is something novel, how about unless any of you walk a foot in the shoes of any parent whose kid is disabled, has a disease that is either terminal or life altering, how about stop judging others? You know not the pain, difficulty and the trials and tribulations of what these families go through.
I have 3 kids. My first son had meningitis at 24 days old. It killed half his brain. He is severely disabled. At the age of 3 we spent Christmas day in the hospital because he was having multiple seizures. The neurologist drugged him up with topomax and carbotrol at nearly 3,500 mg a day of seizure drugs. We either did that and risk his liver from drug issues or we don't drug him and he could die of seizures.
Then we stumbled onto the ketogenic diet for epileptic kids. Now my background is in biology and chemistry and I was skeptical of treating my kid's epilepsy with altering his diet,because after all only freaks and stupid parents try alternative medicine right? Turns out that Shands neurology department was starting a ketogenic program for epileptic kids. So, we tried it.
Guess what it worked very well for my son. He was on the ketogenic diet for 8 years. He to this day does not take epilepsy drugs. He is 20. There are cons of the keto diet like high cholesterol and kidney stress. We figured using smart balance would help mitigate that and it did.
My 18 year old son,Cole, developed epilepsy when he was 13. He will likely be going to UCF this fall. We did not go down the keto road with him and tried multiple drugs including depikote. It is a horrible drug. The side effects were huge in my son Cole.
It is agonizing to roll the dice on modern pharmaceutical drugs when your kids life is on the line. It's pick your poison to treat what ever chronic or life threatening thing there is. The side effects of drugs I forced my kids to take are serious and sometimes seem worse than the condition itself. With Kyle, my severely disabled 20 year old, it was do I kill him with liver killing seizure drugs or do I kill him cardiovascular nightmare of the ketogenic diet or do I kill him by not giving any drugs or treatment at all knowing a seizure could end in death?
I don't know anything about those parents , but I know this, some of you people on here are the most bat shit crazy judgemental people I read on the internet. You claim to be enlightened, tolerant and open minded but you sit on your high horse and look down on people with contempt without ever taking a second to know ones heart or the pain they face in making life and death decisions about their kids whom they dearly love.
It's is agonizing walking this road as a dad. It's a constant damned if I do or damned if I don't situation. Guess what, if and when things don't go well, guess who shoulders that burden? Do any of you with healthy kids or no kids at all shoulder it? Nope. You don't.
So, I would be pissed off if a judge forced me to do something that I know could be very harmful to my kid even if it seems like the best course of action in the judges mind. That right there is frankly judicial tyranny. Maybe the judge is right , maybe chemo is the best path, I don't know. I do know making life and death level choices though for my boys and it sucks. So, Im not going to judge these parents.
I don't post much here in the water cooler but I had to post on this one.
Thank you for posting here. This is largely was I was getting at and you laid it out well. We have ignorant judge mental people here who don’t have a single clue about the details of this story yet they’re rendering their verdict on the parents anyways.