Power 2 Narrative - AP Poll

The media is really embracing the Power 2 narrative.

7 of the Top 10 are from the SEC (4) and B1G (3)

14 of the Top 25 teams are from the SEC (8) and B1G (6)

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Frost? poll

How do you feel about hiring Frost this time around?

  • OMG just the thought of it and I’m ready to double my donation and tickets.

    Votes: 55 24.6%
  • I like it but still have some concerns

    Votes: 107 47.8%
  • I would be ok with it but there are other candidates I would prefer

    Votes: 26 11.6%
  • Hire someone that will hire him as OC

    Votes: 14 6.3%
  • Why? Look at Nebraska!

    Votes: 22 9.8%

2017 was a long time ago.

A proposal to Terry Mohajir

I know Terry reads this board. So if you are his assistant and just opened this thread, please hand over the phone, as I have a proposal.

Hi Terry. I know we haven’t seen eye-to-eye these past few years. Whether it’s scheduling, music, money, or hiring we always seem to have different opinions. I also know you don’t like the names we have for you.

So here is what I’m offering. You hire Scott Frost and bring KZ home and I will stop calling you the nicknames —. that’s right no more TickTockTerry, TTT, 2 for 1 Terry. Just Terry, AD, and even your favorite TMo. And if Scott Frost fails? I won’t blame it on you, the names won’t come back.

Also, as a cherry on top, I’ll not complain about you playing Frankie Vallie at the games!

Do it for UCF Terry. Let’s turn the corner and forget the past.

MessageBoardGeniuses vs SDK

Assuming Frost gets hired, does @San Diego Knight bump that tweet?

Backstory here

UCF Stadium Bonds Available for Purchase (JP Morgan is Underwriting)

Just an FYI, UCF just posted their stadium bonds preliminary offering document. There are approximately $11 million of tax-exempt bonds available and approximately $15.5 million of taxable bonds available. The taxable bonds are likely to be a shorter tenor and suitable for investors outside the top income tax bracket. The tax-exempt bonds are likely to be longer tenor and suitable for those in the top income tax bracket. S&P has rated the bonds "A" which is mid investment grade. Fitch has rated the bonds "AA-" which is upper investment grade. Minimum denomination (smallest buy in) is $5,000.

The offering document and internet roadshow are available at (you may need to set up an account). You can place an order through your retail broker, retail orders will generally receive priority to be filled. If you do not have a brokerage account, JPM/Chase can hook you up most seamlessly. If you already have a broker, they can find these bonds and place an order through the underwriter.

I am not involved in this securities offering in any way and no part of this post should be construed as investment advice.

There is interesting info in the internet roadshow including financial projections.
