***2017 UCF Stadium Upgrades & Ticket Information***

Sorry, but just because people have been underpaying for prime seats for years doesn't mean UCF can afford to subsidize your entertainment forever. UCF needs to increase their revenue and there are people who want to move up to better seating and cannot because the west side is full and there is no room. increase is 347%...that's a larger percentage increase than anyone else I have seen post. I had four tickets in a little pie shaped section of 212 (approximately 20 yard line) that is now part of a premium club section. My total cost last year was $1,210. My cost for the same four seats this year would be $4,200.

But I understand UCF needs to do it and I will find seats that I like that are within my budget. We all want a big time, successful athletics program. Well, this is what it takes.

I might have gotten lucky, if you can call it that. I'm in the section of 212 that is only $200/seat. But Jesus, I'm getting f**ked and not even getting kissed. I don't care about alcohol during the game. I drink before the game and then "sober" up during. And with the crappy showing in the bowl game, they have the nerve to up the ticket prices like this. I don't know. This might be the end for me.
They've basically eliminated everything between the 20's for most normal people (with regards to disposable income) and the rest of the ham-and-eggers will just have to view the team from afar.

Good job. Way to build your fan base!

It's like Obamacare. Your seats got cancelled, so now you can choose to increase or decrease your spending for a new plan.
I might have gotten lucky, if you can call it that. I'm in the section of 212 that is only $200/seat. But Jesus, I'm getting f**ked and not even getting kissed. I don't care about alcohol during the game. I drink before the game and then "sober" up during. And with the crappy showing in the bowl game, they have the nerve to up the ticket prices like this. I don't know. This might be the end for me.
Now you don't have to binge drink. Slow it down.
Save the beer money for the stadium

Actually, in the Alumni Center there was free beer while it lasted. I bet they start charging for that now too. Maybe for you guys that can afford the suites it's no issue. But my price has gone up for 2 years now for over $400. I don't know about you, but that's a lot of money for me. I'm really disappointed. UCF season tickets used to be a good deal. Now, not so much...
Actually, in the Alumni Center there was free beer while it lasted. I bet they start charging for that now too. Maybe for you guys that can afford the suites it's no issue. But my price has gone up for 2 years now for over $400. I don't know about you, but that's a lot of money for me. I'm really disappointed. UCF season tickets used to be a good deal. Now, not so much...
You can move to a new section? Right?
I have had UCF season tickets forever. Both West side club and Section 110 in addition to Citrus Bowl back in the day. I don't understand what they are trying to accomplish with all of this having only won 6 games in the last 2 years. Remind me how this translates into better performance on the field and maybe I can see how the school will be more attractive to conference expansions. I guess the goal is that they will be making so much money off of so few actual game attendees that the major conferences will have no choice but to let them in? You can't sell out the stadium so you raise prices thinking that will help. Welcome to an Engineering college!
I don't understand what they are trying to accomplish with all of this having only won 6 games in the last 2 years. Remind me how this translates into better performance on the field and maybe I can see how the school will be more attractive to conference expansions.

It is spelled out pretty clearly on the website...

Lots of info in there on why they are doing it.

This is not primarily a method to get into a major conference...UCONN's budget is MUCH larger than ours and it did not get them into a major conference. This is primarily to solidify the financial stability of the UCF Athletics programs, keep us competitive and help us get better.
Old set of 4 tickets in section 127 = $ price is $2000. So for $845 bucks I get to buy beer/food, or pay $845 for 6 BBQ sandwiches and some beers......epic FAIL. Our whole slew of like 20 people are either moving to another section, or reducing the number of seats we have. Several of us have extra seats and bring people that aren't typical UCF fans to games. I've even got two people to become season ticket holders because they like it so much. If I didn't have the extra tickets that would have never happened. This is going to blow up in their face. You can't jack the stuff up 42% and not expect to lose a large chunk of your customers. The only other option is moving down to 2 tickets, which means two more people have to buy tickets just to get the same revenue I was giving them, and I can no longer bring people to games who might not normally attend (and especially now that they jacked the single game prices up).

These are all very good and valid points. I currently have 4 tickets in Sec 111. With these price increases, my tickets now go up to $3,200, which breaks down to a little over $114.00/game in a 7 home game season. I rarely drink; and my belly is plenty full after our tailgate parties. So food and beer aren't very enticing to me. And since I stand for the majority of the game, seat backs aren't really much of an attractive addition for me either. Over the years, I have been good about bringing friends to the games, essentially giving them a ticket here and there, to augment our attendance and introduce people to UCF Football.

But, it now appears I will be dropping down my season tickets from 4 to 2. I spoke to the two sets of friends who sit with me in 111 today and both said they are also dropping their number of season tickets as a consequence of the price increases. So, instead of making $2,000 off of me as in the past several seasons, my total revenue generation will go down to $1,600. My $400 isn't that much in the big scheme of things; but multiply that by several thousand people and the bottom line takes a major hit, especially in the face of construction and renovation costs to make these changes. The trend of dropping the number of tickets in one's portfolio, which will consequently lower revenue for the University, seems to be the popular choice many are making.

In a time when attendance is already a major struggle for the Knights, this seems to be a very misguided effort. I would wager we are going to see major drops in attendance this year.
I just got my mailing. I'm in section 128. From what I understand, that's now part of the Cabana? How is the lounge area going to handle a volume that was 900 seats (not filled), to probably 2,000-3,000 seats??

I'm sort of glad I'll be able to buy drinks, but now each seat costs $500 ($200 per seat and a $300 donation)

So basically, I'm forced to be a Cabana ticket holder at a reduced Cabana rate (but higher rate than I payed last year for regular seats) with better seats (lower) than last years Cabana ticket holders, but a more crowded experience.

Does anyone know if the donation includes parking?? Mine will be $600 for 2 seats unless i decide to give more.
The bottom line is if we win, this may work

If we are 7-5 or less, they are screwed as the stadium will be a ghost town.

By the way, those on the field Cabanas are poorly placed. In the back of the endzone? Really? Besides that, yes they are shaded, but on a 90 degree day, they are going to be like watching a game in your backyard tool shed! Good luck with that. Better pump in some major A/C.
Just to let all of you know. Sneaking drinks into BHNS is about the easiest thing to do. So anyone who wants to bring in hard liquor and buy something
to mix it with, just do that. Of course, if you like beer, that's a diiferent story.
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I might have gotten lucky, if you can call it that. I'm in the section of 212 that is only $200/seat. But Jesus, I'm getting f**ked and not even getting kissed. I don't care about alcohol during the game. I drink before the game and then "sober" up during. And with the crappy showing in the bowl game, they have the nerve to up the ticket prices like this. I don't know. This might be the end for me.
This can't be the end for you, but you have a point. Those last 2 games were horrible and the Cure Bowl was pathetic. If we don't win, Danny White and Frost will be under unbelievable scrutiny and pressure, because the stadium wil be empty and it's on them
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This can't be the end for you, but you have a point. Those last 2 games were horrible and the Cure Bowl was pathetic. If we don't win, Danny White and Frost will be under unbelievable scrutiny and pressure, because the stadium wil be empty and it's on them

I hope not. But I may drop from 4 seats to 2.
I'm sort of glad I'll be able to buy drinks, but now each seat costs $500 ($200 per seat and a $300 donation)

Does anyone know if the donation includes parking?? Mine will be $600 for 2 seats unless i decide to give more.

Parking will depend on how much you can donate "extra" if it helps you get into a better tailgating lot.

Also, lots are based on total even if you increase your pay to a higher donation level, no guarantee that you will get a spot in your preferred lot and might be "bumped down" to a lower one.
I think everyone on the West sideline are missing the point. They don't care if you drop from 4 seats to 2. The demand for those seats is so high that they will sell them to someone else easily.
Tickets have been a great deal for a long time. No one can argue that
Parking will depend on how much you can donate "extra" if it helps you get into a better tailgating lot.

Also, lots are based on total even if you increase your pay to a higher donation level, no guarantee that you will get a spot in your preferred lot and might be "bumped down" to a lower one.

I have always parked in D2. I'll have to look and see what I "donated" last year. But if I read this right, if I drop 2 seats, my donation for 2 seats is still $300. But according to this chart, $300 still isn't enough to get me into D2. So I will have to "donate" $500 to stay in lot D2. That lot was half empty last year.

I guess I understand the need to increase the revenue to compete, but if they don't put a better product on the field this year, this "Rise and Conquer" could become "Crash and Burn".

I guess maybe it's just me, but I don't understand raising prices when the product on the field wasn't that great. At times the team showed promise and potential. But at other times, they looked downright awful. If I remember my basic economics class from UCF, there is the law of supply and demand. If there isn't much demand for a crappy product, what good is raising prices going to do? You want to raise money. But how much money to you raise, if more customers don't line up. To me, this move looks like it will drive more customers away? People certainly aren't going to start buying up season tickets for this team, especially with ticket prices going up. Danny is making a big bet that the team will get better and demand for tickets will increase.
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I think everyone on the West sideline are missing the point. They don't care if you drop from 4 seats to 2. The demand for those seats is so high that they will sell them to someone else easily.
Tickets have been a great deal for a long time. No one can argue that

"They don't care. " That has become obvious. Is the demand so high that someone else will buy those seats? That remains to be seen.
I have always parked in D2. I'll have to look and see what I "donated" last year. But if I read this right, if I drop 2 seats, my donation for 2 seats is still $300. But according to this chart, $300 still isn't enough to get me into D2. So I will have to "donate" $500 to stay in lot D2. That lot was half empty last year.

I guess I understand the need to increase the revenue to compete, but if they don't put a better product on the field this year, this "Rise and Conquer" could become "Crash and Burn".

I guess maybe it's just me, but I don't understand raising prices when the product on the field wasn't that great. At times the team showed promise and potential. But at other times, they looked downright awful. If I remember my basic economics class from UCF, there is the law of supply and demand. If there isn't much demand for a crappy product, what good is raising prices going to do? You want to raise money. But how much money to you raise, if more customers don't line up. To me, this move looks like it will drive more customers away? People certainly aren't going to start buying up season tickets for this team, especially with ticket prices going up. Danny is making a big bet that the team will get better and demand for tickets will increase. somehow have to get to the minimum to park there.

Also, I think DW miscalculated greatly last year when he thought UCF would sell thousands and thousands and thousands of new season tix because of his hire of a young and unproven (but bright future) Head Coach.

DW obviously doesn't have much of a realistic plan to increase season tix sales by 10,000 or the only way to increase revenue is to squeeze the few that do purchase them.

Having a Club or two (or 3) in a stadium is some folks will pay extra to purchase alcohol, etc...but for many, that is not needed.

Now...basically all sideline seats on the West Side are now in a CLUB (even without air conditioning, food or even a free Coca-Cola) and much of the East Side is too (much lower rate because of the sun/heat).

DW also made seats on the 20-25 yd line the same price as those on the 40-45 with a huge donation increase...which doesn't make sense at all.
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So if you only bought two tickets in the sections where the donation is $50 each, you don't qualify to park anywhere so you have to park in the red/blue satellite lots or off campus. How does that improve those peoples game day experience?

So basically a lot of people are going to have the same experience as going to an away game....but it will be a home game.
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So if you only bought two tickets in the sections where the donation is $50 each, you don't qualify to park anywhere so you have to park in the red/blue satellite lots or off campus. How does that improve those peoples game day experience?
Exactly! I could care less about pre-game concerts. UCF wouldn'the hire a band that plays music I like anyways. I don't care about motocross. I don't care a out being able to buy beer in the stadium for over inflated prices. I go to socialize with friends and watch the game. I like the seats and parking space I HAD. And now fans like me are being squeezed.

At least today is my Friday...
I am just glad they are solving the demand for tickets and all the sell outs we been having :/. Taking the next wave of future Knights to come watch live has become a little more difficult ($45 a ticket to some people can be a lot). Also I use to bring my kid to the games in 132 but at $500 for the season, or $100 per, is impossible for me. Plus idk if I want to have them around people chugging unlimited beer. I been booted from my seats twice because of renovations by UCF and they really don't giving a damn. I try hard to stay loyal to this program but they make me really try lol.
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So if you only bought two tickets in the sections where the donation is $50 each, you don't qualify to park anywhere so you have to park in the red/blue satellite lots or off campus. How does that improve those peoples game day experience?

So basically a lot of people are going to have the same experience as going to an away game....but it will be a home game.

I agree..Park across the street at the church for $20. It's close and they give you free water lol
I have always parked in D2. I'll have to look and see what I "donated" last year. But if I read this right, if I drop 2 seats, my donation for 2 seats is still $300. But according to this chart, $300 still isn't enough to get me into D2. So I will have to "donate" $500 to stay in lot D2. That lot was half empty last year.

I guess I understand the need to increase the revenue to compete, but if they don't put a better product on the field this year, this "Rise and Conquer" could become "Crash and Burn".

I guess maybe it's just me, but I don't understand raising prices when the product on the field wasn't that great. At times the team showed promise and potential. But at other times, they looked downright awful. If I remember my basic economics class from UCF, there is the law of supply and demand. If there isn't much demand for a crappy product, what good is raising prices going to do? You want to raise money. But how much money to you raise, if more customers don't line up. To me, this move looks like it will drive more customers away? People certainly aren't going to start buying up season tickets for this team, especially with ticket prices going up. Danny is making a big bet that the team will get better and demand for tickets will increase.

I took a picture of D2 last year (walking to the portables) with just 2 cars in the entire lot. C is fun but they been doing so much construction in the area that its squeezed to a narrow row.
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I might have to eat my words. I pulled out last season's pocket schedule. Last season my 4 seats in 212 were $240 each with a $350 donation for a total of $1210.

This season, if I read the charts correctly. My 4 seats in 212 are $200 each, plus a "donation" of $150 per seat comes to a total of $1400. And since my "donation" will be $600, I can keep my spot in D2.

I guess that isn't too bad. I should be thankful that my increase is only $190. But that's still a lot of money to me.

I'll renew, but I still don't like it. Maybe i'll get over it once the excitement of the new season hits. This team just better produce on the field.
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I might have to eat my words. I pulled out last season's pocket schedule. Last season my 4 seats in 212 were $240 each with a $350 donation for a total of $1210.

This season, if I read the charts correctly. My 4 seats in 212 are $200 each, plus a "donation" of $150 per seat comes to a total of $1400. And since my "donation" will be $600, I can keep my spot in D2.

I guess that isn't too bad. I should be thankful that my increase is only $190. But that's still a lot of money to me.

I'll renew, but I still don't like it. Maybe i'll get over it once the excitement of the new season hits. This team just better produce on the field.
Hey he's back in! Cheers to that and to it being your friday
So if you only bought two tickets in the sections where the donation is $50 each, you don't qualify to park anywhere so you have to park in the red/blue satellite lots or off campus. How does that improve those peoples game day experience?

So basically a lot of people are going to have the same experience as going to an away game....but it will be a home game.

For a total of $150 donation (an extra $50), one would qualify for a parking pass at Garage C (unless its sold out by those with higher points).
I am just glad they are solving the demand for tickets and all the sell outs we been having :/. Taking the next wave of future Knights to come watch live has become a little more difficult ($45 a ticket to some people can be a lot). Also I use to bring my kid to the games in 132 but at $500 for the season, or $100 per, is impossible for me. Plus idk if I want to have them around people chugging unlimited beer. I been booted from my seats twice because of renovations by UCF and they really don't giving a damn. I try hard to stay loyal to this program but they make me really try lol.

Many fans enjoyed their "family friendly" ours...where it was dominated by families and ZERO drunks.

Now...all it will take is 1 or 2 people to ruin an entire section...just like back in the Citrus Bowl days (many times, it was someone who just got free tix...weren't even real UCF fans that would get drunk).

While I don't think it will be as bad as a NFL Game (bunch of mouth breathers), I hope our secret "family section" isn't ruined by beer basically everywhere.

Also, since UCF will be selling/serving beer to thousands of new folks...hope Orange/Seminole County Sheriff monitor and/or even set up road blocks post game to arrest those that drink too much.
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A little secret for those with kids. Buy the cheapest tickets and get your youth tickets for the kids. Then just move around to open seats. Getting clubs seats for 3-6 year olds is insane. I did it for basketball but it isn't like you can have drinks trying to watch kids. Not really worth it until they get older.
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For a total of $150 donation (an extra $50), one would qualify for a parking pass at Garage C (unless its sold out by those with higher points).

I'm done buying the C lot. They route me through research park to leave and it takes forever to get out of that garage. $150 is a bit much for that garage that isn't a benefit at all. Especially if you're going the wrong direction of your house.
I'm done buying the C lot. They route me through research park to leave and it takes forever to get out of that garage. $150 is a bit much for that garage that isn't a benefit at all. Especially if you're going the wrong direction of your house.

Oh same here but I would always make a U turn by the little parking lot by the water tower. We live on the coast and going out the other directions is much easier.
Also getting the cheapest ticket possible might be our plan. We know at BHNS you can move around and have an entire section to yourself pretty much.
I'm done buying the C lot. They route me through research park to leave and it takes forever to get out of that garage. $150 is a bit much for that garage that isn't a benefit at all. Especially if you're going the wrong direction of your house.
Can't tailgate in the garages either. You basically have to haul your gear somewhere, and then haul it back before the game...FAIL. I get that parking sucks and it is very limited (thus the garages have to exist due to the number of people).
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I agree..Park across the street at the church for $20. It's close and they give you free water lol
I'm going to seriously contemplate this idea. It all of a sudden becomes much more feasible, not to mention the ability to tailgate where you park.
I might have to eat my words. I pulled out last season's pocket schedule. Last season my 4 seats in 212 were $240 each with a $350 donation for a total of $1210.

This season, if I read the charts correctly. My 4 seats in 212 are $200 each, plus a "donation" of $150 per seat comes to a total of $1400. And since my "donation" will be $600, I can keep my spot in D2.

I guess that isn't too bad. I should be thankful that my increase is only $190. But that's still a lot of money to me.

I'll renew, but I still don't like it. Maybe i'll get over it once the excitement of the new season hits. This team just better produce on the field.
You are correct, but even though your donation is $600 (same as mine) that doesn't guarantee you get into the great D-2 lot which requires a $350 donation I believe. I'm shooting for
D-1, because there is no way that's going to be filled. Stay away from garages!
I'm going to seriously contemplate this idea. It all of a sudden becomes much more feasible, not to mention the ability to tailgate where you park.
I have friends that have been doing it for years. I think you get a free hotdog too.