Actual ticket stubs!
UCF-branded tailgating gear was sparse. Peep the old school Knight Head on the bottom right corner. We had no idea what we were doing lol.
Our brand new stadium that we had no idea would bring us so many great memories and joy. It's not anything spectacular, but it's been spectacular for US. Infant palm trees and nothing like we have now rocking with IOA Plaza.
Our little baby board. Holler Family been about that KNIGHTS Life with their dealership advertising top left.
Do kids even lift each other up after Touchdown Scores anymore?!
Our barren Roth Tower. Not for long though, as we go on to win championships and collect accolades we never though possible.
20 year old Dali my Junior Year. Was just accepted into Ad/PR Program at Nicholson School of Communication and my first season getting into football. Wig and face paint from CB&S and football beads I bought before NC State road trip that year for good luck.
VICTORY! I remember Erin Andrews. That horribly painted endzone. Thundersticks and no phones. Digital cameras and living in the moment.
Police presence as if we could even attempt rushing the field lol.
Picture with Mama Smith. 24K was huge for us that season. One of my greatest pictures from UCF fandom.
A lot to be proud of and a lot more to achieve.