2024 Election Thread

UOTE="thall_, post: 3286505, member: 36038"]
> be @NinjaKnight
> 27, currently stationed overseas
> surrounded by Asians
> they’re so rude, don’t they know how feared I am on Reddit?
> get lonely & bored running supply communications
> tried going to on-base gym, get bullied by SOF unit for my Biden/Harris 2024 shirt
> try to respond
> “imagine being so g-g-goddamn inbre—“
> smallest one of them immediately starts mocking me and play rubbing his eyes to mimic crying
> leave, gym is for magat cult members anyway
> decide to FaceTime gf
> she’s leaving her HRT appointment, doctor says her penis is becoming quite feminine
> tell her how I bravely fended off incel chud, literally inbred magats
> “that’s nice honey, how’re your internet fights going?”

What the fukc is HRT?!?!
UOTE="thall_, post: 3286505, member: 36038"]
> be @NinjaKnight
> 27, currently stationed overseas
> surrounded by Asians
> they’re so rude, don’t they know how feared I am on Reddit?
> get lonely & bored running supply communications
> tried going to on-base gym, get bullied by SOF unit for my Biden/Harris 2024 shirt
> try to respond
> “imagine being so g-g-goddamn inbre—“
> smallest one of them immediately starts mocking me and play rubbing his eyes to mimic crying
> leave, gym is for magat cult members anyway
> decide to FaceTime gf
> she’s leaving her HRT appointment, doctor says her penis is becoming quite feminine
> tell her how I bravely fended off incel chud, literally inbred magats
> “that’s nice honey, how’re your internet fights going?”

What the fukc is HRT?!?!
Hormone replacement therapy
UOTE="thall_, post: 3286505, member: 36038"]
> be @NinjaKnight
> 27, currently stationed overseas
> surrounded by Asians
> they’re so rude, don’t they know how feared I am on Reddit?
> get lonely & bored running supply communications
> tried going to on-base gym, get bullied by SOF unit for my Biden/Harris 2024 shirt
> try to respond
> “imagine being so g-g-goddamn inbre—“
> smallest one of them immediately starts mocking me and play rubbing his eyes to mimic crying
> leave, gym is for magat cult members anyway
> decide to FaceTime gf
> she’s leaving her HRT appointment, doctor says her penis is becoming quite feminine
> tell her how I bravely fended off incel chud, literally inbred magats
> “that’s nice honey, how’re your internet fights going?”

What the fukc is HRT?!?!
🤣 😂

Obviously not reading that, but hoooolllly shit this dude might be more obsessed with me than you are with shuck. 🤣 Glad to know I have that much of an impact on someone I literally do not think about. Touching really.
  • Haha
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What the fukc is HRT?!?!
🤣 😂

Obviously not reading that, but hoooolllly shit this dude might be more obsessed with me than you are with shuck. 🤣 Glad to know I have that much of an impact on someone I literally do not think about. Touching really.

We all know you read it before I faux quoted it. But thanks for playing!
  • Haha
Reactions: thall_
🤣 😂

Obviously not reading that, but hoooolllly shit this dude might be more obsessed with me than you are with shuck. 🤣 Glad to know I have that much of an impact on someone I literally do not think about. Touching really.

We all know you read it before I faux quoted it. But thanks for playing!

Not the first time you've been wrong, and with your current trend of going full retard it won't be the last. But whatever helps you sleep at night. Unlike you and the incel I'm not here to act like middle school girls whining about other people. I know it's a difficult concept for you to grasp.
  • Haha
Reactions: DaShuckster
We all know you read it before I faux quoted it. But thanks for playing!

Not the first time you've been wrong,But whatever helps you sleep at night. Unlike you and the incel I'm not here to act like middle school girls whining about other people. I know it's a difficult concept for you to grasp.
That said, Congrats! Nice win!
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  • Haha
Reactions: thall_
Obviously not reading that
Dave Grohl GIF by Foo Fighters
  • Haha
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Not the first time you've been wrong, and with your current trend of going full retard it won't be the last. But whatever helps you sleep at night. Unlike you and the incel I'm not here to act like middle school girls whining about other people. I know it's a difficult concept for you to grasp.

There no reward for being the dumbest and bitchiest motherfukcer on the boards. That said, Congrats! Nice win!
Zzz Ok GIF by Jim Gaffigan

Cool story bro, you really got me there. I truly and honestly care about your opinion.
Zzz Ok GIF by Jim Gaffigan

Cool story bro, you really got me there. I truly and honestly care about your opinion.

I can tell. You keep responding.

Ah this is embarrassing. So I was using what adults call "sarcasm". I thought you were intelligent enough to pick up on that, but I will type slower next time.
I can tell. You keep responding.

Ah this is embarrassing. So I was using what adults call "sarcasm". I thought you were intelligent enough to pick up on that, but I will type slower next time.

And another post.

Another award for you.

Tell us how much you care.
Ah this is embarrassing. So I was using what adults call "sarcasm". I thought you were intelligent enough to pick up on that, but I will type slower next time.

And another post.

Another award for you.

Tell us how much you care.

Aaaaand you can't even come up with an original response. I already called you out during your last tantrum that you, just like a middle school girl, has to get the last word in.

Truly pathetic how far you have fallen. I miss the old, non retarded, Joe.
And another post.

Another award for you.

Tell us how much you care.

Aaaaand you can't even come up with an original response. I already called you out during your last tantrum that you, just like a middle school girl, has to get the last word in.

Truly pathetic how far you have fallen. I miss the old, non retarded, Joe.

Aaaand you’re projecting again. You call me repetitive? You’ve been uttering the same lame zingers for 10 years.
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  • Haha
Reactions: thall_
Aaaaand you can't even come up with an original response. I already called you out during your last tantrum that you, just like a middle school girl, has to get the last word in.

Truly pathetic how far you have fallen. I miss the old, non retarded, Joe.

Aaaand you’re projecting again. You call me repetitive? You’ve been uttering the same lame zingers for 10 years.

Stop acting like waltz’s retard test tube baby. He’s retarded because of genetics. What’s your fukcin excuse?

Wow, so now you've sunken so low as to steal other people's worn out pathetic attacks on handicapped people just because they are on a different political team. How Christ-like. Nicely done, you are the perfect example of a modern Christian and why normal people are done with the church and hypocritical pieces of shit like yourself.

These last few years you have proven you have absolutely nothing of substance to offer other than hate and vitriol. 95% of your posts on here are childish immature attacks on other posters, because you are a hate filled hypocrite. It wasn't funny in middle school, it certainly isn't funny now, but you have a single self admitted incel laughing so congrats I guess.


bored christopher walken GIF
Aaaand you’re projecting again. You call me repetitive? You’ve been uttering the same lame zingers for 10 years.

Stop acting like waltz’s retard test tube baby. He’s retarded because of genetics. What’s your fukcin excuse?

Wow, so now you've sunken so low as to steal other people's worn out pathetic attacks on handicapped people just because they are on a different political team. How Christ-like. Nicely done, you are the perfect example of a modern Christian and why normal people are done with the church and hypocritical pieces of shit like yourself.

These last few years you have proven you have absolutely nothing of substance to offer other than hate and vitriol. 95% of your posts on here are childish immature attacks on other posters, because you are a hate filled hypocrite. It wasn't funny in middle school, it certainly isn't funny now, but you have a single self admitted incel laughing so congrats I guess.


bored christopher walken GIF


Be honest: did you cry as you wrote this?
  • Haha
Reactions: thall_
While the fat neckbeard cries about Pence (who the resident retards hated anyway) Trump is collecting former Democratic Presidential candidates faster than @DaShuckster collects kids for his basement and @Cubs79 collects empty glasses after a busy shift

Jack Smith filed an appeal today of the Florida Judge's dismissal of Trump's documents case. Since Special Council appointments by the DOJ have been around -- and judicially blessed -- for over 40 fcuking years, you'd THINK her ruling will automatically be overturned. But since SCOTUS overturned Roe, hell, you never know anymore.

  • Haha
Reactions: thall_
Groovy. Nothing to see here.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee on Monday that he regrets not being more outspoken about “government pressure” to take down COVID-19 related content.

Zuckerberg said senior Biden administration officials “repeatedly pressured” Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to “censor” content in 2021.

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this election is quickly becoming "warmongering elites vs normal people who want to enjoy their lives"

decrepit neocon retards like @DaShuckster and obese virgins like @NinjaKnight, whose parents loved George Bush, fall perfectly into the trap of blindly supporting the establishment, because it's all they've ever known.
Can't wait to hear how reeeeeeeeee iT wAS tOo LaTe tO taAkE eM OFf dA bAlLot!!!!!
to take away their only logical defense, if you're dumb enough to vote for him after he had withdrawn your vote doesn't deserve to count.

that said, i'm not going to be surprised if his vote count in swing states is almost exactly the difference between Trump and Harris.
Interesting pollling

Notable excerpts:
  • 16% of independents think the country is headed in the right direction
  • 69% of independents responded they "definitely will vote"
  • 37% of independents state they prefer Harris to Trump
  • More democrats chose "Not Important" on "Jobs and Economy" than independents and republicans combined
  • Independents and Republicans overwhelmingly chose "Inflation & Prices" as most important issue
  • 58% of Independents think Harris is a weak leader, 61% think Trump is a strong leader
  • Majority of independents think the media has done a worse job than usual of covering the 2024 election
It's getting really old having to explain things in crayons to you, but even a modicum of research shows these states were following the law.

"The statute literally says, 'Any person who files nomination papers and qualifies to appear on the ballot may not decline nomination. The name of that person shall appear upon the ballot except in case of death of the person,'" Ann Jacobs, the chair of the commission, told another commissioner struggling with the idea of keeping someone on the ballot who didn't want to move forward with his or her candidacy.

"You're giving me this touchy-feely: 'I feel like this shouldn't be the law.' The law in this case is crystal clear," she added. "I don't disagree with you — it's weird, but I don't see we have any discretion here."

And I'm normally against voting rights intelligence tests since we have historical precedent of them being abused for racial and other reasons, but this one I'm perfectly OK with. If you aren't smart enough to know he isn't running your vote shouldn't count. The Venn diagram of people that dumb and Trump supporters is a perfect circle.
It's getting really old having to explain things in crayons to you, but even a modicum of research shows these states were following the law.

"The statute literally says, 'Any person who files nomination papers and qualifies to appear on the ballot may not decline nomination. The name of that person shall appear upon the ballot except in case of death of the person,'" Ann Jacobs, the chair of the commission, told another commissioner struggling with the idea of keeping someone on the ballot who didn't want to move forward with his or her candidacy.

"You're giving me this touchy-feely: 'I feel like this shouldn't be the law.' The law in this case is crystal clear," she added. "I don't disagree with you — it's weird, but I don't see we have any discretion here."

And I'm normally against voting rights intelligence tests since we have historical precedent of them being abused for racial and other reasons, but this one I'm perfectly OK with. If you aren't smart enough to know he isn't running your vote shouldn't count. The Venn diagram of people that dumb and Trump supporters is a perfect circle.

Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington Cemetery
Federal law prohibits political campaign activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, including photographers or filmographers. It was reported by multiple news sources that Trump campaign staffers had an altercation with an official who tried to prevent them from filming the proceedings.

The irony of the incident is that Trump's campaign spokesman, strongly rejected the report, saying the campaign was prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made. Release footage???!? 🫤
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Federal law prohibits political campaign activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, including photographers or filmographers. It was reported by multiple news sources that a Trump campaign staffers had an altercation with an official who tried to prevent them from filming the proceedings.

The irony of the incident is that Trump's campaign spokesman, strongly rejected the report, saying the campaign was prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made. Release footage???!? 🫤
you're so brainless that you had to copy/paste a tweet to form that opinion.

congratulations, you're a cog in the state-sponsored propaganda machine.

you're only worked up because it pisses in the face of your bizarre "suckers and losers" conspiracy
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Everyday a new low for trump, this Arlington thing is really coming to light, completely heinous. How fūcking dumb do you have to be to still support him in Aug of 2024?

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> bitch about Trump the past 8 years
> bitch about him yesterday
> continue to bitch about him today
> “wow can you believe we’re having to bitch about him today?”

If only you could see it how normal people do. Unfortunately, we can’t understand it for you
Check out this Uncle Tom who breaks down Mamala’s interview. Absolutely hysterical how CNN of all places asks her why they didn't do shit at the border for 3.5 years. You know, the same shit @Ucfmikes has asked Adolf Shooky, and the latter has refused to answer.

I asked this imbecile the same question like 10 times along with his buddy Cubs the server. I hammered this point home

The only response was that Trump’s Republicans shot it down. We are talking like April or May of 2024. Biden took office in January of 2021. Nearly 3 1/2 years! WTF?