2024 Election Thread


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
I see the eyes of Right-wing pundits light up when they see President Biden's low poll numbers! Whoohoo, they think, he's dead-meat to either DeSantis or Trump in 2024! Right?

Be careful. It's all a mirage. Nothing could be further from the truth. Back in the old days, Biden (like Jimmy Carter against Reagan) might've gotten whupped up on after a four year-term featuring rising inflation numbers. But it ain't happening in 2024.

The GOP's batsh*t craziness makes a Biden second-term a sure thing. We live in an age where being old and boring is REASSURING to the majority of American voters. :)
I see the eyes of Right-wing pundits light up when they see President Biden's low poll numbers! Whoohoo, they think, he's dead-meat to either DeSantis or Trump in 2024! Right?

Be careful. It's all a mirage. Nothing could be further from the truth. Back in the old days, Biden (like Jimmy Carter against Reagan) might've gotten whupped up on after a four year-term featuring rising inflation numbers. But it ain't happening in 2024.

The GOP's batsh*t craziness makes a Biden second-term a sure thing. We live in an age where being old and boring is REASSURING to the majority of American voters. :)
What you are fearing and what is reality are definitely worlds apart. Saying that Biden is a sure thing is a ridiculous statement

You fear of a GOP president is skewing your thinking. People aren’t happy right now and are blaming everything on Biden
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I don't find Biden's old dementia assuring, Nor do I find Trumps antics assuring. Both need to go away.
Problem is, barring death neither is going away and we get stuck with one of these creeps again.
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People aren’t happy right now and are blaming everything on Biden
People were blaming Biden for everything leading up to the Mid-terms too. What happened to that big ol' Red Wave that was gonna sweep the nation? :)
Saying that Biden is a sure thing is a ridiculous statement
Okay, I'll admit it was intended to be provocative. This place needs a little action. ;)

But frankly, I don't see anybody among the GOP's cast of characters who are poised to win a 2024 general election.

Trump? A guy running with multiple felony charges against him is going to win? Call me "clouded by fear" but sorry, Ucfmikes, I don't see it.

DeSantis? He's destined to become the GOP's latest version of Wisconsin's Scott Walker.

And let's be honest here: If ANYBODY but Trump gets the GOP nomination, who here believes Donald will step back in a statesmanlike manner and enthusiastically support the convention's nominee?
Certainly isn't a sure thing, but I do think Biden beats Trump or Desantis. I think Desantis would actually have a better chance, except that if Desantis does beat Trump, you know Trump is going to campaign against him and possibly even run as a third party.
Let's just say for the sake of discussion that the Republicans nominate someone like Nikki Haley. You think Biden is a shoo-in then?

I will admit that Ron's course of politics in the past year have made him unappealing, nationally. Trump probably doesn't beat Biden again, head-to-head, but who knows. However, let's not pretend that Biden has done a stellar job this far into it. He's 100% beatable--from his job performance, right down to his age. And I will say it again: an 82-year old has no business running this country. Call me an ageist, IDGAF. He confuses the simplest things on a daily basis.
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Let's just say for the sake of discussion that the Republicans nominate someone like Nikki Haley. You think Biden is a shoo-in then?

I will admit that Ron's course of politics in the past year have made him unappealing, nationally. Trump probably doesn't beat Biden again, head-to-head, but who knows. However, let's not pretend that Biden has done a stellar job this far into it. He's 100% beatable--from his job performance, right down to his age. And I will say it again: an 82-year old has no business running this country. Call me an ageist, IDGAF. He confuses the simplest things on a daily basis.
It’s laughable that anyone would think that Biden is a shoe-in.
I thank Biden for his work. My IRA is down 25K since he took office, I needed to lighten that load. Food prices are thru the roof, I needed to diet anyways. We are getting rid of all our surplus military property in Ukraine, And I was tired of sleeping at night, so he woke the country up. We need to green up the world, and Gas being $1 higher helps with that, I hated going to NC to visit my daughter and grandkids anyways.
Don’t forget the Taliban. They are enjoying all our military equipment and hundreds of millions of dollars left behind
I paid $3.39 for a bottle of water yesterday at 7-11. Not expensive, but it’s a 100% increase. Unreal
Yup. Afghanistan was a 100% fukc up by his administration. Can't wait to see what happens in Syria.
This isnt really true. The withdrawal started under Trump, Biden just continued it. It was never going to end well. We had been there 20 years and never actually defeated the Taliban, they just went into hiding. I just don't know what anyone was wanting to do at this point with regards to Afghanistan. Stay another 20 years?
This isnt really true. The withdrawal started under Trump, Biden just continued it. It was never going to end well. We had been there 20 years and never actually defeated the Taliban, they just went into hiding.
It's very true. They left under his watch wholesale and chaos ensued. He did absolutely nothing.
It's very true. They left under his watch wholesale and chaos ensued. He did absolutely nothing.
OK so what did you want him to do? Send more troops and almost restart the war? Never withdrawal and basically have Afghanistan as a US territory?
let's not pretend that Biden has done a stellar job this far into it. He's 100% beatable--from his job performance, right down to his age. And I will say it again: an 82-year old has no business running this country. Call me an ageist, IDGAF. He confuses the simplest things on a daily basis.
Guess what, Joe? I agree with you. My comments about Biden getting a second term is all about who he'll be running against.
Let's just say for the sake of discussion that the Republicans nominate someone like Nikki Haley. You think Biden is a shoo-in then?
Nikki Haley? That like saying -- for the sake of discussion -- if Jeb Bush or Liz Cheney were running against Joe. But that would require the 2024 GOP Convention to be full of staunch conservatives instead of MAGA Clowns. Who here actually believes that it will be anything other than a MAGA circus?
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OK so what did you want him to do? Send more troops and almost restart the war? Never withdrawal and basically have Afghanistan as a US territory?
Well, while it's a bit above my pay grade to make decisions like this, at a bare minimum--you think we could have left once a peace deal between the Taliban and Ghani was reached? As badly as Trump's Doha deal was, there was a provision in it for these negotiations to begin. We also did NOTHING to ensure that Afghan women retained basic rights to employment and education or for their economy to function at a basic level. So yeah, while I'm not an expert here, doing these other than nothing, which is what he did, might have been more prudent.
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Guess what, Joe? I agree with you. My comments about Biden getting a second term is all about who he'll be running against.

Nikki Haley? That like saying -- for the sake of discussion -- if Jeb Bush or Liz Cheney were running against Joe. But that would require the 2024 GOP Convention to be full of staunch conservatives instead of MAGA Clowns. Who here actually believes that it will be anything other than a MAGA circus?
I have no idea what on earth will happen next year, hence I said "sake of discussion." Trump could be dead, in jail, or indicted by the 6 Jan. committee. Who the hell knows? I hate to tell you but the vast majority of Republicans aren't batshit crazy and don't even like Trump and probably won't like Ron's policies. Normalcy could prevail. Who knows.
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Well, while it's a bit above my pay grade to make decisions like this, at a bare minimum--you think we could have left once a peace deal between the Taliban and Ghani was reached? As badly as Trump's Doha deal was, there was a provision in it for these negotiations to begin. We also did NOTHING to ensure that Afghan women retained basic rights to employment and education or for their economy to function at a basic level. So yeah, while I'm not an expert here, doing these other than nothing, which is what he did, might have been more prudent.
Ghani and the government we had in place basically quit and fled. The only way to guarantee anything with regards to women, would have been to keep a military presence there for years to come. It was almost and unwinnable situation at that point.
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Well, while it's a bit above my pay grade to make decisions like this, at a bare minimum--you think we could have left once a peace deal between the Taliban and Ghani was reached?
Talking partisan politics about a decision that Trump made -- and Biden continued to support -- is ridiculous in my book. The very notion that the Trump Administration that we all watched for four years would have somehow beat the odds and handled our withdrawal better after the government there bolted has lost all sense of reality.
I hate to tell you but the vast majority of Republicans aren't batshit crazy and don't even like Trump and probably won't like Ron's policies. Normalcy could prevail. Who knows.
I'd really like to believe that. But my confidence in 'the vast majority of Republicans' was shaken by the way the Congressional GOP responded in the days after the January 6th riot. One would think that it would have been the ideal opportunity to 'reset the stage' and bring normal, "Liz Cheney, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Nikki Haley-style conservatism back to national prominance. Instead we're stuck with stupid, MAGA culture wars and batshit crazy Trump.
I have no idea what on earth will happen next year, hence I said "sake of discussion." Trump could be dead, in jail, or indicted by the 6 Jan. committee. Who the hell knows? I hate to tell you but the vast majority of Republicans aren't batshit crazy and don't even like Trump and probably won't like Ron's policies. Normalcy could prevail. Who knows.
I don't really disagree with this, but normalcy is not going to prevail with the gop as long as Trump is around, and as long as politicians keep kissing his ass, and as long as they keep doing this culture war bs. The culture wars aren't going to stop anytime soon regardless if Trump is around or not, because Republicans have to scare people into voting for them, because their actual policies aren't great for most Americans.
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Ghani and the government we had in place basically quit and fled. The only way to guarantee anything with regards to women, would have been to keep a military presence there for years to come. It was almost and unwinnable situation at that point.
Gee I wonder why they quit and fled. And again, we pushed for NOTHING in the way of diplomacy for women. Nothing. Nor for their economy. Oh well.
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Gee I wonder why they quit and fled. And again, we pushed for NOTHING in the way of diplomacy for women. Nothing. Nor for their economy. Oh well.
You say that as if the Taliban was going to honor any agreements anyway. The Taliban actually did say they were going to be more fair with regards to some of these issues, and we obviously saw that didn't last. Plus, we were there 20 years, how long should we have stayed to insure all of this?
Gee I wonder why they quit and fled. And again, we pushed for NOTHING in the way of diplomacy for women. Nothing. Nor for their economy. Oh well.
What do you think the Taliban thought when Trump announced his decision to leave the country and when we'd be doing it? What message do you think it sent to the government we'd been propping up there?

Trump didn't care---he wanted us to finally get the hell out of there. Biden didn't care---he also wanted us to finally get the hell out of there. What happened as a result was predictable. The only surprise was how quickly the government there fell apart.
You say that as if the Taliban was going to honor any agreements anyway. The Taliban actually did say they were going to be more fair with regards to some of these issues, and we obviously saw that didn't last. Plus, we were there 20 years, how long should we have stayed to insure all of this?
Of course nothing could ensure any of this. Did we not have a moral responsibility to try? Again, nothing was done whatsoever.
What do you think the Taliban thought when Trump announced his decision to leave the country and when we'd be doing it? What message do you think it sent to the government we'd been propping up there?

Trump didn't care---he wanted us to finally get the hell out of there. Biden didn't care---he also wanted us to finally get the hell out of there. What happened as a result was predictable. The only surprise was how quickly the government there fell apart.
I am not arguing that. See above.
What do you think the Taliban thought when Trump announced his decision to leave the country and when we'd be doing it? What message do you think it sent to the government we'd been propping up there?

Trump didn't care---he wanted us to finally get the hell out of there. Biden didn't care---he also wanted us to finally get the hell out of there. What happened as a result was predictable. The only surprise was how quickly the government there fell apart. article from 2018. Our major news outlets basically quit covering Afghanistan, but the taliban had been taking ground for several years by the time we fully withdrew.
Oh, ok. Then the Biden administration get a 100% pass.
It's not about getting a pass, it's about not getting all the blame and being realistic about what happened. And after 20 years, I just don't know exactly what else people were wanting to do. This was getting into generational war type territory, and while we accomplished some things with regards to al quaeda, installing a government is a whole different thing.
It's not about getting a pass, it's about not getting all the blame and being realistic about what happened. And after 20 years, I just don't know exactly what else people were wanting to do. This was getting into generational war type territory, and while we accomplished some things with regards to al quandary, but installing a government is a whole different thing.
I didn't give them all the blame. I told you the Trump's Doha deal was bad. But you don't want to see anything that the Biden administration did wrong--yes, give them a pass. I stand by my comments that we had a moral obligation at least to try. We did nothing. You aren't going to change my mind here and I'm not changing yours.
I didn't give them all the blame. I told you the Trump's Doha deal was bad. But you don't want to see anything that the Biden administration did wrong--yes, give them a pass. I stand by my comments that we had a moral obligation at least to try. We did nothing. You aren't going to change my mind here and I'm not changing yours.
But no one can say what he actually did wrong, or what the alternatives would have been. We had already started drawing down before he was in office, the taliban was already making strides before he was in office. Biden basically had 3 options, either stop the draw down and just stay with what we have and be there for more years, send in more troops and basically restart the war, or continue the withdraw. He basically chose the same thing Trump did, and in my view, they were both right. If you can't get something done in 20 years, then what makes us think we could have gotten it done in 25 yrs? 30? 40? At some point it either has to end or become a defacto us territory.
But no one can say what he actually did wrong, or what the alternatives would have been. We had already started drawing down before he was in office, the taliban was already making strides before he was in office. Biden basically had 3 options, either stop the draw down and just stay with what we have and be there for more years, send in more troops and basically restart the war, or continue the withdraw. He basically chose the same thing Trump did, and in my view, they were both right. If you can't get something done in 20 years, then what makes us think we could have gotten it done in 25 yrs? 30? 40? At some point it either has to end or become a defacto us territory.
But no one can say what he actually did wrong, or what the alternatives would have been. We had already started drawing down before he was in office, the taliban was already making strides before he was in office.
Once Biden decided to stick with the previous administration's withdrawal plans, it was destined to become a major clusterfcuk. The only question was: how big of a clusterfcuk would it be? Everybody knew -- or should have known that -- going into it. I likened it to pulling a bandaid off a hairy chest -- it needed to be done at some point but you know it's gonna hurt like hell.

My problem is with all the hypocrites who applauded Trump's withdrawal decision only to turn around and blast the Biden Administration for following through on it. Once the government collapsed, what did people expect??!? From my perspective, if the damn government we propped up there could fall apart so quickly and so easily as it did, it seriously begs the question: Why the hell were we there for the past 20 years???!??!
Last night Trump was interviewed by Fox News and literally GUSHED about the 'brilliant' leadership of authoritarian leaders Xi of China, Putin of Russia, and Kim Jong-Un of North Korea.

These observations are from the GOP's frontrunner for President in 2024. Seriously, WTF???!?

I suppose it could just be me, but it sure as hell feels like this country is getting more and more batsh*t crazy by the day.
seeing female DeSantis voters sign a petition against the 6 week Abortion Ban that they said he wouldn’t try to pass before the election

Call them 'milktoast Republicans' if you want, but this country desperately needs the return of a Republican Party led by mature, responsible leaders like Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and Jeb Bush.

The irony of today's situation is that Republicans have never been stronger (thanks, in part, to gerrymandering) in Red States. Yet until there is a serious course-correction, the party will continue to lose national elections for the foreseeable future. Hell, if it wasn't for the Electoral College, future POTUS elections wouldn't even be close.

But I guess if you're cool with putting an authoritarian in charge, the Grand Ole Party doesn't need votes if their MAGA base all have AR-15s.