UCF has On3's No. 1 ranked class in the Big 12 and looking for more this weekend against Colorado

UCF has On3's No. 1 ranked class in the Big 12 and looking for more this weekend against Colorado​

OT: New videos appear to show Edgewater's underage mayor drinking, using a racial slur

One resident, Chuck Martin, defended the mayor and challenged Kianvar − who has raised concerns about DePew at three consecutive monthly meetings − to a fight in the parking lot.

“I don’t know why it’s happening, but I’m gonna sit here and eat my Slim Jim and drink my Diet Coke and I will say this: I‘ve supported the mayor. I’ve known him since he was a boy, 10 years old," Martin said. " ... If anybody’s upset with the mayor and the job he’s doing, take it out on me. I’ll meet you outside. You’ll get the first lick and I won’t press charges.”

Life’s rich tapestry

***Official Colorado Look-A-Like Thread***

What a great road win to start XII conference play!!! I was getting Cardiac Knights vibes watching this game. I'm not sure if I can handle another season like 2013.

On to Colorado... we need to show Fox Big Noon Kickoff what UCF gameday is all about! We need to pack their festivities and give Colorado the same treatment we gave Cindy when ESPN CGD came to town. That game was electric!

Remember, the post with the most likes is the unofficial winner. Be sure to like the posts you enjoy.

Go Knights!
Charge On!!
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CU BuffedInPrime Scout UCF

If you are film breakdown geek... this is must watch.

They did a 3 hour + show previewing UCF. Also, have some cut outs so you don't have to watch the full 3 hours.

T-Cal I believe is a ex-Alabama CB.

Watch this on first:

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Then this one:

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This is the full video which the cut ups above are pulled from:

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Women’s Bball practice started 9/24

I have the privilege to be able to watch the first practice yesterday.

General thoughts:

KP is KP. I wouldn’t doubt she pulls in the same numbers she did last year.

Details and dirty work are parts of the mantra this year. Love everything about that.

#13 seems to be a freshman to watch.

Coach really wants the fans in the stands.
I’ll try to get to a few games.
You should too.

Loved the install going on for some new offense.

That’s all I remember off the top. I think we’ll see some improvement if coaching holds and execution happens on the court.

The Knighted Ones - Ep. 57: The Buffs Have No Sauce; UCF HOF'er Kyle Bono, Kicking Off W/ Big Noon

Welcome to The Knighted One’s Podcast, Episode number 57!! We are the ONLY podcast that features a former UCF National Champion, a former UCF radio host, an ESPN Analyst and Hoops Player, a INfamous rapper, Our Resident Influencer, and an IG star, shooting the breeze, talking UCF Sports. Remember to like and follow us Youtube, IG, and check out the 70+ teams and conferences on the College Huddle.

This week we breakdown the Buffs, talk to UCF Hall Of Famer Kyle Bono, and we talk about what this game means to the community!

Please comment for subjects that we should cover in our Intern Re-Education segment!

Go Knights! and Charge On!

Walked It Like We Talked It With UCF Baseball Hall Of Famer Kyle Bono - 00:02:54
- The Origin Story Of The Lake Mary Legend
- A Walk Down Championship Lane
- Coach Wallace Confidential
- Family Ties
- Ben Forgets Addison
- Special Seasoning
- Coaching The World Champions
- Cardiac Knights And Close Calls
- Cincy Celebration
Text Talk Trash Talking - 00:38:26
- Josh Is Disappointed At The Pool
- RJ 150
- Gator Baiting
Herding The Buffalos!! - 00:46:25
- Biggest Game Of The Season
- High Noon On Memory Mall
Week 5 Preview - 00:47:50
- Game Time Confusion
- Hot Tropics
- Rehydration Game
- Turning Up The Volume
- Run V 1
- Pressure Cooking
- Double Dipping
- Colorado Is Mid
- Buffs Living In 1 Dimensional Space
- Hunting Down Hunter
- .3 Yards Per Carry?
- Do We Sack Up?
- Putting The Brakes On RJ
- Josh Is A Yes Man
Week 5 Score Predictions Review - 01:29:11
- Ben Cheats Again
- Josh Slides Into The Private Chat And Calls Cleo
- Is Colorado Even Good Bro?
Big 12 Scores Recap - 01:30:01
- Houston Is Turrible
- Into The Abyss
- Utah The Clear Favorite
- Breaking TCU
- BYU Good
- 5 Ranked Teams And 4 Undefeated
- Ben Is Scurred
- Josh Watches Too Much Frozen
- Rankings Are Rank
Allen's Oxymoronic Stats Of The Week - 01:40:16
- Allen Needs To Improve His Own Introduction
- Cooking In The 4th Quarter
Josh’s Sometimes Funny Fact Of The Week - 01:44:42
- Josh Has Questions About Colorado
- Dumpster Fires And The Vandy Of The West
UCF Athletic Sports Update - 01:50:30
- Women's Soccer Pleads No Contest
- Men's Soccer JMU Scores Again
- Women's Volleyball Gets Lucky With Nevada And Hurt By The Terps
Final Thoughts - 01:52:33

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Around The Kingdom - Big Knight Kickoff

Join Trace Trylko and special guest host Christian Simmons as they debate some of the current topics surrounding UCF Sports.

In this episode, the guys talk about what they've seen from the offense and defense through the first three games of the season.

Plus, how big is the game against Colorado this weekend?

Also: uniform talk, should UCF be ranked, what is going on in the Pac 12, and where is Colorada located?

Thanks for watching here.

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Around The Kingdom - Big Knight Kickoff

Join Trace Trylko and special guest host Christian Simmons as they debate some of the current topics surrounding UCF Sports.

In this episode, the guys talk about what they've seen from the offense and defense through the first three games of the season.

Plus, how big is the game against Colorado this weekend?

Also: uniform talk, should UCF be ranked, what is going on in the Pac 12, and where is Colorada located?

Thanks for watching here.

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[OT] On-line, Bookkeeping/Mini-ERP for Self-Employed (possibly +1-2x 1099 future)

I figured this is the best place to ask of any, as several of you have far greater small business experience, and current awareness, even if largely self-employed, than my sporadic work over the decades ...

Q: What on-line, Bookkeeping/Mini-ERP solution would you recommend for someone Self-Employed (possible +1-2 1099 at some point in the future)?

I know Intuit (Quickbooks) has an on-line version, haven't priced it yet, plus ... the government doesn't exactly like Intuit (at least they used to not). I know there has to be other options. I've been meaning to investigate what AmEx offers for those of us with long-standing Platinum Business Card accounts (w/added LoCs too).

  • Again, no 'fat' clients/software (no Windows dependency **), all on-line, Internet accessible
  • Browser client access, from non-Windows, like Android and GNU/Linux **
  • Something that makes it easy to turn timesheets into invoices, as well as deal with basic assets and depreciation
Don't Need:
  • Don't need payroll, no W-2 planned for anyone, and I have free (based on my portfolios at my age) financial planners for myself (e.g., SEP IRA)
  • Bookkeeping or other basic assistance, I can do that myself, have done it many years, and I try to 'keep up' with the code
  • Maintains a traditional 'chart of accounts,' and doesn't 'hide' those details, as well as closing out quarters proper, reconcillation, etc... (Accounting Methods)
  • Android ** apps -- e.g., for timesheets and expenses
    • Although I'm kinda doing some with my AmEx Business Platinum access (e.g., uploading receipts w/categorization ... but the latter is not flawless)

I'm Scheduling C'ing enough again, that I need to take my records very seriously. It started with one client that was 5 hours/week, 20 hours/month, but it's kinda exploded. My moonlighting is not going to end anytime soon, even if I do some consultations unpaid. I need to track all that too, not just my income and expenses-depreciation.

In the '00s, I setup my own Ledger and on-line, multi-user, SQL DB-based solution, including a full chart of accounts, various modules for timesheets, expenses, invoices, etc... which I had access to (co-located my GNU/Linux server w/mulitiple OC lines). But I really don't want to do that, not in this modern area of so many provider options. I'd rather someone else handle my maintenance-storage, just like I long pawned off DNS, SMTP (e-mail), Web Hosting and other things.

It's now the 2020s. I know there has to be some inexpensive options out there, like $5/month, or maybe $10-20/month.

I don't want 'fat' clients/software (no Windows), something totally on-line, something I don't have to maintain.

Has to be client accessible from browsers on both Android and GNU/Linux notebooks, not just Windows PCs. Even my work systems (the few not isolated and connected to the Internet) are all Linux. But I can look that up compatibility myself if needbe.

Again, if the provider has Android apps, like for timesheets and expenses, that's a bonus.

Thank you oh Great Colorada!

Today we learned the Fox Big Game Noon Kick Off is heading to UCF this Saturday. My son who is on X, I am not, tells me Colorado fans think the ONLY reason BGNK is on UCFs campus is because of Deione Sanders & Colorada.

So, I want to say thank you for hiring one Corch Prime. The media can't get enough of his persona . So, thank you. Thank you for hiring him.

Thank you for gracing the Big XII with your presence and playing the likes of UCF. I mean just think about how 45 years ago UCF fielded a Division III club team who played its first game in a cow pasture ! Now look at us we are playing North Americas largest native bovine on our grass turfed field. UCF has come full circle now.

Man, if it wasn't for Colorada where would we be right now? For that I thank Corch Prime and the leadership of Colorada! UCF will get some unpaid media exposure and it was brought to us by none other than Corch Prime and the Colorada Buffalos !
